1. Initialize docker container:
The container is mounted from image mongoDB_tw
, used as a database of spider.
2. Create Twitter Spider
sudo chmod 755 ./init/init_tw.sh
will create the necessary configurations and mapped directories for mongoDB_tw
in the docker container. The data is stored in Home/mongoDB_tw
3. Initialize the Twitter database:
Then,according to the hint ofinit_tw.sh
,we need to execute the following command to call the script db_init_tw.js
, which is used to initialize the database.
sudo docker exec -it tw_spider mongo /etc/resource/db_init_tw.js
will create 2 users: admin
and twitter
, and 3 tables user
, tag_tweet
, error_log
NB: You will be asked to input your own password when you create the
4.Modify the params
Change the USER_AGENT
in tw_spider/settings.py
to identify who you are
USER_AGENT = 'your website/e-mail'
For example: firefox/[email protected]
Rewrite ./tw_spider/database/DBconnector.py
,modify the mongo_pwd
in function __init__
to your own password,which is used for Spider to connect to the database。
def __init__(self):
self.mongo_uri = "" # IP used to connect with Docker.
self.mongo_database = "twitter" # database created from init_db.js
self.mongo_user_name = "twitter" # the user in database 'twitter'
self.mongo_pass_wd = "Your password."
If you initialize the spider as the instruction above, then you can skip the guide about how to start docker.
If you initialize your spider before and wanna use it directly, following the next command. (If it has been a long time that your forget the name of your spider container, use docker ls
to check the name of the container you wanna use)
docker start wb_spider # start your spider container, here wb_spider is the name of container
docker exec -it wb_spider /bin/bash # enter the bash commandline mode of your spider container
After you enter into the bash of your spider container, you can run the command below to start the mongo database service:
mongo [IP address] # start mongo service, for example: mongo
Then specify the database you want to use, and authenticate with your username and password which are created when initializing the spider.
use weibo # use the database 'weibo'
db.auth('weibo', '123456') # db.auth( <username>, <password> )
Congratulation, you connect to your database successfully ! Now you can check and modify the data your crawled from the website. There are some common mongodb shell commands:
show dbs # display the database
show collections # show the data tables & collections
db.createCollection(name) # create a collection
db.COLLECTION_NAME.drop(); # drop a collection
db.COLLECTION_NAME.find(condition) # query in a collection
db.colloction.remove(CONDITION) # delete document
More commands of mongodb shell, please refer to mongo tutorial .
Spider Name | CMD | Function |
tag_tweet_spider |
scrapy crawl tag_tweet_spider -a query=#xxx|xxx |
Collect all the blog posts of the target hashtag, parameters query should be #[keyword] or [keyword] , such as #shaanxi or shaanxi (the whole command is scrapy crawl tag_tweet_spider -a query=#shaanxi ). |
┣ 📂base
┃ ┣ 📜BaseSpider.py
┃ ┣ 📜Pipeline.py
┃ ┗ 📜__init__.py
┣ 📂database
┃ ┣ 📜DBConnector.py
┃ ┗ 📜__init__.py
┣ 📂items
┃ ┣ 📜ErrorItem.py
┃ ┣ 📜TagTweetItem.py
┃ ┣ 📜UserItem.py
┃ ┗ 📜__init__.py
┣ 📂middleware
┃ ┗ 📜__init__.py
┣ 📂pipelines
┃ ┣ 📜ErrorPipeline.py
┃ ┣ 📜TagTweetPipeline.py
┃ ┣ 📜UserPipeline.py
┃ ┗ 📜__init__.py
┣ 📂spiders
┃ ┣ 📜__init__.py
┃ ┗ 📜tag_tweet_spider.py
┣ 📜settings.py
┗ 📜utlis.py