This directory contains the IDL code to calculate bremsstrahlung x-ray spectrum from electron distributions.
- main bremsstrahlung calculation code
- example_brem_* .pro: example scripts to compute X-ray spectrum from various electron distributions
- routine to simulate FOXSI (rocket or spacecraft) count spectrum from an input photon spectrum
- routine to simulate RHESSI count spectrum from an input photon spectrum
- foxsi_effarea_data: folder containing FOXSI effective area data, used in
- function to compute RHESSI effective area (diagonal elements only), used in
To calculate X-ray spectrum from a single power-law electron distribution:
example_brem_sgpl, photon_spec
To further simulate the nonthermal count spectrum for FOXSI spacecraft (60s integration time, without noise):
foxsi_count_spec_sim, photon_spec.energy_keV,photon_spec.photon_flux, foxsi_spacecraft=1, int_time=60., counting_stat=0
To simulate count spectrum for RHESSI (detectors 1&3, thin attenuator)
rhessi_count_spec_sim, photon_spec.energy_keV,photon_spec.photon_flux,detectors=[1,3],atten_state=1