- Worker role windows service hosting
- Web role windows service hosting
- Update to Azure SDK 2.7
- Toast notifications on crashing roles in multihost
- Border around multihost window
- Testability support
- Change how assemblies are loaded to reduce memory footprint
- Eliminate some WPF leaks
- Fixed memory leak in queue emulation
- Fixed memory leak in multi-host UI standard output redirection
- Fix bug calling SetAsExternal multiple times when AzureEnvironment is ActualAzure or Emulator. ###Features
- Multi-host now has functionality allowing modification & persistence of service configuration
- Multi-host now has FIFO buffered text box for multi-host standard output redirection
- Multi-host standard output redirection text box now behaves like a standard command window dialog in that it freezes when the user makes a selection
- Multi-host now has IIS express output redirection
- Multi-host has an improved list view layout (now uses a grid instead of a stack panel)
- Multi-host title now includes a version number
- Multi-host now has ability to launch debugger & attach to IIS express process
- Multi-host has new menu system
- "Steel Blue" multihost.
- Add incrementing number and PID to queue message filenames to ensure uniqueness.
- Queue storage
- Include PDBs in NuGet packages
- Added IAzureBlockBlob.StartCopyFromBlob(Uri) method
- Improved unhandled exception handling providing options to handle crashes
- Provide "iisExpressTemplate" command line parameter for specifying the template to use with IIS Express in the web host.
- Update to NewtonSoft.Json 6.0.8
- Throw exception if role exits (suppress with --allowSilentFail)
- Update to Azure SDK 2.5
- Update to NewtonSoft.Json 6.0.7
- Update to Castle 3.3.3
- Disabled the IIS Express trace logging in the template configuration file.
- Handle the configuration path having a training double quote due to escaping quotes paths in the shell.
- Require worker roles to have a configuration file.
- Support for Castle Windsor
- Basic support for blobs with path separators in their names.
- Add IAzureBlobDirectory.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync
- Lock metadata file for the duration of an update so that concurrent access doesn't overwrite values unexpectedly.
- Add overload of IAzureBlockBlob.UploadFromByteArrayAsync that uploads the entire buffer.
- Add minimal page blob abstraction so that lists don't blow up when the container includes a page blob.
- Add flag that causes LightBlue hosts to provide the hosted storage implementation (via the LightBlue APIs)
- Add additional async variations of storage API methods for which async support makes sense.
- Listing of blobs will load metadata when the BlobListingDetails.Metadata flag is specified for standalone containers and directories.
- Added additional parameter validation to various Standalone classes
- Removed the StandaloneAzureBlockBlob(Uri) constructor.
- Added StandaloneEnvironment.SeparateBlobUri helper
- Added trailing separator character to StandaloneEnvironment.LightBlueDataDirectory
- Don't overwrite unknown values in the metadata file to allow for future extension of the format.
- LightBlue package no longer requires Autofac
- Don't throw on repeated calls to LightBlueConfiguration.SetAsExternal if the environment does not change.
- If port and useSsl are not specified use the values from the first endpoint in the ServiceDefintion.csdef file
- Start hosted role processes in a new thread so that AppDomain.UnhandledException can be used by roles.
- Add LightBlueConfiguration.IsInitialised property
- Add functions that allow creating blobs and containers with Uri and StorageCredentials.
- Correct errors when constructing blobs and containers from Uris that include a security token.
- Don't skip updating the host stub assembly if it already exists to prevent issues with older versions not being updated.
- Provide static access to blob entry points to allow use without an IoC container.
- Support use outside the LightBlue hosts or actual or emulated Azure
- Return values from GetSharedAccessSignature that can be correctly parsed by StorageCredentials when in Standalone mode. This does not produce a usable StorageCredentials instance but this is never validated by Standalone mode.
- Create local resource directories on retrieval.
- Enhance StandaloneAzureBlockBlob.StartCopyFromBlob to be more robust in the face of transient IO errors.
- Fix Autofac registration error when not running in the LightBlue hosts
- Set the temporary directory for roles to be a subdirectory of LightBlueData\temp
- Provide AzireEnvironment on LightBlueContext
- Make configuration method on DetermineAzureEnvironment internal
- Separate Autofac dependency into LightBlue.Autofac
- Start the background process for web roles.
- Set web role host window title.
- Improve host command line option information
- Include role name and process ID in resource directory names
- Allow the host to use an existing stub assembly if there is currently a locked
Nothing of interest
- Set worker role host window title
- Change to Local AppData directory for LightBlueData directory
- Remove Azure trace listeners from web.config on web role startup. This is necessary to prevent exceptions on tracing.
- Change name of GetBlockBlobReference to GetContainerReference on IAzureBlobStorageClient to correctly indicate what the method does.
- Correct licence URLs in NuGet package
- Remove worker role host dependency on LightBlue.dll
- Add hosts NuGet package
- Worker role host
- Web role host
- AzureEnvironment and AzureEnvironmentSource
- Settings support
- Resource support
- Blob storage abstraction
- Create NuGet package