edgeCase is a framework for extraction and interpretation of telomeric reads from long-read single-molecule whole genome sequencing datasets. Paper: https://genome.cshlp.org/content/31/7/1269
The code can either be downloaded from the
releases page
(the SLIM tarball),
or cloned with git: git clone https://github.com/LankyCyril/edgecase
$ cd edgecase
$ conda env create --name edgecase --file environment.yaml
$ conda activate edgecase
$ ./edgecase
$ cd edgecase
$ pip install numpy scipy scikit-learn statsmodels edlib
$ pip install pandas matplotlib seaborn tqdm regex pysam
$ ./edgecase
edgeCase works with SAM/BAM files aligned to a reference that is annotated with known subtelomeric regions and uses reads anchored to the outermost ends of subtelomeres (5' on the p arm, 3' on the q arm).
ref.fa.fai: a FAI index; create with "samtools faidx ref.fa"
ref.fa.ecx: an index containing annotations of subtelomere-telomere boundaries
ref.fa.ecx, a.k.a. the edgeCase indeX, describes anchors of interest in the reference genome; the format is based on the BED format. Usable "flag" values have to be among 4096 (hard mask), 8192 (fork), 16384 (telomeric tract). Two examples of ECX files can be found in the "assets" subdirectory.
Specifically, as described in the bioRxiv preprint, the human reference can be
constructed from the hg38/GRCh38 reference genome and subtelomeric assemblies
published by Stong et al., 2014.
To generate this reference, which we call "extended", or hg38ext, run
assets/generate-hg38ext.py --remote > hg38ext.fa
We recommend using minimap2 to generate BAM files for edgeCase. Another option is winnowmap, but it has not been sufficiently tested yet.
NB: currently, it is imperative to supply a BAM file where secondary
alignment entries have read sequences. For example, minimap2 creates BAMs in
this format with the use of the -Y
We plan to implement a workaround for this requirement in the future.
BAM files must also be indexed (i.e., have a .bai
file created with
samtools index
edgeCase extends the zoo of SAM flags with four of its own. The full table of
flag names:
(also see https://broadinstitute.github.io/picard/explain-flags.html)
name | value | hex value | comment |
paired | 1 | 0x0001 | SAM specification flag |
mapped_proper_pair | 2 | 0x0002 | SAM specification flag |
unmapped | 4 | 0x0004 | SAM specification flag |
mate_unmapped | 8 | 0x0008 | SAM specification flag |
rev | 16 | 0x0010 | SAM specification flag |
mate_rev | 32 | 0x0020 | SAM specification flag |
1stmate | 64 | 0x0040 | SAM specification flag |
2ndmate | 128 | 0x0080 | SAM specification flag |
secondary | 256 | 0x0100 | SAM specification flag |
qcfail | 512 | 0x0200 | SAM specification flag |
pcrdup | 1024 | 0x0400 | SAM specification flag |
supp | 2048 | 0x0800 | SAM specification flag |
mask_anchor | 4096 | 0x1000 | edgeCase-specific flag; added during pipeline |
fork | 8192 | 0x2000 | edgeCase-specific flag; added during pipeline |
tract_anchor | 16384 | 0x4000 | edgeCase-specific flag; added during pipeline |
is_q | 32768 | 0x8000 | edgeCase-specific flag; added during pipeline |
NB: these flags are unused in the SAM specification and should not clash with
anything. samtools view
can correctly subset using these flags.
Note: All edgeCase routines that allow flag filtering recognize both the numeric flag format (such as 3844) and the "human-readable" format such as "rev". Combinations are also understood, for example, "-F 3844 -F is_q".
Note: In the future, custom SAM flags may be superseded with tags.
A backwards compatibility layer will be provided (i.e., arguments like "-f fork"
or "-F 16384" will still work but interpret and produce appropriate tags).
Usage: ./edgecase [-h | --help]
./edgecase <command> [<args>...]
Commmands (<command>):
tailpuller select overhanging long reads
tailchopper get overhanging heads/tails of long reads
repeatfinder discover enriched repeats in candidate sequences
kmerscanner perform scan of known kmers/motifs
densityplot visualize densities of candidate motifs
Development area:
entropy calculate motif entropy among long reads
levenshtein calculate pairwise edit distance among long reads
All commands output their results to stdout; you must pipe them into other commands or into the destination file. This applies even to outputs in PDF and PKL formats.
NB: Depending on the aligner used upstream, MAPQ of secondary reads may have
been set to zero regardless of real mapping quality; use this filtering option
with caution. This warning applies to all edgeCase subroutines that accept
the -q
filtering flag.
Outputs a subset SAM file that contains only the reads that overhang anchors
defined in the ECX. If the read overhangs the mask anchor, the 4096 SAM flag is
added; for forks, 8192 is added; for telomeric tracts, 16384.
For reads on the q arm (i.e., on the 3' end), the 32768 flag is added (see
above for the full list and the explanation of flags).
Usage: ./edgecase tailpuller -x filename [-t targetspec]...
[-M integer] [--min-map-overlap integer]
[-m integer] [--min-telomere-overlap integer]
[--output-ambiguous-reads string]
[-f flagspec]... [-F flagspec]... [-q integer] <bam>
Required options:
-x, --index [filename] location of the reference .ecx index
-t, --target [targetspec] target reads overlapping these features (ECX flags) [default: tract_anchor]
-M, --max-read-length [integer] maximum read length to consider when selecting lookup regions
--min-map-overlap [integer] minimum overlap of reference to consider read as mapped [default: 1]
-m, --min-subtelomere-overlap [integer] minimum overlap of subtelomere to consider read as candidate [default: 1]
--min-telomere-overlap [integer] minimum overlap of telomere to consider read as candidate [default: 1]
--output-ambiguous-reads [string] which ambiguously mapping reads to retain (none, all, longest-overlap) [default: none]
Input filtering options:
-f, --flags [flagspec] process only entries with all these sam flags present [default: 0]
-F, --flag-filter [flagspec] process only entries with none of these sam flags present [default: 0]
-q, --min-quality [integer] process only entries with this MAPQ or higher [default: 0]
- It is recommended to include secondary and supplementary reads (i.e., leave
the -F flag as default [0]), because:
- edgeCase determines unambiguously mapped reads on its own; aligners assign the 'supplementary' flag to multi-mapping reads arbitrarily, and removing such supplementary reads upstream may lead to loss of information in telomeric regions;
- edgeCase will discard chimeric reads in terminal regions if information about supplementary alignments is present.
- Supplying
drastically improves wall time if reads are significantly shorter than chromosomes; for PacBio HiFi (CCS) it is suggested to use the value of 30000. If the value is not specified, edgeCase will assume infinity, and will have to go over the entire content of the BAM file. - Suggested value of --min-map-overlap for PacBio HiFi: 500.
- Suggested value of --min-(sub)telomere-overlap for PacBio HiFi: 3000.
- Pipe the output through
samtools view -bh -
to compress on the fly.
Truncates reads in the tailpuller file either to soft/hard-clipped ends (when --target is "cigar"), or to sequences extending past given anchor (when --target is "tract_anchor", "fork", or "mask_anchor").
Outputs a SAM file with overhanging tails of candidate reads.
Usage: ./edgecase tailchopper -x filename [-t targetspec]
[-f flagspec]... [-F flagspec]... [-q integer] <bam>
Required options:
-x, --index [filename] location of the reference .ecx index
-t, --target [targetspec] an ECX flag (cut relative to reference) or 'cigar' [default: tract_anchor]
Input filtering options:
-f, --flags [flagspec] process only entries with all these sam flags present [default: 0]
-F, --flag-filter [flagspec] process only entries with none of these sam flags present [default: 0]
-q, --min-quality [integer] process only entries with this MAPQ or higher [default: 0]
NB: tailchopper outputs a SAM file with unmapped reads (sets the 0x0004 bit in the flag), but retains the original mapping position; do not use this value for downstream analyses unless you know exactly what you are after.
Suggestion: pipe the output through samtools view -bh -
to compress on the
Expects the SAM/BAM file from tailchopper
as input; however, will also work
on any SAM/BAM file as well as Fasta/Fastq files.
Performs Fisher's exact tests on k-mer counts to identify significantly
enriched repeating motifs of lengths from --min-k
to --max-k
in the input
Relies on jellyfish to count
k-mers. If edgeCase has been installed with the Conda method (by creating
an environment from environment.yaml
), jellyfish
is already installed and no
special action is needed. Otherwise, it needs to be installed manually and, if
not in $PATH
, supplied with the --jellyfish
Outputs a TSV file with columns:
monomer motif length score fraction_explained p p_adjusted
Usage: ./edgecase repeatfinder [-m integer] [-M integer] [-r integer] [-P float]
[--jellyfish filename] [--jellyfish-hash-size string]
[-n integer] [-j integer] [-q integer]
[-f flagspec]... [-F flagspec]... [--fmt string]
[--collapse-reverse-complement] <sequencefile>
--fmt sam|fastx format of input file [default: sam]
-m, --min-k [integer] smallest target repeat length [default: 4]
-M, --max-k [integer] largest target repeat length [default: 16]
-r, --min-repeats [integer] minimum number of consecutive repeats [default: 2]
-P, --max-p-adjusted [float] cutoff adjusted p-value [default: .05]
--jellyfish [filename] jellyfish binary (unless in $PATH)
-s, --jellyfish-hash-size [string] jellyfish initial hash size [default: 2G]
-n, --max-motifs [integer] maximum number of motifs to report
-j, --jobs [integer] number of jellyfish jobs (parallel threads) [default: 1]
-C, --collapse-reverse-complement collapse counts of reverse complement motifs
Input filtering options:
-f, --flags [flagspec] process only entries with all these sam flags present [default: 0]
-F, --flag-filter [flagspec] process only entries with none of these sam flags present [default: 0]
-q, --min-quality [integer] process only entries with this MAPQ or higher [default: 0]
Expects the SAM/BAM file from tailpuller
as input; however, will also work
on any SAM/BAM file as well as Fasta/Fastq files.
Expects the TSV file from kmerscanner
provided as the --motif-file
however, one may supply an arbitrary tab-separated file where the first field of
each line is a motif (except for lines starting with "#" which are treated as
In a rolling window along each read in a BAM file, calculates densities of given
motifs and outputs a tab-separated DAT file with columns:
name flag chrom pos mapq motif score clip_5prime clip_3prime b=N
where the last column name contains the value of --bin-size
, and the column
itself lists all density values along rolling windows for a given motif.
Note: it is recommended to pipe the output through gzip
, as these files
are quite verbose and easily compressible. In the future, we plan to implement
a more space-efficient (and backwards-compatible) format.
Usage: ./edgecase kmerscanner [-j integer] --motif-file filename
[-b integer] [-n integer]
[-f flagspec]... [-F flagspec]... [-q integer]
[--fmt string] <sequencefile>
Required options:
--motif-file [filename] file with repeated motif sequences (output of `repeatfinder`)
--fmt sam|fastx format of input file [default: sam]
-b, --bin-size [integer] size of the rolling window [default: 10]
-n, --num-reads [integer] expected number of reads in input (for progress display)
-j, --jobs [integer] number of jobs to run in parallel [default: 1]
Input filtering options:
-f, --flags [flagspec] process only entries with all these sam flags present [default: 0]
-F, --flag-filter [flagspec] process only entries with none of these sam flags present [default: 0]
-q, --min-quality [integer] process only entries with this MAPQ or higher [default: 0]
Expects the DAT file from kmerscanner
as input;
visualizes the density of motifs on each chromosomal arm in the regions covered
by candidate reads.
The value of --palette
can be either none (in which case the maximum of nine
motifs can be plotted with default colors), "paper", "paper|legend=full",
"paper|legend=density", or "paper|legend=motifs" (in which case motifs known
from research can be plotted with custom colors, matching the colors in the
figures in the paper), or a chained key-value sequence of "motif=color" and
"legend=spec", where "spec" is one of "none", "full", "density", "motifs".
For example: "TTAGGG=green|TGAGGG=#D01000|legend=full"
Annotates the anchors from the ECX with dashed lines:
- mask_anchor == gray,
- fork == blueviolet,
- tract_anchor == red.
Outputs a PDF file (writes it to stdout; you must pipe the output into a file).
Alternatively, can output a Python pickle file (with --outfmt=pkl
Usage: ./edgecase densityplot -x filename [-b integer] [--plot-coverage]
[--palette palettespec] [--title string]
[--n-boot integer] [--chroms-to-plot string]
[-f flagspec]... [-F flagspec]... [-q integer]
[--figwidth-inches float] [--outfmt string] [-z] <dat>
Required options:
-x, --index [filename] location of the reference .ecx index
-z, --gzipped input is gzipped (must specify if any of -qfF present)
-b, --bin-size [integer] size of each bin in bp (overrides bin size in <dat>)
--n-boot [integer] number of bootstrap iterations for 95% confidence intervals [default: 1000]
--palette [palettespec] custom palette for plotting motifs
--title [string] figure title (defaults to input filename)
--chroms-to-plot [string] if set, plot chromosomes from this comma-separated list unconditionally
--plot-coverage plot coverage by telomeric reads on each arm
--figwidth-inches [float] width of figure in inches [default: 13]
--outfmt [string] output format (pdf, pkl) [default: pdf]
Input filtering options:
-f, --flags [flagspec] process only entries with all these sam flags present [default: 0]
-F, --flag-filter [flagspec] process only entries with none of these sam flags present [default: 0]
-q, --min-quality [integer] process only entries with this MAPQ or higher [default: 0]
Expects the DAT file from kmerscanner
as input; can accept multiple DAT files
at once.
Calculates entropy values of motif assignments per window among reads,
and outputs a TSV file with columns:
entropy coverage
Usage: ./edgecase entropy [-b integer] [-f flagspec]... [-F flagspec]... [-q integer]
[-z] <dat>...
-z, --gzipped input is gzipped (must specify if any of -qfF present)
-b, --bin-size [integer] size of each bin in bp (overrides bin size in <dat>)
Input filtering options:
-f, --flags [flagspec] process only entries with all these sam flags present [default: 0]
-F, --flag-filter [flagspec] process only entries with none of these sam flags present [default: 0]
-q, --min-quality [integer] process only entries with this MAPQ or higher [default: 0]
Expects the SAM/BAM file from tailpuller
as input.
Calculates pairwise relative edit distance (Levenshtein distance) for all pairs
of reads mapping to each chromosomal arm in the input SAM/BAM file.
Outputs a TSV file with columns:
rname qname1 qname2 relative_ld
where rname
is the name of the chromosome, qnameN
is the name of a read in
the pair, and relative_ld
is the distance.
If option --cluster
is passed, outputs a multi-section TSV file, with data
clustered with the Ward method on euclidean distances. Each arm's section
contains two subsections: "##linkage" with SciPy format linkage information,
and "##data2d" with reads reordered according to the clustering.
NB: this algorithm scales quadratically with the number of input reads and is computationally infeasible for large datasets.
Usage: ./edgecase levenshtein [-f flagspec]... [-F flagspec]... [-q integer]
[-j integer] [-c] <sequencefile>
-j, --jobs [integer] number of jobs to run in parallel [default: 1]
-c, --cluster perform clustering after LD calculation
Input filtering options:
-f, --flags [flagspec] process only entries with all these sam flags present [default: 0]
-F, --flag-filter [flagspec] process only entries with none of these sam flags present [default: 0]
-q, --min-quality [integer] process only entries with this MAPQ or higher [default: 0]
Grigorev, K., Foox, J., Bezdan, D., Butler, D., Luxton, J.J., Reed, J., McKenna, M.J., Taylor, L., George, K.A., Meydan, C. and Bailey, S.M., 2021. Haplotype diversity and sequence heterogeneity of human telomeres. Genome research, 31(7), pp.1269-1279.
DOI: 10.1101/gr.274639.120
@article {grigorev2021haplotype,
title = {Haplotype diversity and sequence heterogeneity of human telomeres},
author = {Grigorev, Kirill and Foox, Jonathan and Bezdan, Daniela and Butler, Daniel and Luxton, Jared J and Reed, Jake and McKenna, Miles J and Taylor, Lynn and George, Kerry A and Meydan, Cem and others},
journal = {Genome research},
volume = {31},
number = {7},
pages = {1269--1279},
year = {2021},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Lab},
url = {https://genome.cshlp.org/content/31/7/1269}
doi = {https://10.1101/gr.274639.120}