'Say it Forward' is a browser based web application to help mobile phone users who want to contribute to a positive movement combat and counteract daily negativity by performing random acts of kindness virtually via their devices.
Technologies used for this project:
- JavaScript
- Jquery
- Bootstrap
- Firebase, Firestore
Content of the project folder:
Top level of project folder:
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file
├── index.html # landing HTML file, this is what users see when you come to url
└── README.md
It has the following sub folders and files:
├── .git # folder for git repo
├── helpers # folder for helpers
/createEmojiData.js # creates data for each emoji
/write-compliments.js # adds compliment data to firebase
├── html # folder for html
/browse.html # browse page containing all compliments
/compliment-details.html # details page for the compliment
/inbox.html # a page containing all compliments the user has received
/main.html # homepage containing the quote og the day and a button to send a new compliment
/message-details.html # details page for the compliments that were sent to the user in the inbox
/profile.html # contains information about the user, contains functionality to change the information fields
/setting.html # contains an option for the user to set a preferred compliment
/sif-browse.html # a separate browse page exclusive for the 'pay it forward' part of the app
/sif-compliment-details.html # a separate compliment details page exclusive for the 'pay it forward' part of the app
├── images # folder for images
├── scripts # folder for scripts
/authentication.js # checks if the user is a current user or if they are new.
/browse.js # JS for browse.html
/compliment-details.js # JS for compliment-details.html
/firebaseAPI_COMP1800_DTC01.js # firebase API stuff, shared across all pages
/inbox.js # JS for inbox.html
/main.js # homepage containing the quote of the day, and a button to send a new compliment
/message-details.js # JS for message-details.html
/profile.js # JS for profile.html
/script.js # check if the user has any new messages. If they do, display notification badge on inbox icon.
/settings.js # JS for settings.html
/sif-browse.js # JS for sif-browse.html
/sif-compliment-details.js # JS for sif-compliment-details.html
/skeleton.js # contains functionality for navbar placeholders
├── styles # folder for styles
/style.css # style for every html file
├── templates # folder for templates
/footer-empty.html # empty footer, applied on index.html and login.html
/footer.html # footer, shared across pages
/nav-back-btn.html # top nav with no back button, applied on pages that don't require a back button
/nav-no-account-icon.html# top nav with no account icon, applied on index.html and login.html
/nav.html # top nav bar complete with a logo, company name, and a profile icon that serves as a dropdown menu.
Firebase hosting files:
├── .firebaserc...
├── 404.html
├── firebase.json
├── firestore.indexes.json
├── firestore.rules
├── storage.rules
├── .firebase
Tips for file naming files and folders:
- use lowercase with no spaces
- use dashes (not underscore) for word separation