Python wrapper for batch scripts to be executed on a slurm-based HPC cluster. Provides support for modules, dependencies, multiple job-steps, and any number of slurm arguments.
API Documentation can be found here
import slurm_script
script = slurm_script.SlurmScript( "test_script", "echo $(PWD)",
[ '--time=20:00', '-c 1', '--mem=4G' ],
dependency_mode = "afterok"
script.add_modules( [ 'python/3.latest', 'blast+' ] )
script.add_module( 'usearch' )
job_number =
The resulting script looks like
#SBATCH --time=20:00
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem=4G
module load python/3.latest
module load blast+
module load usearch
srun echo $(PWD)