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Tutorial@Custom Ingest

Vlastimil krejčíř edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 12 revisions

This tutorial shows how to set up Arclib to be able to ingest a new custom type of packages.

General info on Arclib ingest

Arclib can ingest any kind of package (so any kind of data). However, the structure of the input package (SIP) has an impact on Arclib functionality (for example whether Arclib is able to do fixity checks). The more an input package follows the recommended format (see SIP), the more Arclib can do.

The process of adopting a new custom package type consists of several steps:

  1. Creating and seeting up SIP profile, especially SIP XSL to populate or create input METS metadata and set up paths to a unique SIP ID
  2. Preparing validation profile to provides necessary checks of an input package (e.g. if there are metadata missing, files missing etc.)
  3. Creating/selecting workflow profile (defining what steps should be done with the input package)
  4. (Fill in workflow configuration)
  5. (Administrative task: set up producer and tight it with the profiles and workflows above)

Creating SIP profile (XSL template)

Arclib ingest process works with the METS format. If the SIP contains any METS metadata file then the process of creating new ingest type is easier and more straight forward.

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