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Instructions for sample ingest

Jan Tomášek edited this page Dec 12, 2019 · 15 revisions
  1. Download the test SIP package accessible from (alternatively use this version of the same SIP package that has a reduced size after removing the files of image type:
  2. In the GUI open the page Ingest
  3. As the SIP content upload the downloaded SIP (.zip file)
  4. As the hash type select MD5
  5. Fill the hash value with: 8501E49E4A2A5FA4BD1843E674C1B1D5 (36672C6A4D5E5AEC788D9DB462DD23C6 for the reduced size SIP)
  6. As a producer profile select the profile with the external ID 901
  7. Insert the following workflow configuration:
  "fixityCheck": {
    "0": {
      "continueOnMissingFiles": true,
      "continueOnUnsupportedChecksumType": true,
      "continueOnInvalidChecksums": true
  "antivirus": {
    "0": {
      "type": "CLAMAV",
      "cmd": {
        "0": "clamscan",
        "1": "-r"
      "infectedSipAction": "QUARANTINE"
  "formatIdentification": {
    "0": {
      "type": "DROID",
      "parsedColumn": "PUID",
      "pathsAndFormats": {}
  1. Leave transfer area path empty
  2. Click Submit and wait until the SIP package is uploaded (that can take up to several minutes depending on the internet connection), after the successfull upload you will get a message about the success (unsuccess respectively)
  3. In the GUI open the page Ingest batches and navigate to the most recent batch (attribute Created), click on the batch
  4. Wait until the batch changes state from Processing to Processed or check for any incident that occured during the Ingest process (to see how to solve incidents please refer to the WIKI page Ingest batches)
  5. In the GUI open the page AIP search, leave everything blank and click Send
  6. Navigate to the line where the Authorial ID equals to Hlasy ze Siona, 1861-1916 and click the line
  7. See the Ingest result and click Download XML to download the generated ARCLibXML
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