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Adding content

Johan Strydom edited this page Aug 10, 2021 · 4 revisions

Currently content is added in a static way, meaning you need to upload the content to the website. The Tsama roadmap does make provision for database content but it is yet to be developed.

Adding Media and Images

Images or other media content can be uploaded to the /content/media/visual/images folder.

Tsama stores its images under the default folder there.

Adding Pages aka Articles

Pages are added in the /content/pages/library/ folder.

First you need to create a folder named after the key value (used in urls) for your page. E.g. My Awesome Page can have a key of my-awesome-page

Within your folder create 3 files.


This file is used to redirect people attempting to access you folder directly via the website. It should contain the following code:

<?php header("Location: /"); ?>

Tsama use this file to determine how it should display the page. The info is also used in navigation to determine the title of the page. If we take "My Awesome Page" as an example you will name the file the exact same as the folder name with the .info.php added, e.g.

The content for the info file is as follows:

namespace Tsama;

$articleNfo = array(
	$articleKey,	 	//keyName, for site paging. Do not change this. It is automatically created
	$pageUrl,		//url Do not change this. It is automatically created
	"My Awesome Page", 	//name for titles Change this according to your page title
	"", 			//icon url
	"default",		//layout. Optional. Change if page use a different layout.
	"default" 		//theme. Optional. Change if page use a different theme.

Lastly you can add your the file where most of you code will reside. You must name it the exact same as your folder name but with .php added as the file type. E.g. my-awesome-page.php

In this page you will add your output code for the page. This can be php and HTML and is specific to the scope of your page and your content.

Accessing your page

In order to access your page you simply add /page/page-key or /page-key (Because the page service is always the default service this will work as well)

Example: If you have a page key of my-awesome-page you will add /page/my-awesome-page to access your page. You can also use /my-awesome-page.

As an url it will look as follows: http://tsama.local/page/my-awesome-page

There is an easier way though to create links to your pages and that is through Tsama's Nav service.

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