diff --git a/app/plugins/aws-lambda.md b/app/plugins/aws-lambda.md
index b0f4bcce2014..e08a5b0d69b3 100644
--- a/app/plugins/aws-lambda.md
+++ b/app/plugins/aws-lambda.md
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ form parameter | default | description
*optional* | `60000` | An optional timeout in milliseconds when invoking the function
*optional* | `60000` | An optional value in milliseconds that defines how long an idle connection will live before being closed
`config.unhandled_status` | `` | The response status code to use (instead of the default `200`, `202`, or `204`) in the case of an [`Unhandled` Function Error](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/API_Invoke.html#API_Invoke_ResponseSyntax)
*optional* | `false` | An optional value that defines whether the request body is to be sent in the `request_body` field of the JSON-encoded request. If the body arguments can be parsed, they will be sent in the separate `request_body_args` field of the request. The body arguments can be parsed for `application/json`, `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, and `multipart/form-data` content types.
*optional* | `false` | An optional value that defines whether the original HTTP request headers are to be sent as a map in the `request_headers` field of the JSON-encoded request.
*optional* | `false` | An optional value that defines whether the original HTTP request method verb is to be sent in the `request_method` field of the JSON-encoded request.
*optional* | `false` | An optional value that defines whether the original HTTP request URI is to be sent in the `request_uri` field of the JSON-encoded request. Request URI arguments (if any) will be sent in the separate `request_uri_args` field of the JSON body.