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Michael Collins edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 1 revision

Process & Workflow

Git conventions

Name your branches using this pattern: [nickname]/[issue#]-[meaningful-branch-name] For example, atmos/123-fix-retirement-bug

Rebase your working branches every day with git pull --rebase origin staging. Rebase is preferred to merge as it makes commit-by-commit code-review easier.

PRs are squash-merged to staging, and staging is rebase-merged to main (no merge commits).

Feature flagging

Use feature flags to keep PRs small and reviewable. It's OK to put unfinished UI on production, just flag it so it's hidden!

// import from app/featureFlags or site/featureFlags
import { features } from "lib/featureFlags"

export const Example = () => {
  if (features.newFeatureFlagKey) {
    return <NewFeature />

  return <ExistingCode />

Adding new feature flags to @klimadao/lib/featureFlags should be self-explanatory. Import them and use them to hide unfinished or untested UIs from production users.

Pull Requests

QA workflow

When a PR is ready (after you have tested it thoroughly yourself!), QA and code-review can happen in parallel.

  • Tag our QA manager and product managers as reviewer.
  • Add the "QA needed" label to the PR.
  • Tag other code reviewers

The QA manager will add any findings as PR review comments. When the QA manager believes it is production ready, they set the label to "QA done"

Submit dependency changes in a standalone PR

Do not make changes to package.json or package-lock.json in any other PR.

Oh No, Something Broke... (Production Bugs, Hotfixes & Releases)

This section offers an overview so we are aligned on what options there are for fixing urgent issues on production. If the issue is not in production, or not urgent, just put up a PR

Carbonmark API

A1. Major, minor, patch release


A2. Hotfix to existing version release

Redeploy code from a branch to repair a specific version of the API.


A3. Canary API release

Create a branch with a new release for immediate consumption.

This is useful if you need the fix but aren’t ready to support the version long term.

I.e. v2.0.0v2.0.0-beta1

A4. Branching hotfix

Same as above, it is also possible to branch off and deploy from earlier versions of the API.


A5. Vercel rollback or git commit revert

Be careful if the API has already been released to the public. I can’t think of a specific situation when this would be the preferred fix, so use your best discretion.

Carbonmark App:

F1. Vercel rollback

Immediately put production UI back to the last known working version.

F2. Git commit rollback

Add a revert commit to remove the offending commit before the next daily release, otherwise your Vercel rollback will be undone.

F3. Expedited release

Admins can trigger the “Schedule Auto Merge” action to put all staging code on production at any time. This is scheduled to run every weekday.

Screenshot 2023-12-15 095417

Other useful info:

  • git bisect is a tool that all developers should know how to use, to identify exactly which commit needs to be reverted.