you can use your own ports, but you'll have to change them on each instance of mnp protocol: nodes, clients, servers. Keep in mind, that new ports may be used in future, so for your server-server connection and other services, use ports 3000+
MNP - MCNnet Networking Protocol
MNCP - MCNnet Networking Control Protocol
MFTP - MCNnet File Transfer Protocol
MRCCP - MCNnet Remote Console Connection Protocol\
1000 - MNP registartion
1001 - MNP search
1002 - MNP data(default)
1003 - MNCP service (chk_con)
1004 - MNCP errors
1005 - MNCP ping
1006 - MFTP connect
1007 - MFTP DATA
1008 - MFTP service (chk_con)
1009 - DNS Lookup
1010 - MNP security (dev)
1020 - MRCCP requests
1021 - MRCCP send
1022 - MRCCP receive
3000+ - For Server Use\