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mobile_manipulation module

The mobile_manipulation module contains the MobileRLLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class LearnerRL.

Class MobileRLLearner

Bases: engine.learners.LearnerRL

The MobileRLLearner class is an RL agent that can be used to train wheeled robots for mobile manipulation in conjunction with the mobileRL.env.mobile_manipulation_env environments and the task wrappers around it in mobileRL.env.tasks and mobileRL.env.tasks_chained. Originally published in [1], demonstrations can be found on Learning Kinematic Feasibility for Mobile Manipulation through Deep Reinforcement Learning.

The MobileRLLearner class has the following public methods:

MobileRLLearner constructor

Constructor parameters:

  • env: gym.Env
    Reinforcment learning environment to train or evaluate the agent on.
  • lr: float, default=1e-5
    Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training.
  • iters: int, default=1_000_000
    Specifies the number of steps the training should run for.
  • batch_size: int, default=64
    Specifies the batch size during training.
  • lr_schedule: {'', 'linear'}, default='linear'
    Specifies the learning rate scheduler to use. Empty to use a constant rate.
  • lr_end: float, default=1e-6
    Specifies the final learning rate if a lr_schedule is used.
  • backbone: {'MlpPolicy'}, default='MlpPolicy'
    Specifies the architecture for the RL agent.
  • checkpoint_after_iter: int, default=20_000
    Specifies per how many training steps a checkpoint should be saved. If it is set to 0 no checkpoints will be saved.
  • checkpoint_load_iter: int, default=0
    Specifies which checkpoint should be loaded. If it is set to 0, no checkpoints will be loaded.
  • restore_model_path: str, default=None
    Path to load checkpoints from. Set to 'pretrained' to load one of the provided checkpoints.
  • temp_path: str, default=''
    Specifies a path where the algorithm stores log files and saves checkpoints.
  • device: {'cpu', 'cuda'}, default='cuda'
    Specifies the device to be used.
  • seed: int, default=None
    Random seed for the agent. If None a random seed will be used.
  • buffer_size: int, default=100_000
    Size of the replay buffer.
  • learning_starts: int, default=0
    Number of environment steps with a random policy before starting training.
  • tau: float, default=0.001
    Polyak averaging of the target network.
  • gamma: float, default=0.99
    Discount factor.
  • explore_noise: float, default=0.5
    Strength of the exploration noise.
  • explore_noise_type: {'normal', 'OU'}, default=normal
    Type of exploration noise, either normal or Ornstein Uhlenbeck (OU) noise.
  • ent_coef: {'auto', int}, default='auto'
    Entropy coefficient for SAC, 'auto' to learn the coefficient.
  • nr_evaluations: int, default=50
    Number of episodes to evaluate over.
  • evaluation_frequency: int, default=20_000
    Number of steps after which to episodically evaluate during training., env, val_env, logging_path, silent, verbose)

Train the agent on the environment.


  • env: gym.Env, default=None
    If specified use this env to train.
  • val_env: gym.Env, default=None
    If specified periodically evaluate on this environment.
  • logging_path: str, default=''
    Path for logging and checkpointing.
  • silent: bool, default=False
    Disable verbosity.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    Enable verbosity.


MobileRLLearner.eval(self, env, name_prefix='', nr_evaluations: int = None)

Evaluate the agent on the specified environment.


  • env: gym.Env, default=None
    Environment to evaluate on.
  • name_prefix: str, default=''
    Name prefix for all logged variables.
  • nr_evaluations: int, default=None
    Number of episodes to evaluate over., path)

Saves the model in the path provided.


  • path: str
    Path to save the model, including the filename.


MobileRLLearner.load(self, path)

Loads a model from the path provided.


  • path: str
    Path of the model to be loaded.

ROS Setup

The repository consists of two main parts: a training environment written in C++ and connected to Python through bindings and the RL agents written in Python 3.

This means that the training environment relies on a running moveit node for initialisation. The dependencies for this module automatically set up and compile a catkin workspace with all required modules. To start required ROS nodes, please run the following before using the MobileRLLearner class:

source ${OPENDR_HOME}/projects/python/control/mobile_manipulation/mobile_manipulation_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mobile_manipulation_rl [pr2,tiago]_analytical.launch

The environment requires a working ROS installation. The makefile will install the packages according to the ROS_DISTRO environment variable.


All visualisations are done through rviz. For this start rviz with the provided configuration file as follows. To visualise the TIAGo robot additionally adjust the reference frame in rviz from odom to odom combined.

rviz -d rviz_config.config


  • Training in the analytical environment and evaluation in Gazebo on a Door Opening task. As described above, install ROS and build the workspace. Then source the catkin workspace and run the launch file as described in the ROS Setup section above.

      import rospy
      from pathlib import Path
      from opendr.control.mobile_manipulation import evaluate_on_task
      from opendr.control.mobile_manipulation import create_env
      from opendr.control.mobile_manipulation import MobileRLLearner
      # need a node for visualisation
      rospy.init_node('kinematic_feasibility_py', anonymous=False)
      main_path = Path(__file__).parent
      logpath = f"{main_path}/logs/demo_run"
      # create envs
      env_config = {
        'env': 'pr2',
        'penalty_scaling': 0.01,
        'time_step': 0.02,
        'seed': 42,
        'strategy': 'dirvel',
        'world_type': 'sim',
        # set this to true to evaluate in gazebo
        'init_controllers': False,
        'perform_collision_check': True,
        'vis_env': True,
        'transition_noise_base': 0.015,
        'ik_fail_thresh': 20,
        'ik_fail_thresh_eval': 100,
        'learn_vel_norm': -1,
        'slow_down_real_exec': 2,
        'head_start': 0,
        'node_handle': 'train_env'
      env = create_env(env_config, task='rndstartrndgoal', node_handle="train_env", wrap_in_dummy_vec=True, flatten_obs=True)
      eval_config = env_config.copy()
      eval_config["transition_noise_base"] = 0.0
      eval_config["ik_fail_thresh"] = env_config['ik_fail_thresh_eval']
      eval_config["node_handle"] = "eval_env"
      eval_env = create_env(eval_config, task="rndstartrndgoal", node_handle="eval_env", wrap_in_dummy_vec=True, flatten_obs=True)
      agent = MobileRLLearner(env,
      # train on random goal reaching task, val_env=eval_env)
      # evaluate on door opening in analytical environement
      evaluate_on_task(env_config, eval_env_config=eval_config, agent=agent, task='door', world_type='sim')
      rospy.signal_shutdown("We are done")
  • Evaluate a pretrained model. Source the catkin workspace and run the launch file as described in the ROS Setup section above. Then run

      import rospy
      from pathlib import Path
      from opendr.control.mobile_manipulation import evaluate_on_task
      from opendr.control.mobile_manipulation import create_env
      from opendr.control.mobile_manipulation import MobileRLLearner
      # need a node for visualisation
      rospy.init_node('kinematic_feasibility_py', anonymous=False)
      main_path = Path(__file__).parent
      logpath = f"{main_path}/logs/demo_run"
      # create envs
      eval_config = {
        'env': 'pr2',
        'penalty_scaling': 0.01,
        'time_step': 0.02,
        'seed': 42,
        'strategy': 'dirvel',
        'world_type': 'sim',
        # set this to true to evaluate in gazebo
        'init_controllers': False,
        'perform_collision_check': True,
        'vis_env': True,
        'transition_noise_base': 0.0,
        'ik_fail_thresh': 100,
        'learn_vel_norm': -1,
        'slow_down_real_exec': 2,
        'head_start': 0,
        'node_handle': 'eval_env',
        'nr_evaluations': 50,
      eval_env = create_env(eval_config, task='rndstartrndgoal', node_handle="eval_env", wrap_in_dummy_vec=True, flatten_obs=True)
      agent = MobileRLLearner(eval_env,
      # evaluate on door opening in the analytical environment
      evaluate_on_task(eval_config, eval_env_config=eval_config, agent=agent, task='door', world_type='sim')
      rospy.signal_shutdown("We are done")
  • Execution in different environments:
    The trained agent and environment can also be directly executed in the real world or the gazebo simulator. For this first start the appropriate ros nodes for your robot. Then pass world_type='world' for real world execution or world_type='gazebo' for gazebo to the evaluate_on_task() function.

Performance Evaluation

Note that test time inference can be directly performed on a standard CPU. As this achieves very high control frequencies, we do not expect any benefits through the use of accelerators (GPUs).

TABLE-1: Control frequency in Hertz.

Model AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (Hz)
MobileRL 2200

TABLE-2: Success rates in percent.

Model GoalReaching Pick&Place Door Opening Drawer Opening
PR2 90.2% 97.0% 94.2% 95.4%
Tiago 71.6% 91.4% 95.3% 94.9%
HSR 75.2% 93.4% 91.2% 90.6%

TABLE-3: Platform compatibility evaluation.

Platform Test results
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (bare installation - CPU) Pass
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (bare installation - GPU) Pass
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (pip installation) Not supported
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (CPU docker) Pass
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (GPU docker) Pass
NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Not tested
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX Not tested



The HSR environment relies on packages that are part of the proprietary HSR simulator. If you have an HSR account with Toyota, please follow these steps to use the environment. Otherwise ignore this section to use the other environments we provide.

  • Check the commented out parts in the # HSR section as well as the building of the workspace further below in the Dockerfile to install the requirements.

  • Comment in the following lines in CMakeLists.txt:

    #  tmc_robot_kinematics_model
    add_library(robot_hsr src/robot_hsr.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(robot_hsr worlds myutils ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

    and add them to pybind_add_module() and target_link_libraries() two lines below that.

  • Comment in the hsr parts in src/pybindings and the import of HSREnv in mobileRL/envs/ to create the python bindings

  • Some HSR launchfiles are not open source either and might need some small adjustments


[1] Learning Kinematic Feasibility for Mobile Manipulation through Deep Reinforcement Learning, arXiv.