The eatery-nod-w application is composed of the following features:
- eateries: manages and promotes the eateries view
- eateryService: a persistent "Eateries" DB service, monitoring real-time Eatery DB activity
- eateryServiceFirebase: the real EateryServiceAPI derivation based on Firebase
- eateryServiceMock: the mock EateryServiceAPI derivation
- eateryService: a persistent "Eateries" DB service, monitoring real-time Eatery DB activity
- discovery: manages and promotes the discovery view
- discoveryService: retrieves restaurant information from a geographical data source, emitting Discovery/Eatery objects
- discoveryServiceGooglePlaces: the real DiscoveryServiceAPI derivation based on GooglePlaces API
- discoveryServiceMock: the mock DiscoveryServiceAPI derivation
- discoveryService: retrieves restaurant information from a geographical data source, emitting Discovery/Eatery objects
- common: a collection of app-neutral features
- baseUI: provides a UI Foundation for the entire application (in an app neutral way), including: Responsive Design, UI Theme, Notify utility activation, Left Nav menu items, User Menu, Current View state, and Tool Bars
- auth: promotes complete user authentication
- authService: a persistent authentication service (retaining active user)
- authServiceFirebase: the real AuthServiceAPI derivation based on Firebase
- authServiceMock: the mock AuthServiceAPI derivation
- authService: a persistent authentication service (retaining active user)
- initFirebase: initializes the Google Firebase service when WIFI is enabled
- initGooglePlaces: initializes the Google Places service service when WIFI is enabled
- location: Initializes and promotes the GPS location for use by the app.
- pwa: orchestrates the Progressive Web App hooks (as defined by Create React App).
- diagnostic: a collection of diagnostic-related features
- logActions: logs all dispatched actions and resulting state
- sandbox: promotes a variety of interactive tests, used in development, that can easily be disabled