👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
Thank you for reporting any issues you find. We do our best to test and make node-wifi as solid as possible, but any reported issue is a real help.
Please follow these guidelines when reporting issues:
- Provide a title in the format of
<Error> when <Task>
- Tag your issue with the tag
- Provide a short summary of what you are trying to do
- Provide the log of the encountered error if applicable
- Provide the exact version of node-wifi.
- Be awesome and consider contributing a pull request
You consider contributing changes to node-wifi – we dig that! Please consider these guidelines when filing a pull request:
- Follow the Coding Rules
- Follow the Commit Rules
- Make sure you rebased the current master branch when filing the pull request
- Follow Test guidelines
- Squash your commits when filing the pull request
- Provide a short title with a maximum of 100 characters
- Provide a more detailed description containing _ What you want to achieve _ What you changed _ What you added _ What you removed
- For significant changes, post also an issue before to know if your idea has a chance to be accepted
- Consider your development for windows, linux and macOS platforms at the same time
because having a module compatible with all platforms is the main concern of
To keep the code base of commitlint neat and tidy the following rules apply to every change
is kingeslint
is awesome- Favor micro library over swiss army knives (rimraf, ncp vs. fs-extra)
- Be awesome
use commands
npm run eslint
andnpm run format
to be sure your code respect coding rules.
You can also use
npm run format:fix
to fix prettier errors
To help everyone with understanding the commit history of commitlint the following commit rules are enforced.
- conventional commits
- husky commit message hook available
- present tense
- maximum of 100 characters
- for bugs, includes the github tag of the issue in the description.
- message format of
$type($scope): $message
These are the authorized types:
- build
- ci
- chore
- docs
- feat
- fix
- perf
- refactor
- revert
- style
- test
If you add a feature or fix a bug, you need to provide a test verifying your
improvement. You can launch tests using npm run test
If you fix a bug related to a parser, please provide a log of a command standard
output. For example for a scan, use node scripts/scan.js > file.log
to generate a
log file. Check unit tests for more details.
use standard-version to handle versioning
automatically. So you just need to follow commit rules and once the maintainer will want to
release a version, he will use commands:
git pull origin master
npm run release
git push --follow-tags origin master && npm publish
Please do not use these commands if you don't have write capabilities on the repository. We want to have versions synchronized with npm so these commands should be executed in the same time.
May the force be with you !!