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Connecting real robot

1. Supported system

1.1 Controller requirements

Controllers with ”✓” are available.

E01(OpenAs) E02(OpenAs) F01 F02 F60 F61

1.2 Supported AS version

F Series

Handling(F60): Higher than ASF_01000000W
Handling(F01/02): Higher than ASF_010102006
duAro(F61): Higher than ASF_06000000J

E Series(OpenAS Only)

Handling: Higher than ASE401010XX3S

2. Preparation

2-1. Robot controller

Make sure that the robot controller used for real-time control satisfies the following conditions.

  • The controller is connected with a robot and ready to operate.
  • Nobody is inside the safety fence.
  • The controller is in [REPEAT] mode.
  • TEACH LOCK on the Teach pendant is switched to OFF.
  • Robot is not on Hold status.
  • No error.
  • The controller is connected to an Ubuntu PC with Ethernet cable and both are within the same network subnet.

2-2. Ubuntu PC

Make sure that the Ubuntu PC used for real-time control satisfies the following conditions.

  • The PC is using realtime kernel for Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04.
  • The user has real-time permissions.
    • (e.g.)Making a real-time group named realtime
      1. Make a group and add a user

        sudo addgroup realtime
        sudo usermod -aG realtime $(whoami)
      2. Add the following limits in /etc/security/limits.conf
        (memlock depends on your system)

        @realtime - rtprio 99
        @realtime - priority 99
        @realtime - memlock 512000

3. How to operate on real robot

3-1. Start the real-time control

Execute the following command on the ROS running PC to start the real-time control.


roslaunch khi_robot_bringup rs007n_bringup.launch ip:=[Controller’s IP address]

When the real-time control process is started, the following message will be displayed by the process.

KHI robot control started. [NOT REALTIME]/[REALTIME]

If the message includes [REALTIME], the process is using SCHED_FIFO scheduling.

When the real-time control process is ready to go, the following messages will be displayed by the process.

[KhiRobotKrnxDriver] State 0: ACTIVATING -> ACTIVE

Once the above messages is confirmed, you are able to start real-time control of the robot from the operation interface of “rviz” or the python’s MoveIt! Commander.
During the real-time control, the display on the Teach pendant will show the figure below.

START Display on TP]

3-2. Terminate the real-time control

Press “Ctrl+C” to end the real-time control.
Ending process stops the robot controller and turns it to HOLD state. The display on the Teach pendant will show the figure below.

END Display on TP]

4. Driver State

To control robot controller on ROS, the drivere has control states.

Driver State

0:  "INIT"            - Driver init state.
1:  "CONNECTING"      - Driver is now connecting to Robot Controller.
2:  "CONNECTED"       - Driver is connected to Robot Controller, but cannot control Robot Arm.
3:  "ACTIVATING"      - Driver is now activating Robot Arm.
4:  "ACTIVE"          - Driver can control Robot Arm.
5:  "HOLDED"          - Driver is holded. Driver doesn't move Robot Arm.
6:  "DEACTIVATING"    - Driver is now deactivating Robot Arm.
7:  "DISCONNECTING"   - Driver is now disconnecting to Robot Controller.
8:  "DISCONNECTED"    - Driver is disconnected to Robot Controller.
9:  "ERROR"           - Driver halted due to ERROR.

You can get this status by Command Service "get_status".

5. Command Service

Service "khi_robot_command_service" is available.

Service format is below...

string type
string cmd
int32 driver_ret
int32 as_ret
string cmd_ret

Command format is below...

Execute AS Language Command

string type -> "as"
string cmd -> AS Language Command
int32 driver_ret -> driver's return code. Refer KRNX_E_*** in krnx.h
int32 as_ret -> AS return code. Refer AS manual.
string cmd_ret -> Response of AS Language Command

Get Signal Status of [NUM]

string type-> "driver"
string cmd -> "get_signal [NUM]"
int32 driver_ret -> driver's return code. Refer KRNX_E_*** in krnx.h
int32 as_ret -> AS return code. Refer AS manual.
string cmd_ret -> "-1"(ON) or "0"(OFF)

[NUM] range (depended on AS system setting)

Output: 1~512
Input: 1001~1512
Internal: 2001~2512

Set Output Signal Status of [NUM]

string type -> "driver"
string cmd -> "set_signal [NUM], ..."
int32 driver_ret -> driver's return code. Refer KRNX_E_*** in krnx.h
int32 as_ret -> AS return code. Refer AS manual.
string cmd_ret -> NOT USED

[NUM] range (depended on AS system setting)

Output: -1~-512, 1~512
Internal: -2001~-2512, 2001~2512
(Positive value indicates ON state, and negative value does OFF state.)

Get Driver Status

string type -> "driver"
string cmd -> "get_status"
int32 driver_ret -> driver's return code. Refer KRNX_E_*** in krnx.h
int32 as_ret -> AS return code. Refer AS manual.
string cmd_ret -> Driver Status

Hold Driver

string type -> "driver"
string cmd -> "hold"
int32 driver_ret -> driver's return code. Refer KRNX_E_*** in krnx.h
int32 as_ret -> AS return code. Refer AS manual.
string cmd_ret -> NOT USED

Restart Driver for ACTIVE

string type -> "driver"
string cmd -> "restart"
int32 driver_ret -> driver's return code. Refer KRNX_E_*** in krnx.h
int32 as_ret -> AS return code. Refer AS manual.
string cmd_ret -> NOT USED

Quit Driver

string type -> "driver"
string cmd -> "quit"
int32 driver_ret -> driver's return code. Refer KRNX_E_*** in krnx.h
int32 as_ret -> AS return code. Refer AS manual.
string cmd_ret -> NOT USED

6. Error and Troubleshooting

All of the errors happened during ROS control process will be sent as a message in Error level.
Frequent error messages and troubleshooting are as shown in the table below.

Error message Troubleshooting
ROS:%s does not match AS:%s Match the robot model on ROS and robot controller.
Invalid robot size Confirm number of robot arm.
Failed to make rtc param Check the filesystem is correct.
Failed to load rtc param Check AS system.
Failed to activate: timeout Check AS's robot program.
Please change Robot Controller's TEACH/REPEAT to REPEAT Switch the TEACH/REPEAT mode of the robot controller to REPEAT.
Please change Robot Controller's RUN/HOLD to RUN Switch the RUN/HOLD of the robot controller to RUN.
Please change Robot Controller's TEACH LOCK to OFF Set the TEACH LOCK on the robot controller to OFF.
Please change Robot Controller's EMERGENCY to OFF Release the EMERGENCY button.
AS ERROR [cont_no]: ano:[arm_no] code:[as_error_code] Error occurred during the real-time control.
Check the error code “as_error_code” of the robot controller and release the error by referring to the [AS Language Reference Manual].
RTC SWITCH turned OFF [cont_no]: ano:[arm_no] Real-time control of the robot controller turned OFF. It needs to restart to control again.
[krnx_api] returned -[krnx_error_code] API %s of KRNX returned the error code -0x%X. Refer to the error code of the KRNX API and release the error.

If an error is about "krnx_PrimeRtcCompData", the detail information is shown as below:
[KhiRobotKrnxDriver] [krnx_PrimeRtcCompData] ano:[arm_no] [jt]pos:vel:status [JT1]%.4f:%.4f:%d ~ [JT6]%.4f:%.4f:%d

Name Value Description
pos float joint command position [rad or m]
vel float joint command velocity [rad/s or m/s]
status 0x0001 Operational area upper limit over
0x0002 Operational area lower limit over
0x0004 RTC joint command velocity(diff) limit over

Error code of KRNX API is defined in “khi_robot/khi_robot_control/include/krnx.h”. Description and Value of the error codes are shown in the table below.

Macro Definition Description Value
KRNX_NOERROR No Error (0x0000)
KRNX_E_BADARGS Invalid Argument (-0x1000)
KRNX_E_INTERNAL Internal Error (-0x1001)
KRNX_E_NOTSUPPORTED Not Supported API (-0x1002)
KRNX_E_TIMEOUT Timeout (-0x1003)
KRNX_E_AUXNOTREADY AUX Monitor Not Ready (-0x1004)
KRNX_E_FOPENFAIL File Open Fail (-0x1005)
KRNX_E_FILENOTREADY File Not Exist (-0x1006)
KRNX_E_MATRIX Matrix Calculation Error (-0x1007)
KRNX_E_OUTOFRANGE Inverse Conversion Error (-0x1008)
KRNX_E_CANNOTCAL Inverse Jacobian Error (-0x1009)
KRNX_E_COMPDATA RTC Error (-0x100a)
KRNX_E_BADUSERID Bad User ID (-0x100c)
KRNX_E_NULLRESP Data Not Received (-0x100d)
KRNX_E_LOSTPROMPT Timeout for Prompt Receive (-0x100e)
KRNX_E_BUFSND Communication Send Error (-0x1010)
KRNX_E_BUFRCV Communication Receive Error (-0x1011)
KRNX_E_BUFTMO Communication Timeout (-0x1012)
KRNX_E_ASERROR AS Error (-0x1020)
KRNX_E_NOROBOT No Robot Setting (-0x1021)
KRNX_E_SOCK Socket Create Error (-0x2000)
KRNX_E_NOHOST Bad Hostname (-0x2001)
KRNX_E_IOCTLSOCK Socket Setting Error (-0x2002)
KRNX_E_SOCKWRITE Socket Write Error (-0x2003)
KRNX_E_SOCKREAD Socket Read Error (-0x2004)
KRNX_E_NODATA No Socket Data (-0x2005)
KRNX_E_INVALIDPORT Invalid Port Number (-0x2006)
KRNX_E_CONNECT Socket Connect Fail (-0x2007)
KRNX_E_CANTLOGIN Login Fail (-0x2008)
KRNX_E_ALREADYOPENED Socket Already Used (-0x2009)
KRNX_E_UNEXPECTED Received Data Error (-0x2010)
KRNX_E_KINENOTREADY Kinematics Not Initialized (-0x2011)
KRNX_E_ASDELAYED Communication Sync Error (-0x2012)
KRNX_E_BUFEMPTY Communication Buffer Error (-0x2013)
KRNX_E_BUFNO Invalid Buffer Number (-0x2014)
KRNX_E_BUFDATANUM Send Data Error (-0x2015)
KRNX_E_RT_INTERNAL RT Communication Internal Error (-0x2100)
KRNX_E_RT_CONNECT RT Communication Connect Error (-0x2101)
KRNX_E_RT_TIMEOUT RT Communication Timeout (-0x2102)
KRNX_E_RT_NOTCONNECT RT Communication Connect Error (-0x2103)
KRNX_E_RT_SEND RT Communication Send Error (-0x2104)
KRNX_E_TOOMANYPROC Too Many Process (-0x2201)
KRNX_E_INVALIDFILENAME Invalid File Name (-0x2202)
KRNX_E_ILLCONTNO Invalid Controller Number (-0x2203)
KRNX_E_UNDEFF Undefined Error (-0xFFFF)

7. Precausions

  • Make sure to use realtime kernel for Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04.
  • When a robot controller is in the real-time control mode, its state is same as the REPEAT mode. Therefore make sure to the safety issues when the robot controller is in real-time control mode.
  • Never make any changes on the sources of the “khi_robot” package.
  • Refer to the Documents and community of the MoveIt! for more details on motion/path planning and how to calculate command value.