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空物件模式 Null Object Pattern

空物件模式,一種以非 Null 的空白物件去取代 Null 的模式,其空白物件並不是拿來比對資料是否為 Null,而是讓原本應該做些事情的物件,因為空白物件而不做任何事,或是去執行預設的動作,打個比喻來說,遊戲裡面購買、販賣大頭菜是要找不同 NPC 的,如果要購買大頭菜,那就必須找曹賣(Daisy Mae)來購買,如果要販賣大頭菜則是找豆狸粒狸(Mamekichi and Tsubukichi)來販賣。




玩家要購買、販賣大頭菜會跟 NPC 進行這些動作,所以我們要先定義 NPC 所能提供的功能有哪些,因此會有購買大頭菜、販賣大頭菜這兩個方法被定義出來,如果繼承了 NPC 這個介面就要去實作這兩個方法。


 * Interface NPC.
interface NPC
     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function buyTurnips(int $price, int $count);

     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function sellTurnips(int $price, int $count);

接下來實作曹賣(Daisy Mae),但曹賣本身就只能購買大頭菜,因此在購買大頭菜的方法上實作這件事,但在販賣大頭菜的部分則是可以撰寫些對應的處理流程,這邊舉例為曹賣的貼心告知。


 * Class DaisyMae.
class DaisyMae implements NPC
     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function buyTurnips(int $price, int $count)
        echo "[曹賣] 今天的價格是 1 棵 $price 鈴錢,要現在買嗎?";

     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function sellTurnips(int $price, int $count)
        echo "[曹賣] 我是曹賣,你不能把大頭菜賣給我。";

曹賣(DaisyMae)是負責提供玩家可以購買大頭菜的重要 NPC,因此接下來要撰寫豆狸(Mamekichi)以及粒狸(Tsubukichi)兩位負責提供玩家販賣大頭菜的重要 NPC。


 * Class Mamekichi.
class Mamekichi implements NPC
     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function buyTurnips(int $price, int $count)
        echo "[豆狸] 我是豆狸,我沒有在賣大頭菜狸。";
        echo "[粒狸] 沒有在賣。";

     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function sellTurnips(int $price, int $count)
        $total = $price * $count;
        echo "[豆狸] 現在的大頭菜價格是 1 棵 $price 鈴錢!";
        echo "[粒狸] 鈴錢!";
        echo "[豆狸] 好了!那麼,一共是 $total 鈴錢,確定要賣掉嗎?";
        echo "[粒狸] 賣掉嗎?";


 * Class Tsubukichi.
class Tsubukichi implements NPC
     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function buyTurnips(int $price, int $count)
        echo "[粒狸] 我是粒狸,我沒有在賣大頭菜狸。";
        echo "[豆狸] 沒有在賣。";

     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function sellTurnips(int $price, int $count)
        $total = $price * $count;
        echo "[粒狸] 現在的大頭菜價格是 1 棵 $price 鈴錢!";
        echo "[豆狸] 鈴錢!";
        echo "[粒狸] 好了!那麼,一共是 $total 鈴錢,確定要賣掉嗎?";
        echo "[豆狸] 賣掉嗎?";

最後我們要模擬玩家(Player)出來,並且帶入當前目標 NPC 物件,假想為玩家目前正在對話的目標,並且有兩個行為,分別是購買大頭菜、販賣大頭菜的動作。


 * Class Player
class Player
     * @var NPC
    protected NPC $npc;

     * Player constructor.
     * @param NPC $npc
    public function __construct(NPC $npc)

     * @param NPC $npc
    public function setNPC(NPC $npc)
        $this->npc = $npc;

     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function buy(int $price, int $count)
        $this->npc->buyTurnips($price, $count);

     * @param int $price
     * @param int $count
    public function sell(int $price, int $count)
        $this->npc->sellTurnips($price, $count);



  1. 測試曹賣執行購買、販賣大頭菜的動作。
  2. 測試豆狸執行購買、販賣大頭菜的動作。
  3. 測試粒狸執行購買、販賣大頭菜的動作。
  4. 測試對曹賣購買大頭菜,並切換 NPC 目標,向豆狸、粒狸販賣大頭菜。


 * Class NullObjectPatternTest.
class NullObjectPatternTest extends TestCase
     * @test
    public function test_daisy_mas()
            "[曹賣] 今天的價格是 1 棵 100 鈴錢,要現在買嗎?",
            "[曹賣] 我是曹賣,你不能把大頭菜賣給我。",
        $player = new Player(new DaisyMae());
        $player->buy(100, 40);
        $player->sell(200, 40);

     * @test
    public function test_mamekichi()
            "[豆狸] 我是豆狸,我沒有在賣大頭菜狸。",
            "[粒狸] 沒有在賣。",
            "[豆狸] 現在的大頭菜價格是 1 棵 200 鈴錢!",
            "[粒狸] 鈴錢!",
            "[豆狸] 好了!那麼,一共是 8000 鈴錢,確定要賣掉嗎?[粒狸] 賣掉嗎?",

        $player = new Player(new Mamekichi());
        $player->buy(100, 40);
        $player->sell(200, 40);

     * @test
    public function test_tsubukichi()
            "[粒狸] 我是粒狸,我沒有在賣大頭菜狸。",
            "[豆狸] 沒有在賣。",
            "[粒狸] 現在的大頭菜價格是 1 棵 200 鈴錢!",
            "[豆狸] 鈴錢!",
            "[粒狸] 好了!那麼,一共是 8000 鈴錢,確定要賣掉嗎?",
            "[豆狸] 賣掉嗎?",

        $player = new Player(new Tsubukichi());
        $player->buy(100, 40);
        $player->sell(200, 40);

     * @test
    public function test_daisy_mas_buy_and_mamekichi_and_tsubukichi()
            "[曹賣] 今天的價格是 1 棵 100 鈴錢,要現在買嗎?",
            "[豆狸] 現在的大頭菜價格是 1 棵 200 鈴錢!",
            "[粒狸] 鈴錢!",
            "[豆狸] 好了!那麼,一共是 4000 鈴錢,確定要賣掉嗎?",
            "[粒狸] 賣掉嗎?",
            "[粒狸] 現在的大頭菜價格是 1 棵 300 鈴錢!",
            "[豆狸] 鈴錢!",
            "[粒狸] 好了!那麼,一共是 6000 鈴錢,確定要賣掉嗎?",
            "[豆狸] 賣掉嗎?",

        $player = new Player(new DaisyMae());
        $player->buy(100, 40);
        $player->setNPC(new Mamekichi());
        $player->sell(200, 20);
        $player->setNPC(new Tsubukichi());
        $player->sell(300, 20);


PHPUnit Pretty Result Printer 0.28.0 by Codedungeon and contributors.
==> Configuration: ~/php-design-pattern/vendor/codedungeon/phpunit-result-printer/src/phpunit-printer.yml

PHPUnit 9.2.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

 ==> ...fResponsibilitiesTest   ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> CommandPatternTest         ✔  
 ==> IteratorPatternTest        ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> MediatorPatternTest        ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> MementoPatternTest         ✔  
 ==> NullObjectPatternTest      ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> AbstractFactoryTest        ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> BuilderPatternTest         ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> FactoryMethodTest          ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> PoolPatternTest            ✔  ✔  
 ==> PrototypePatternTest       ✔  ✔  
 ==> SimpleFactoryTest          ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> SingletonPatternTest       ✔  
 ==> StaticFactoryTest          ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> AdapterPatternTest         ✔  ✔  
 ==> BridgePatternTest          ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> CompositePatternTest       ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> DataMapperTest             ✔  ✔  
 ==> DecoratorPatternTest       ✔  ✔  
 ==> DependencyInjectionTest    ✔  ✔  ✔  
 ==> FacadePatternTest          ✔  
 ==> FluentInterfaceTest        ✔  
 ==> FlyweightPatternTest       ✔  
 ==> ProxyPatternTest           ✔  ✔  
 ==> RegistryPatternTest        ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  

Time: 00:00.042, Memory: 8.00 MB

OK (67 tests, 136 assertions)


