Utilize these resources to continue learning outside organized events.
When you get stuck on something, first try googling your problem to see if you can find an answer online. Chances are someone else has run into the same or a similar problem to what you are having.
Stackoverflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. Built and run by programmers helping each other.
Our Slack group is available for you to collaborate with other #ladydevs to help each other work through learning code. We’ll also be around periodically to help answer questions.
Mozilla Developer Network:
We would be remiss if we didn't mention Mozilla Developer Network. While it's not necessarily a tutorial, you can learn a lot by digging through the documentation on this site. There are a few areas that will guide you through learning as well.
Codecademy is rethinking the entire paradigm of ‘education’. Basic classes are free (unless you choose to purchase additional practice options), and designed to be self paced, friendly and easy to follow. It’s also the online learning tool of choice for Coding & Cocktails! If you're feeling overwhelmed, start here.
A community that helps you learn to code via self-paced coding challenges, building projects, and earning certificates. If you feel like you've gotten all you can out of Codecademy, this would be a great second choice.
From the first screen you can dive into HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other front-end tools, or you can use it like a reference tool and look up the answers to specific questions.
LinkedIn Learning:
A resource with online videos and interactive examples for many of the different programming languages. Pricing ranges from $26.99/month up to $39.99/month though some metro libraries will allow you access for free with a library card.
Kansas City Public Library | Mid-Continent Public Library
Paid resource for online video training from industry experts. Offers the ability to test your skills and get recommendations or follow a learning path to guide you in the right direction. Or take individual classes of interest to you - you can filter courses by skill-level. Pricing is $29/month or $299/year.
Khan Academy:
Khan academy provides online education at all levels - seriously, they have games for kindergarteners! Their motto - “you can learn anything.” Offering education for children and adults alike you can easily go back and refresh those algebra skills just in time to help your tween with her homework, from the privacy of your own home, without feeling silly for reading your child’s textbooks after he goes to bed.
Coursera offers over 1,300 paid and free courses ranging from the humanities to computer programming by partnering with education institutions all over the world. Sign up for a free account, and on a regular basis Coursera will run specials that will allow you to take classes for $9.99 to $19.99. Classes include video courses, some with assignments that are both peer and instructor-graded, lending them more weight.
Type in the subject you are looking for and go to town. Courses often are shown for $59 and up. Just like other sites, sign up for the email and you'll often receive information on discounted courses.
Ed2Go through Metropolitan Community College:
For the most college-like experience, take classes that are 4-6 weeks long, have homework, and are graded pass/fail. These won’t earn you college credit but you can have a higher degree of certainty in the quality of the education. This is the most expensive option, but if you sign up through the Metropolitan Community College web site (no need to be a registered student), you get their discount.
Code School:
Online learning resource that teaches courses with a theme and storyline aimed at making you feel like you’re playing a game, not sitting in a classroom. Prices start at $29/month or $299/year.
Work through tutorials to quickly help you start building your own app.
A learning community for creators. Online classes you can watch on your own time.
Atlassian Git Tutorial:
Learn version control and git concepts.
CSS Diner - Learn and practice CSS selectors while playing a game
CSS Grid Garden - Go further with this CSS Grid game
Flexbox Zombie - Become a flexbox expert!
Flexbox Froggy - Help Froggy and friends by writing CSS code!
Code with Anna and Elsa from Frozen - drag and drop programming, create snowflakes and ice-skate patterns
Scratch - drag and drop programming, this is the meat and potatoes of CoderDojo, one of our sister KCWiT programs!
Code Combat - learn to code by playing a game
Coding Game - solve puzzles and improve your skills while playing a game
Code Wars - train with others on real code challenges
Regex Crossword - crossword puzzle game where clues are defined using regular expressions
Vim Adventures - learn commands for a popular command line editor (vim)
HTML validator
CSS validator
JavaScript validator
Kansas City User Groups - IT Education Opportunities in the Kansas City Metro Area
Code for America KC Brigade