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File metadata and controls

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The Squee Language


Some familiarity with ML-like languages (e.g. Ocaml, Haskell) will help a lot.

Queries are built out of the following core functions which are described below:

  • map : ({α} → {β}) → [{α}] → [{β}]
  • filter : ({α} → ~bool) → [{α}] → [{α}]
  • order : (Comparable β) ⇒ ({α} → β) → [{α}] → [{α}]
  • natjoin : ({γ} = {α} ⋈ {β}) ⇒ [{α}] → [{β}] → [{γ}]
  • join : ({α} → {β} → ~bool) → ({α} → {β} → {γ}) → [{α}] → [{β}] → [{γ}]
  • aggregate : ({β} = Agg {γ}) ⇒ ({α} → {β}) → [{α}] → [{γ}]


Database types are prefixed by a tilde (~), e.g.

  • ~int4
  • ~text
  • ~bool

Table rows are surrounded by curly brackets, e.g.

{a: ~int4, b: ~text} is a table row containing fields a and b with types ~int4 and ~text respectively.

Type variables are represented by Greek letters, e.g.

α and β can represent any type.

Row polymorphic rows are rows with a type variable at the end e.g.

{a: ~int4, b: ~text, ..α} is a table row containing fields a and b with types ~int4 and ~text respectively, but can also contain additional fields.

Query results (containing multiple rows) are surrounded by square brackets, e.g.

[{a: ~int4, b: ~text}] is a query result containing rows of {a: ~int4, b: ~text}

Functions are represented by an arrow () e.g.

  • α → α is the type of the identity function that takes any value and returns the same value.
  • ~int4 → ~int4 → ~bool can be considered a function that takes two integers and returns a boolean. Because the arrow is right associative (~int4 → (~int4 → ~bool)), it is technically a function that accepts an ~int4 and returns a new function ~int4 → ~bool i.e. it can be partially applied.

Type constraints come before a double arrow ()

  • (Num α) requires that the type α is a number (~int2/4/8, ~numeric or ~float4/8).
  • (Comparable α) requires that the type α is a comparable. Most primitive types are valid.
  • (DB α) requires that the type α can be represented in the underlying database. Any type starting with a tilde (~) is valid.
  • ({γ} = {α} ⋈ {β}) requires that {γ} is the natural join of {α} and {β}. {α} and {β} must have at least one field in common.
  • ({β} = Agg {γ}) requires that {β} contains the aggregated types of {γ} e.g. ({x: Agg ~int4, y: Agg ~text} = Agg {x: ~int4, y: ~text})


Each table in your database is represented by its name. This is a complete query that will return the contents of the table (equivalent to SELECT * FROM ...) and its type is a set of rows containing the fields of the table.

Our example database will have the expressions:

example : [{a: ~int4, b: ~text}]
join_example : [{a: ~int4, c: ~text}]


As in Haskell, lambdas are written:

\arg -> expression

For example, \x -> x is the identity function with the type α → α.


Use dot notation to access fields, e.g.

\t -> t.x

is a function that takes a row and returns the value of its x field. It has type {x: α, ..β} → α. Note that the input row is row-polymorphic, i.e. this function can accept any row that has an x field.

Row Syntax

Rows can be constructed using curly brackets, e.g.

{a: 1, b: 'Hello'}

constructs a row with type {a: ~int4, b: ~text}.

The filter Function

The filter function has type ({α} → ~bool) → [{α}] → [{α}]

SQUEE> filter (\t -> t.a = 1) example

: [{a: ~int4, b: ~text}]

| a | b        |
| 1 | example1 |

The order Function

The order function has type (Comparable β) ⇒ ({α} → β) → [{α}] → [{α}]

SQUEE> order (\t -> 0 - t.a) example

: [{a: ~int4, b: ~text}]

| a | b        |
| 2 | example2 |
| 1 | example1 |

The map Function

The map function has type ({α} → {β}) → [{α}] → [{β}]

SQUEE> map (\t -> {a: t.a + 1, b: t.b}) example

: [{a: ~int4, b: ~text}]

| a | b        |
| 2 | example1 |
| 3 | example2 |

The natjoin Function

The natural join function has the type ({γ} = {α} ⋈ {β}) ⇒ [{α}] → [{β}] → [{γ}]

SQUEE> natjoin example join_example

: [{a: ~int4, b: ~text, c: ~text}]

| a | b        | c             |
| 1 | example1 | join_example1 |
| 2 | example2 | join_example2 |

The join Function

The generalised inner join function has the type ({α} → {β} → ~bool) → ({α} → {β} → {γ}) → [{α}] → [{β}] → [{γ}].

The first argument is the condition on which to join, and the second argument merges the two rows in to one.

SQUEE> join (\a b -> a.a < b.a + 1) (\a b -> {a: a.a, b: a.b, c: b.c}) example join_example

: [{a: ~int4, b: ~text, c: ~text}]

| a | b        | c             |
| 1 | example1 | join_example1 |
| 1 | example1 | join_example2 |
| 2 | example2 | join_example2 |

The aggregate Function

The aggregate function has type ({β} = Agg {γ}) ⇒ ({α} → {β}) → [{α}] → [{γ}].

The first argument is the mapping from a row to an aggregate result.

Functions that return aggregate results include:

  • sum : (Num α) ⇒ α → Agg α
  • count : Agg ~int4
SQUEE> aggregate (\t -> {sum: sum t.a, count: count}) example

: [{count: ~int4, sum: ~int4}]

| count | sum |
| 2     | 3   |

Pipe Operator

The pipe (|) is an infix operator with type α → (α → β) → β:

SQUEE> example | filter (\t -> t.a = 1) | natjoin join_example

: [{a: ~int4, b: ~text, c: ~text}]

| a | b        | c             |
| 1 | example1 | join_example1 |


Assign values and functions with the syntax:

def [name] := [expression]

For example,

SQUEE> def filteredExample := example | filter (\t -> t.a = 1)

filteredExample : [{a: ~int4, b: ~text}]

SQUEE> def identity := \x -> x

identity : α → α

SQUEE> identity filteredExample

: [{a: ~int4, b: ~text}]

| a | b        |
| 1 | example1 |


export has similar syntax to def. It signifies what queries should be included when generating code.

For example, if we have the file example.squee:

def notExported := example
export exportedExample := example
export filteredExportedExample a := example | filter (\t -> t.a = a)

Then the command squee generate sql-prepare example.squee will generate:

PREPARE exportedExample AS
  SELECT "a","b" FROM "example" AS _t;

PREPARE filteredExportedExample AS
  SELECT "a","b" FROM "example" AS _t WHERE ("a") = ($1);