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PlotlyJS (as a Plots.jl backend) now fails in Juno (Atom) on Ubuntu 16.04 #142

Sleort opened this issue Oct 24, 2017 · 8 comments


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Sleort commented Oct 24, 2017

In the REPL, running

using Plots

works fine. The same was the case a few days ago in Juno. However, now I get the following error message when I try to switch to the plotlyjs() backend:

(julia:19678): Gtk-WARNING **: GTK+ module /snap/atom/50/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/modules/ cannot be loaded.
GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported.
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "unity-gtk-module"

Any idea of what's going on / how to fix this?

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sglyon commented Oct 24, 2017

Will you please post the result of Pkg.status()

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Sleort commented Oct 25, 2017

@sglyon Sure:

julia> Pkg.status()
36 required packages:
 - Atom                          0.6.2+             master
 - BenchmarkTools                0.0.8
 - Bootstrap                     1.1.0
 - CatViews                      0.1.0+             master
 - DoubleDouble                  0.2.1
 - DynamicalBilliards            1.6.0              master
 - Flux                          0.3.3
 - ForwardDiff                   0.6.0
 - GLMNet                        0.3.0
 - GLVisualize                   0.6.1
 - GR                            0.24.0
 - ImageMagick                   0.5.0
 - Images                        0.11.3
 - JLD                           0.8.3
 - JLD2                          0.0.4
 - KernelDensity                 0.3.2
 - LightGraphs                   0.11.0
 - LsqFit                        0.3.0
 - MNIST                         0.0.2
 - Memoize                       0.2.0
 - NLsolve                       0.12.1
 - NumericIO                     0.2.0
 - ParallelDataTransfer          0.3.0+             master
 - PlotRecipes                   0.2.0
 - PlotlyJS                      0.7.0
 - Plots                         0.13.1
 - Polynomials                   0.1.6
 - ProfileView                   0.3.0
 - ProgressMeter                 0.5.0
 - PyPlot                        2.3.2
 - ReverseDiff                   0.2.0
 - Roots                         0.4.1
 - Rsvg                          0.1.0
 - StatPlots                     0.5.1
 - StaticArrays                  0.6.4
 - UnicodePlots                  0.2.5
151 additional packages:
 - AbstractFFTs                  0.2.0
 - AxisAlgorithms                0.2.0
 - AxisArrays                    0.2.0
 - BinDeps                       0.6.0
 - Blink                         0.5.3
 - Blosc                         0.3.0
 - BufferedStreams               0.3.3
 - Cairo                         0.3.1
 - Calculus                      0.2.2
 - CatIndices                    0.1.0
 - CodeTools                     0.4.7
 - CodecZlib                     0.4.0
 - Codecs                        0.4.0
 - ColorTypes                    0.6.5
 - ColorVectorSpace              0.5.1
 - Colors                        0.8.1
 - CommonSubexpressions          0.0.1
 - Compat                        0.34.0
 - ComputationalResources        0.2.0
 - Conda                         0.7.0              master
 - Contour                       0.4.0
 - CoordinateTransformations     0.4.1
 - CustomUnitRanges              0.1.0
 - DataArrays                    0.6.2
 - DataFlow                      0.3.0
 - DataFrames                    0.10.1
 - DataStructures                0.7.2
 - DataValues                    0.3.0
 - DiffBase                      0.3.2
 - DiffResults                   0.0.1
 - DiffRules                     0.0.1
 - Distances                     0.5.0
 - Distributions                 0.15.0             master
 - DocSeeker                     0.1.0
 - DocStringExtensions           0.4.1
 - DualNumbers                   0.3.0
 - FFTViews                      0.1.0
 - FFTW                          0.0.4
 - FactCheck                     0.4.3
 - FileIO                        0.5.2
 - FixedPointNumbers             0.4.3
 - FreeType                      1.3.0
 - FreeTypeAbstraction           0.1.0
 - FunctionWrappers              0.1.0
 - GLAbstraction                 0.5.1
 - GLFW                          1.4.0
 - GLWindow                      0.7.0
 - GZip                          0.3.0
 - GeometryTypes                 0.4.2
 - Graphics                      0.2.0
 - Gtk                           0.13.1
 - GtkReactive                   0.4.0
 - HDF5                          0.8.6
 - Hiccup                        0.1.1
 - HttpCommon                    0.3.0
 - HttpParser                    0.3.0
 - HttpServer                    0.2.0
 - IdentityRanges                0.1.0
 - ImageAxes                     0.3.1
 - ImageCore                     0.4.1
 - ImageFiltering                0.2.2
 - ImageMetadata                 0.3.0
 - ImageMorphology               0.0.2
 - ImageTransformations          0.4.0
 - IndirectArrays                0.2.0
 - Interpolations                0.7.0
 - IntervalSets                  0.1.1
 - IterTools                     0.1.0
 - IterableTables                0.5.2
 - Iterators                     0.3.1
 - JSON                          0.15.1
 - Juno                          0.3.1
 - LNR                           0.0.2
 - LaTeXStrings                  0.3.0
 - Lazy                          0.12.0
 - Learn                         0.0.0-             master (unregistered)
 - LearnBase                     0.1.6
 - LearningStrategies            0.2.0
 - LegacyStrings                 0.2.2
 - Libz                          0.2.4
 - LineSearches                  3.0.1
 - Loess                         0.3.0
 - LossFunctions                 0.2.0
 - MLDataPattern                 0.1.2
 - MLDataUtils                   0.2.0
 - MLLabelUtils                  0.1.4
 - MLMetrics                     0.0.0-             master (unregistered)
 - MacroTools                    0.4.0
 - MappedArrays                  0.0.7
 - MbedTLS                       0.5.1
 - Measures                      0.1.0
 - Media                         0.3.0
 - MeshIO                        0.1.0
 - ModernGL                      0.2.1
 - Mustache                      0.3.0
 - Mux                           0.2.3
 - NLSolversBase                 3.1.0
 - NNlib                         0.1.3
 - NaNMath                       0.2.6
 - NamedTuples                   4.0.0
 - NetworkLayout                 0.1.1
 - ObjectiveFunctions            0.0.0-             master (unregistered)
 - OffsetArrays                  0.4.2
 - OnlineStats                   0.12.0
 - OnlineStatsBase               0.1.0
 - Optim                         0.10.0
 - OptimBase                     0.1.0
 - PDMats                        0.7.1
 - Packing                       0.1.0
 - PaddedViews                   0.2.0
 - Parameters                    0.8.0
 - PenaltyFunctions              0.0.1+             master
 - PlotThemes                    0.1.4
 - PlotUtils                     0.4.4
 - PositiveFactorizations        0.1.0
 - PyCall                        1.15.0
 - QuadGK                        0.1.3
 - Quaternions                   0.3.0
 - RangeArrays                   0.2.0
 - Ratios                        0.2.0
 - Reactive                      0.6.0
 - RecipesBase                   0.2.3
 - Reexport                      0.0.3
 - Requires                      0.4.3
 - Rmath                         0.3.0
 - Rotations                     0.6.0
 - RoundingIntegers              0.0.3
 - SHA                           0.5.1
 - SIUnits                       0.1.0
 - ShowItLikeYouBuildIt          0.2.0
 - Showoff                       0.1.1
 - SignedDistanceFields          0.2.0
 - SimpleTraits                  0.5.1
 - SortingAlgorithms             0.1.1
 - SpecialFunctions              0.3.4
 - StatsBase                     0.19.0
 - StatsFuns                     0.5.0
 - StochasticOptimization        0.0.0-             master (unregistered)
 - StringDistances               0.2.0
 - SweepOperator                 0.1.0
 - TableTraits                   0.0.1
 - TableTraitsUtils              0.1.0
 - TexExtensions                 0.1.0
 - TiledIteration                0.1.0
 - Tokenize                      0.4.2
 - TranscodingStreams            0.3.1
 - Transformations               0.0.0-             master (unregistered)
 - URIParser                     0.2.0
 - UnicodeFun                    0.1.0
 - WebSockets                    0.2.3
 - WoodburyMatrices              0.2.2

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sglyon commented Oct 25, 2017

It looks like a problem with gtk.jl.

Can you try


If that doesn't work it might be worthwhile to post an issue over there, but let's see what we can do here first.

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Sleort commented Oct 25, 2017

Can you try


Nothing changed...

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sglyon commented Oct 25, 2017

What happens when you try to do

using Gtk

In a fresh Julia session?

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Sleort commented Oct 25, 2017

It works fine in the REPL, but returns

(julia:27582): Gtk-WARNING **: GTK+ module /snap/atom/50/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/modules/ cannot be loaded.
GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported.
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "unity-gtk-module"

if I do the same in Juno.

So yes, I guess this is an issue for Gtk.jl, or maybe Juno...

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sglyon commented Oct 25, 2017

Yeah, I'm afraid this is outside the scope of PlotlyJS.jl. I'd probably start with asking people over at Gtk.jl.

That being said, if you still want to use PlotlyJS.jl inside Juno while you wait for this to be resolved you can change this line


@static if isinstalled("Cairo") && isinstalled("Rsvg")


@static if false

This will disable saving png, pdf, or eps -- but will not cause Gtk/Cairo/Rsvg to be loaded.

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Sleort commented Oct 26, 2017

I opened an issue over at Gtk.jl, so let's see...

Great! The (temporary) workaround solved the problem inside Juno (which was the main issue for me). Now I can go back to making nice, interactive 3D plots!

Thank you very much for your help!

@Sleort Sleort closed this as completed Oct 26, 2017
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