diff --git a/base/abstractarray.jl b/base/abstractarray.jl
index 6522bc3d74a98..d626146c136f8 100644
--- a/base/abstractarray.jl
+++ b/base/abstractarray.jl
@@ -912,9 +912,6 @@ function isequal(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray)
     if size(A) != size(B)
         return false
-    if isa(A,Range) != isa(B,Range)
-        return false
-    end
     for (a, b) in zip(A, B)
         if !isequal(a, b)
             return false
@@ -935,9 +932,6 @@ function (==)(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray)
     if size(A) != size(B)
         return false
-    if isa(A,Range) != isa(B,Range)
-        return false
-    end
     for (a, b) in zip(A, B)
         if !(a == b)
             return false
@@ -1151,38 +1145,3 @@ push!(A, a, b) = push!(push!(A, a), b)
 push!(A, a, b, c...) = push!(push!(A, a, b), c...)
 unshift!(A, a, b) = unshift!(unshift!(A, b), a)
 unshift!(A, a, b, c...) = unshift!(unshift!(A, c...), a, b)
-## hashing collections ##
-const hashaa_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x7f53e68ceb575e76 : 0xeb575e76
-const hashrle_seed = UInt == UInt64 ? 0x2aab8909bfea414c : 0xbfea414c
-function hash(a::AbstractArray, h::UInt)
-    h += hashaa_seed
-    h += hash(size(a))
-    state = start(a)
-    done(a, state) && return h
-    x2, state = next(a, state)
-    done(a, state) && return hash(x2, h)
-    x1 = x2
-    while !done(a, state)
-        x1 = x2
-        x2, state = next(a, state)
-        if isequal(x2, x1)
-            # For repeated elements, use run length encoding
-            # This allows efficient hashing of sparse arrays
-            runlength = 2
-            while !done(a, state)
-                x2, state = next(a, state)
-                isequal(x1, x2) || break
-                runlength += 1
-            end
-            h += hashrle_seed
-            h = hash(runlength, h)
-        end
-        h = hash(x1, h)
-    end
-    !isequal(x2, x1) && (h = hash(x2, h))
-    return h
diff --git a/base/hashing.jl b/base/hashing.jl
index ab7ed4631b3de..4cf1490c210b2 100644
--- a/base/hashing.jl
+++ b/base/hashing.jl
@@ -64,11 +64,65 @@ end
 hash(x::QuoteNode, h::UInt) = hash(x.value, hash(QuoteNode, h))
-# hashing ranges by component at worst leads to collisions for very similar ranges
-const hashr_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x80707b6821b70087 : 0x21b70087
+## hashing collections ##
+const hashaa_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x7f53e68ceb575e76 : 0xeb575e76
+const hashrle_seed = UInt == UInt64 ? 0x2aab8909bfea414c : 0xbfea414c
+function hash(a::AbstractArray, h::UInt)
+    h += hashaa_seed
+    h += hash(size(a))
+    state = start(a)
+    done(a, state) && return h
+    x1, state = next(a, state)
+    # Always hash the first element
+    h = hash(x1, h)
+    done(a, state) && return h
+    # Then hash the difference between two subsequent elements when - is supported,
+    # or the elements themselves when not
+    x2, state = next(a, state)
+    v2 = applicable(-, x2, x1) ? x2 - x1 : x2
+    done(a, state) && return hash(v2, h)
+    v1 = v2
+    while !done(a, state)
+        x1 = x2
+        x2, state = next(a, state)
+        v1 = v2
+        v2 = applicable(-, x2, x1) ? x2 - x1 : x2
+        if isequal(v2, v1)
+            # For repeated elements, use run length encoding
+            # This allows efficient hashing of sparse arrays
+            runlength = 2
+            while !done(a, state)
+                x1 = x2
+                x2, state = next(a, state)
+                v2 = applicable(-, x2, x1) ? x2 - x1 : x2
+                isequal(v1, v2) || break
+                runlength += 1
+            end
+            h += hashrle_seed
+            h = hash(runlength, h)
+        end
+        h = hash(v1, h)
+    end
+    !isequal(v2, v1) && (h = hash(v2, h))
+    return h
 function hash(r::Range, h::UInt)
-    h += hashr_seed
+    h += hashaa_seed
+    h += hash(size(r))
+    length(r) == 0 && return h
     h = hash(first(r), h)
-    h = hash(step(r), h)
-    h = hash(last(r), h)
+    length(r) == 1 && return h
+    length(r) == 2 && return hash(step(r), h)
+    h += hashrle_seed
+    h = hash(length(r)-1, h)
+    hash(step(r), h)
diff --git a/base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl b/base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
index 8dc0c89469903..c26be85896aa5 100644
--- a/base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
+++ b/base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
@@ -3288,51 +3288,6 @@ function rotl90(A::SparseMatrixCSC)
     return sparse(J, I, V, n, m)
-## hashing
-# End the run and return the current hash
-@inline function hashrun(val, runlength::Int, h::UInt)
-    if runlength == 0
-        return h
-    elseif runlength > 1
-        h += Base.hashrle_seed
-        h = hash(runlength, h)
-    end
-    hash(val, h)
-function hash{T}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{T}, h::UInt)
-    h += Base.hashaa_seed
-    sz = size(A)
-    h += hash(sz)
-    colptr = A.colptr
-    rowval = A.rowval
-    nzval = A.nzval
-    lastidx = 0
-    runlength = 0
-    lastnz = zero(T)
-    @inbounds for col = 1:size(A, 2)
-        for j = colptr[col]:colptr[col+1]-1
-            nz = nzval[j]
-            isequal(nz, zero(T)) && continue
-            idx = sub2ind(sz, rowval[j], col)
-            if idx != lastidx+1 || !isequal(nz, lastnz)  # Run is over
-                h = hashrun(lastnz, runlength, h)        # Hash previous run
-                h = hashrun(0, idx-lastidx-1, h)         # Hash intervening zeros
-                runlength = 1
-                lastnz = nz
-            else
-                runlength += 1
-            end
-            lastidx = idx
-        end
-    end
-    h = hashrun(lastnz, runlength, h) # Hash previous run
-    hashrun(0, length(A)-lastidx, h)  # Hash zeros at end
 ## Statistics
 # This is the function that does the reduction underlying var/std
diff --git a/test/hashing.jl b/test/hashing.jl
index 98bf8a4a0788a..b87aa26029ebf 100644
--- a/test/hashing.jl
+++ b/test/hashing.jl
@@ -66,13 +66,20 @@ vals = Any[
     Dict(42 => 101, 77 => 93), Dict{Any,Any}(42 => 101, 77 => 93),
     (1,2,3,4), (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0), (1,3,2,4),
     ("a","b"), (SubString("a",1,1), SubString("b",1,1)),
+    ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
     # issue #6900
     [x => x for x in 1:10],
     [], [1], [2], [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 2], [1, 2, 2], [1, 3, 3],
     zeros(2, 2), spzeros(2, 2), eye(2, 2), speye(2, 2),
     sparse(ones(2, 2)), ones(2, 2), sparse([0 0; 1 0]), [0 0; 1 0],
-    [-0. 0; -0. 0.], SparseMatrixCSC(2, 2, [1, 3, 3], [1, 2], [-0., -0.])
+    [-0. 0; -0. 0.], SparseMatrixCSC(2, 2, [1, 3, 3], [1, 2], [-0., -0.]),
+    # issue #16364
+    1:4, 1:1:4, 1:-1:0, 1.0:4.0, 1.0:1.0:4.0, 'a':'e',
+    linspace(1, 3, 10), collect(linspace(1, 3, 10)),
+    # check that hash is still consistent with heteregeneous arrays for which - is defined
+    # for some pairs and not others (no element must be ignored)
+    ["a", "b", 1, 2], ["a", 1, 2], ["a", "b", 2, 2], ["a", "a", 1, 2], ["a", "b", 2, 3]
 for a in vals, b in vals