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@@ -11,5 +11,4 @@ images:
$(MAKE) empty -C src/tikz
- rm -Rf build
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+ rm -Rf build
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prettyurls=get(ENV, "CI", "false") == "true",
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# specifies that we do not display the package name again (it's already in the logo)
diff --git a/docs/src/architectures/sympnet.md b/docs/src/architectures/sympnet.md
index 12d66519d..6c326583a 100644
--- a/docs/src/architectures/sympnet.md
+++ b/docs/src/architectures/sympnet.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This document discusses the SympNet architecture and its implementation in `Geom
### Principle
-SympNets (see [jin2020sympnets](@cite) for the eponymous paper) are a type of neural network that can model the trajectory of a Hamiltonian system in phase space. Take $(q^T,p^T)^T=(q_1,\ldots,q_d,p_1,\ldots,p_d)^T\in \mathbb{R}^{2d}$ as the coordinates in phase space, where $q=(q_1, \ldots, q_d)^T\in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ is refered to as the *position* and $p=(p_1, \ldots, p_d)^T\in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ the *momentum*. Given a point $(q^T,p^T)^T$ in $\mathbb{R}^{2d}$ the SympNet aims to compute the *next position* $((q')^T,(p')^T)^T$ and thus predicts the trajectory while preserving the *symplectic structure* of the system.
+SympNets (see [jin2020sympnets](@cite) for the eponymous paper) are a type of neural network that can model the trajectory of a Hamiltonian system in phase space. Take ``(q^T,p^T)^T=(q_1,\ldots,q_d,p_1,\ldots,p_d)^T\in \mathbb{R}^{2d}`` as the coordinates in phase space, where ``q=(q_1, \ldots, q_d)^T\in \mathbb{R}^{d}`` is refered to as the *position* and ``p=(p_1, \ldots, p_d)^T\in \mathbb{R}^{d}`` the *momentum*. Given a point ``(q^T,p^T)^T`` in ``\mathbb{R}^{2d}`` the SympNet aims to compute the *next position* ``((q')^T,(p')^T)^T`` and thus predicts the trajectory while preserving the *symplectic structure* of the system.
SympNets are enforcing symplecticity strongly, meaning that this property is hard-coded into the network architecture. The layers are reminiscent of traditional neural network feedforward layers, but have a strong restriction imposed on them in order to be symplectic.
SympNets can be viewed as a "symplectic integrator" (see [hairer2006geometric](@cite) and [leimkuhler2004simulating](@cite)). Their goal is to predict, based on an initial condition $((q^{(0)})^T,(p^{(0)})^T)^T$, a sequence of points in phase space that fit the training data as well as possible:
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ SympNets can be viewed as a "symplectic integrator" (see [hairer2006geometric](@
The tilde in the above equation indicates *predicted data*. The time step between predictions is not a parameter we can choose but is related to the *temporal frequency of the training data*. This means that if data is recorded in an interval of e.g. 0.1 seconds, then this will be the time step of our integrator.
-### Architecture of SympNets
+```@raw html
There are two types of SympNet architectures: $LA$-SympNets and $G$-SympNets.
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all: pdf png logo clean
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+ struct/.style={module, fill=mblue!30},
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+ arrow_imp/.style={-stealth, thick, rounded corners, dashed, white},
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+%\node[module] (ann) {\texttt{AbstractNeuralNetworks.jl}};
+%\node[module, right of=ann, xshift=5cm] (gml) {\texttt{GeometricMachineLearning.jl}};
+\node[abstract_type] (architecture) {\texttt{Architecture}};
+\node[abstract_type, right of=architecture, xshift=1cm] (model) {\texttt{Model}};
+\node[abstract_type, below of=model] (al) {\texttt{AbstractLayer}};
+\node[abstract_type, below of=al] (ael) {\texttt{AbstractExplicitLayer}};
+\node[abstract_type, left of=architecture, xshift=-3cm] (ann) {\texttt{AbstractNeuralNetwork}};
+\node[struct, below of=ann] (nn) {\texttt{NeuralNetwork}};
+\node[abstract_type, below of=ael, xshift=12cm, yshift=2cm] (sympnetlayer) {\texttt{SympNetLayer}};
+\node[struct, below of=sympnetlayer, xshift=-6cm] (gradient) {\texttt{GradientLayer}};
+\node[struct, below of=sympnetlayer] (activation) {\texttt{ActivationLayer}};
+\node[struct, below of=sympnetlayer, xshift=6.4cm] (linear) {\texttt{LinearLayer}};
+\node[constructor, below of=gradient, xshift=-1.5cm] (gradientq) {\texttt{GradientLayerQ}};
+\node[constructor, below of=gradient, xshift=1.5cm] (gradientp) {\texttt{GradientLayerP}};
+\node[constructor, below of=activation, xshift=-1.3cm] (activationq) {\texttt{ActivationLayerQ}};
+\node[constructor, below of=activation, xshift=2.0cm] (activationp) {\texttt{ActivationLayerP}};
+\node[constructor, below of=linear, xshift=-1.3cm] (linearq) {\texttt{LinearLayerQ}};
+\node[constructor, below of=linear, xshift=1.3cm] (linearp) {\texttt{LinearLayerP}};
+\node[abstract_type, below of=activationq, xshift=1cm, yshift=-2cm] (sympnetnetwork) {\texttt{SympNet}};
+\node[struct, below of=sympnetnetwork, xshift=-1cm] (gsympnet) {\texttt{GSympNet}};
+\node[struct, below of=sympnetnetwork, xshift=1.1cm] (lasympnet) {\texttt{LASympNet}};
+\draw[arrow_exp] (model) -- (al);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (al) -- (ael);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (ael) -- (sympnetlayer);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (sympnetlayer) -- (gradient);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (sympnetlayer) -- (activation);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (sympnetlayer) -- (linear);
+% arrows for the constructor
+\draw[arrow_constructor] (gradientq) -- (gradient);
+\draw[arrow_constructor] (gradientp) -- (gradient);
+\draw[arrow_constructor] (activationq) -- (activation);
+\draw[arrow_constructor] (activationp) -- (activation);
+\draw[arrow_constructor] (linearq) -- (linear);
+\draw[arrow_constructor] (linearp) -- (linear);
+\coordinate[right of=linearp, yshift=-.3cm] (right_of_linearp);
+\coordinate[below of=sympnetnetwork, yshift=-.5cm] (below_of_sympnet);
+\coordinate[left of=ael, xshift=-1.4cm, yshift=-5.5cm] (left_of_ael);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (architecture.west)--(left_of_ael)--(below_of_sympnet)--(sympnetnetwork);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (sympnetnetwork) -- (gsympnet);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (sympnetnetwork) -- (lasympnet);
+\coordinate[right of=sympnetnetwork] (right_of_sympnet);
+\draw[arrow_imp] (linearq) -- (lasympnet);
+\draw[arrow_imp] (linearp) -- (lasympnet);
+\draw[arrow_imp] (activationq)--(right_of_sympnet)--(lasympnet);
+\draw[arrow_imp] (activationp) -- (lasympnet);
+\draw[arrow_imp] (gradientq) -- (gsympnet);
+\draw[arrow_imp] (gradientp) -- (gsympnet);
+\draw[arrow_exp] (ann) -- (nn);
+\coordinate[left of=gsympnet, xshift=-10cm] (left_of_gsympnet);
+\draw[arrow_imp] (gsympnet.west)--(left_of_gsympnet)--(nn);
+\coordinate[below of=lasympnet, yshift=.6cm] (below_of_lasympnet);
+\coordinate[below of=left_of_gsympnet, yshift=.6cm] (left_of_gsympnet2);
+\coordinate[left of=nn, xshift=.8cm, yshift=-.25cm] (nn2);
+\draw[arrow_imp] (lasympnet.south)--(below_of_lasympnet)--(left_of_gsympnet2)--(nn2);
+\node[fit=(architecture)(model)(al)(ael)(ann), label=below:\color{mpurple}\hspace{5cm}\texttt{AbstractNeuralNetworks.jl}, draw, rounded corners, color=white] (ann) {};
+\node[fit=(sympnetnetwork)(gradient)(gradientq)(gsympnet)(lasympnet)(linearp)(linear)(sympnetlayer)(below_of_sympnet), label=below:\color{mgreen}\texttt{GeometricMachineLearning.jl}, draw, rounded corners, color=white] (gml) {};
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
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+\begin{tikzpicture}[module/.style={draw, very thick, rounded corners, minimum width=4ex},
+ ffnnmodule/.style={module, fill=mblue!20},
+ arrow/.style={-stealth, thick, rounded corners, white},
+\node[ffnnmodule, align=center] (qp0) {$q^{(0)}$\\\\$p^{(0)}$};
+\node[ffnnmodule, right of=qp0, align=center, xshift=5ex] (qp1) {$q^{(1)}$ \\ \\ $p^{(1)}$};
+\node[ffnnmodule, right of=qp1, align=center, xshift=5ex] (qp2) {$q^{(2)}$ \\ \\ $p^{(2)}$};
+\node[right of=qp2, align=center, xshift=5ex] (dots) { \\ {\color{white}$\cdots$} \\ };
+\node[right of=dots, ffnnmodule, align=center, xshift=5ex] (qpn) {$q^{(k+1)}$ \\ \\ $p^{(k+1)}$};
+\coordinate[right of=qp0, xshift=1.5ex] (leftofqp1);
+\coordinate[right of=dots] (rightofdots);
+\node[fit=(leftofqp1)(qp1)(qp2)(dots)(rightofdots), draw, ultra thick, rounded corners, label=below:{\color{white}{SympNet}}, color=white] (sympnet) {};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp0.east)!0.5!(qp0.north east)$) -- ($(qp1.west)!0.5!(qp1.north west)$) node[midway, above] {\tiny id};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp0.east)!0.5!(qp0.south east)$) -- ($(qp1.west)!0.5!(qp1.south west)$) node[midway, below] {\tiny id};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp1.east)!0.5!(qp1.north east)$) -- ($(qp2.west)!0.5!(qp2.north west)$) node[midway, above] {\tiny id};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp1.east)!0.5!(qp1.south east)$) -- ($(qp2.west)!0.5!(qp2.south west)$) node[midway, below] {\tiny id};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.north east)$) -- ([xshift=7ex] $(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.north east)$) node[midway, above] {\tiny id};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.south east)$) -- ([xshift=7ex] $(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.south east)$) node[midway, below] {\tiny id};
+\draw[arrow] ([xshift=10ex] $(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.north east)$) -- ($(qpn.west)!0.5!(qpn.north west)$) node[midway, above] {\tiny id};
+\draw[arrow] ([xshift=10ex] $(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.south east)$) -- ($(qpn.west)!0.5!(qpn.south west)$) node[midway, below] {\tiny id};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp0.east)!0.5!(qp0.north east)$) -- ([yshift=.3ex] $(qp1.west)!0.5!(qp1.south west)$) node[midway, below] {\tiny $T_0$};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp1.east)!0.5!(qp1.south east)$) -- ([yshift=-.3ex] $(qp2.west)!0.5!(qp2.north west)$) node[midway, above] {\tiny $T_1$};
+\draw[arrow] ($(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.north east)$) -- ([yshift=.3ex, xshift=7ex] $(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.south east)$) node[midway, below] {\tiny $T_2$};
+\draw[arrow] ([xshift=10ex] $(qp2.east)!0.5!(qp2.south east)$) -- ([yshift=-.3ex] $(qpn.west)!0.5!(qpn.north west)$) node[midway, above] {\tiny $T_k$};
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index fc6704a14..a149fb6ca 100644
--- a/docs/src/tutorials/sympnet_tutorial.md
+++ b/docs/src/tutorials/sympnet_tutorial.md
@@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ The loss function described in the [theory section](../architectures/sympnet.md)
## Data Structures in `GeometricMachineLearning.jl`
+```@raw html
## Examples