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Course integration into a LMS

Cristian Gonzalez edited this page Sep 15, 2020 · 9 revisions

Course integration into a LMS

UNCode implements the LTI specification in order to integrate into Moodle, OpenEdx or any other Learning Management System (LMS) that also implements this specification. Here we show the steps to follow to configure a task and the course for that.

Course configuration

To integrate the course into a LMS follow next steps:

  1. In course settings, activate the LTI mode and define your LTI keys (consumer key and secret). When you do this, students will lose access to the tasks on UNCode, they will be only accessible via the LMS.

    • Defining the LTI Keys:

    These are composed by consumer keys and secrets separated by a colon in the LTI keys field. For instance, here’s an example of a set of keys and secrets:


    This defines two LTI keys, consumer_key_1 and consumer_key_2, with passwords a_very_secret_password and wow_such_secret. Make sure the passwords are alphanumeric and they are enough long for more security.

    This keys are necessary when setting up an activity on the LMS

  2. (Optional) Enable option to send grades back to the LMS. This is highly recommended, as grades will be centralized in one platform.

Setting up a activity on Moodle

Now that the course is configured to allow LTI connections from a LMS. You must follow next steps:

  1. In case the activity to be set on Moodle is not create yet, proceed to create a new task on UNCode. Please refer to the corresponding documentation.
  2. On Moodle, under edition mode, select add an activity and choose external tool.
  3. In General settings:
    1. Fill in the activity name.
    2. If you want, add a activity description and activate the options you desire for your course.
    3. Click on Show more... and fill in the Tool URL. This is the task URL on UNCode, to get this URL, go to the task edition on UNCode and in Basic settings you will see the URL in the field LTI task URL. Paste this URL on Moodle.
    4. In Launch container, select the option you want, this determines how the task is show on Moodle, either as an iframe or a new window.
    5. Set the Consumer Key you have created in the Course LTI settings previously. You should create a different LTI key for each activity on Moodle.
    6. Shared key is the corresponding password of the Consumer key, paste it here.
    7. Modify all the other options as you want. Save it and now it should be shown on Moodle.

Additional documentation

Check the INGInious original documentation for more information.

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