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You work at a credit card company and as a value-add they want to start providing alerts to users when their spending in any particular category is higher than usual.

A Payment is a simple value object with a expense, description, and category.

A Category is an enumerable type of a collection of things like “entertainment”, “restaurants”, and “golf”.

For a given userId, fetch the payments for the current month and the previous month. Compare the total amount paid for each month, grouped by category. Filter down to the categories for which the user spent at least 50% more this month than last month.

Compose an e-mail message to the user that lists the categories for which spending was unusually high, with a subject like “Unusual spending of $1076 detected!” and this body:

Hello card user!

We have detected unusually high spending on your card in these categories:

* You spent $148 on groceries
* You spent $928 on travel

The Credit Card Company

Follow-up (over-the-top)


The follow-up to the basic kata requirements was initially planned as a small system consisting of a few microservices working together in a Kubernetes cluster.

To come up with the target state of the application a simple, one-man event storming was performed. First and foremost it was a way of getting to know the technique in practice, but it also enabled discovering natural domain boundaries. Event storming result

Later on as I've caught up more and more and learned about serverless design and Amazon Web Services, I've decided to leave the part of the system that was already running on Kubernetes (Payment Store service, Artemis JMS broker, H2 database) in place ("legacy") and instead of transforming other parts to microservices in the same K8S cluster I redesigned the solution to tackle a serverless approach.


Target system architecture (with "legacy"): Architecture diagram

Notification handler (Step Functions): Notification handler

Notification handling could also be implemented as separated lambdas based on notification-related events, e.g. NotificationCreated, NotificationSent, NotificationModificationFailed. Such architecture would however be still strictly coupled - step functions seem more explicit in this case.

Final system architecture: Architecture diagram


NotificationSent event could also be added, but it's omitted for now as it doesn't seem to be necessary.


  "username": "test_user",
  "timestamp": "2022-07-01T10:12:37+02"


  "payerUsername": "test_user",
  "timestamp": "2022-07-02T12:13:49+02"

"Legacy events"

Events sent to the "legacy" JMS broker in the Kubernetes cluster. Normally it would be migrated to match other events, but was left in place to resemble a not-fully migrated system.


The service polls payment events from a topic (payment/register/<version>) and saves them in the database for future use. Example of such an event:

  "payerUsername": "test_user",
  "details": {
    "id": "7b8d8c9f-a8fb-486d-9c44-96008b30118e",
    "timestamp": "2022-07-02T12:13:49+02",
    "category": "groceries",
    "description": "Credit card payment at Walmart",
    "cost": {
      "amount": 12.99,
      "currency": "USD"
  "payerUsername": "test_user",
  "timestamp": "2022-07-02T12:13:49+02",
  "cost": "$12.99"

Notifications table

Notifications will be stored in a DynamoDB table.

username period base_period body sent_to last_error retry_count
  • username (String) - username matching the AWS Cognito entry
  • period (String) - dates between which the verified payments are aggregated; format: yyyy-MM-dd - yyyy-MM-dd
  • base_period (String) - dates between which the base payments are aggregated; format: yyyy-MM-dd - yyyy-MM-dd
  • body (String) - notification body that should be sent
  • sent_to (String) - target to which the notification was sent; according to the initial requirements it's an email address, but could also be for example a phone number; empty means notification hasn't been sent yet
  • last_error (String) - information about last error that occurred during notification handling (creation, publication)
  • retry_count (int) - indicates how many times the notification handling was retried after an error; should be used to prevent retrying infinitely

Kubernetes microservices


At first all the initial code was to be divided into microservices and run in a Kubernetes cluster, but the approach was changed to more serverless-focused. The Kubernetes cluster was left as initially prepared (except for the front-end app that should be extracted and served from an S3 host with possible CloudFront support).

The whole setup was prepared so that it was easy to run the whole application locally, but also the main thought behind the configuration was simplicity. An H2 database configured as a part of the cluster was used as a shortcut, which some consider to be a bad practice and in a cloud-based architecture it should be replaced with a database stored separately. In AWS it would be: migration to DynamoDB - preferred as there are no actual relations in the database / Aurora / RDS / EC2. It was left in place as part of the Kubernetes solution - might be considered as a "legacy" part of the system. Artemis JMS broker was configured inline in the Kubernetes deployment configuration, which was also a way to spend less time on the configuration part. Again - in the cloud environment it should be replaced with a solution designed to handle messaging. In AWS it would be: SNS / EventBridge / Kinesis / Amazon MQ. Since topics are used, SQS would not be suitable.

Local setup and usage


JDK 17, Maven, Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes, Minikube, AWS CLI and Localstack

AWS services

Run scripts/aws/ or execute steps below:

  1. Add a Localstack DNS entry to the /etc/hosts file:

  2. Run Localstack (presence in PATH assumed): localstack start

  3. Deploy the Cloud Formation configuration:

awslocal cloudformation deploy --stack-name unusual-spending-stack --template-file aws/unusual-spending-template.yaml

  1. Upload the frontend app build files (frontend app has to be built before that):
cd frontend/build
awslocal s3 cp --recursive . s3://frontend-app-bucket
  1. Print information about the Cloud Formation:

awslocal cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name unusual-spending-stack

Frontend app is exposed from S3 bucket at port 4566 by default:

(s3-website returns The specified bucket does not have a website configuration for some reason - I will have to deal with it in the future)

  1. Start up Kubernetes cluster as described below. Run Cypress E2E tests to verify the application.


All the steps to run the cluster are included in the scripts/k8s/ file. JDK 17, Maven, Docker, Kubernetes, Minikube and Node.js need to be installed.

  1. Startup Minikube:

    minikube start

  2. Build the project using:

    mvn clean package

(includes creation of a Jib images)

  1. To load the images into the local Minikube instance use:

    minikube image load io.github.jonarzz/payment-storage-service:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

(image will not be reloaded if a pod in a deployment using the image is running - see: kubectl scale command below)

  1. (Re)load Kubernetes configuration:

    kubectl apply -k k8s

(it's best to start up the cluster with 0 replicas of the services deployment and increase the number later, when database and JMS broker pods are up)

  1. Enable ingress addon and open a tunnel in Minikube:

    minikube addons enable ingress minikube tunnel

GraphQL console is available at: http://localhost/api/payment/q/graphql-ui

Additional useful command examples:

  • kubectl get svc (also deploy, pod etc.) - get state of running services (deployments, pods)
  • kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/payment-storage-service - stop all running pods in given deployment
  • kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment/payment-storage-service - start pods in given deployment (with no replication)
  • kubectl exec -it deploy/payment-storage-service -- /bin/bash - start executing commands inside given deployment; the command after -- could be anything, e.g. it could be a curl command verifying if other deployment's service is accessible from given deployment - in case of a single command the session quits after executing the command
  • kubectl port-forward service/payment-storage-service 8080:80 - run a tunnel forwarding the localhost port 8080 to the 80 port for given service
  • kubectl explain <thing> (e.g. kubectl explain deployments.spec.replicas) - display documentation of the given "thing"
  • kubectl logs <pod_name> -c <init_container_name> -f - display logs of init container for given pod (following new lines)
  • minikube image ls --format table - list Minikube images - by verifying image ID it's possible to check if the image was successfully reloaded
  • minikube image rm io.github.jonarzz/payment-storage-service:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT - remove the image from Minikube images
  • minikube dashboard - run a web-accessible dashboard showing the state of the cluster

See kubectl and minikube commands pages for more.

Recommended reading

Pods SSH commands


Send a message:

broker/bin/artemis producer \
--destination topic://payment/register/v1 \
--user artemis \
--password artemis \
--message-count 1 \
--message '{
"payerUsername": "test_user",
"details": {
  "id": "2aad8c9f-a8fb-486d-9c44-96008b30117b",
  "category": "groceries",
  "description": "Credit card payment at Walmart",
  "cost": {
    "amount": 37.99,
    "currency": "USD"
broker/bin/artemis producer \
--destination topic://payment/register/v1 \
--user artemis \
--password artemis \
--message-count 1 \
--message '{
"payerUsername": "test_user",
"details": {
  "id": "ba1d8c9f-c7fb-486d-9c44-98008b30117c",
  "timestamp": "2022-07-27T16:13:21+02",
  "category": "travel",
  "cost": {
    "amount": 987.75,
    "currency": {
      "alphaCode": "PLN",
      "languageTag": "pl-PL"

Check queue state:

broker/bin/artemis queue stat \
--user artemis \
--password artemis \
--queueName payment/register/v1

TODO list

  • ✅ change payerId to payerUsername in the payment-storage-service module
  • ✅ rename module payment-service to payment-storage-service
  • ✅ remove time from aggregation timespan (should be a date-only period)
  • ✅ emit PaymentStored event from payment-storage-service
  • ✅ transform the code to comply with hexagonal architecture better
  • ✅ merge strictly related modules together: expense-service and notification-service
  • ✅ integration test of front-end app using payment-storage-service API
  • ✅ introduce CloudFoundation configuration
  • 📝 add EKS configuration to include existing "legacy" Kubernetes config
  • 📝 add API gateway configuration
  • ✅ extract front-end app to S3
  • 📝 add lambda for payment registration
  • 📝 add lambda reading stored payments
  • 📝 create EventBridge event store configuration
  • 📝 add lambda rewriting and transforming legacy PaymentStored events to EventBridge event store
  • 📝 configure Notifications table in DynamoDB
  • 📝 add lambda triggered by PaymentStored event that should create a Notifications table item if an entry for given period (configurable) does not exist
  • 📝 add lambda exposing access to the Notifications table through API
  • 📝 create Step Functions handling notifications body creation
  • 📝 add notification publishing to the Step Functions
  • 📝 add EventBridge cron job to trigger the Step Functions
  • 📝 allow dynamic selection of notification period type (month, week etc.)
  • 📝 add Cognito configuration
  • 📝 expose API for users sign in, login and information retrieval
  • 📝 create notifications using locale defined for the user in Cognito attributes
  • 📝 secure API calls using Cognito roles (user / admin)
  • 📝 add front-end components to present what API exposes
  • 📝 configure CloudFront for the front-end app
  • 📝 add X-Ray and CloudWatch configuration
  • 📝 transform "legacy" Kubernetes cluster to the final architecture