Kattis Solutions Solutions to the Kattis archives. Problems Problem Languages 🔗 (More) Multiplication Python 3 0-1 Sequences Python 3 10 Kinds of People C 2048 C 3D Printed Statues C 4 thought Python 3 A Classy Problem C,Java,Python 3 A Different Problem C A Feast For Cats Python 3 A List Game C A Multiplication Game Python 3 A New Alphabet C++,Python 3 A Prize No One Can Win Python 3 A Rational Sequence (Take 3) C A Rational Sequence 2 C A Real Challenge C A Towering Problem C A Vicious Pikeman (Easy) Python 3 A1 Paper Python 3 Aaah! C Ab Initio C ABC C Above Average C Access Denied Python 3 Accounting Python 3 ACM Contest Scoring Go Add Two Numbers Python 3 Adding Words Python 3 Air Conditioned Minions Python 3 Akcija C++ Alex and Barb C Alice in the Digital World Python 3 Alien Numbers Python 3 All about that base C++ All Different Directions Python 3 All Just A Dream Python 3 All Pairs Shortest Path C Almost Perfect C Almost Union-Find Python 3 Alphabet C Alphabet Spam C Amalgamated Artichokes C Amsterdam Distance Python 3 An I for an Eye Python 3 An Industrial Spy Python 3 Anagram Counting Python 3 Another Brick in the Wall C Another Candies C Anthony and Diablo Python 3 Ants C Apaxiaaaaaaaaaaaans! Go Are You Listening? Python 3 Arithmetic Python 3 Arithmetic Functions C++ Arm Coordination Python 3 Army Strength (Easy) C Army Strength (Hard) C Arrangement Python 3 ASCII Addition Python 3 ASCII Figure Rotation Python 3 Assigning Workstations Python 3 Association for Computing Machinery C Autori C Average Character Python 3 Avion C Avoidland C Awkward Party Python 3 Babelfish C++,Python 3 Baby Bites C,Python 3 Babylonian Numbers Python 3 Bachet's Game C Backspace C++ Bacon, Eggs, and Spam Python 3 Baloni C,Python 3 Bank Queue C Bard Python 3 Base-2 Palindromes Python 3 BASIC Interpreter C++ Basic Programming 1 Python 3 Basic Programming 2 Python 3 Basic Remains Python 3 Basketball One-on-One C Batmanacci C,Python 3 Batter Up C Battle Simulation C Battleship Python 3 Bazen Python 3 Beat the Spread! C Beavergnaw C Beehives C Beekeeper Python 3 Bela Go Best Before Python 3 Best Compression Ever C Best Compromise Python 3 Best Relay Team Python 3 Betting Python 3 Big Truck C++ Bijele Go Billiard C Binary Heap C++ Bing It On Python 3 Birthday Boy Python 3 Birthday Memorization Python 3 Bishops C Bit by Bit C,Python 3 Bits C Bits Equalizer Python 3 Black Friday C Black Out C,C++,Go,Java Block Game C Bluetooth Python 3 Boat Parts Python 3 Bobby's Bet C Booking C Booking a Room C Boss Battle C Bottled-Up Feelings C Bounding Robots C Breaking Bad Python 3 Breaking Branches Python 3 Brexit Python 3 Bridges C++ Broken Swords Python 3 Brownie Points I Python 3 Build Dependencies Python 3 Building Pyramids Python Buka Python 3 Bumped! Python 3 Bus C Bus Numbers C++ Bus Numbers Python 3 Busy Schedule Python 3 Button Bashing Python 3 Calculating Dart Scores C Calculator Python 3 Calories From Fat Python 3 Candle Box C Candy Division Python 3 Cantor Python 3 Card Trick C++ Cardboard Container Python 3 Careful Ascent Python 3 Carousel Rides Python 3 Cat Coat Colors Python 3 Catalan Numbers Python 3 Catalan Square Python 3 CD C++ Ceiling Function Java Cetiri C Cetvrta Go Chanukah Challenge C Character Development C Charting Progress Python 3 Checking For Correctness Python 3 Chess C Chewbacca Python 3 Chinese Remainder Python 3 Chinese Remainder Theorem (non-relatively prime moduli) Python 3 Cinema Crowds Python 3 Cinema Crowds 2 Python 3 Circuit Math Python 3 Climbing Worm Python 3 Closest Sums C Closing the Loop Python 3 Coast Length C Coconut Splat Python 3 Code Cleanups Python 3 Code to Save Lives Python 3 Cokolada C Cold-puter Science Go Collatz Conjecture Python 3 Collecting Beepers C Coloring Socks Python 3 Combination Lock C Communications Satellite Python 3 Competitive Arcade Basketball Python 3 Completing the Square C Compositions C,Python 3 Compound Words C++ Conformity Python 3 Connect the Dots Python 3 Conquest Campaign Python 3 Continuous Median C++,Python 3 Conversation Log Python 3 Convex Hull C Convex Polygon Area C Cookie Cutters Python 3 Cookie Selection Python 3 Cooking Water Python 3 Costume Contest Python 3 Count the Vowels Python 3 Counting Clauses Python 3 Counting Stars C++,Java Counting Subsequences (Hard) C++ Counting Triangles Java Course Scheduling Python 3 Cow Crane Python 3 CPR Number Python 3 Cracking RSA Python 3 Cracking The Safe Python 3 Crne C Cross Python 3 Cross Country C Cryptographer's Conundrum Go Cu Chi Tunnels Python 3 Cudoviste C Curse the Darkness C Cut in Line Python 3 DA-Sort Python 3 Dacey the Dice Python 3 Damaged Equation Python 3 Dart Scoring C Darts C Das Blinkenlights Python 3 Datum C Daylight Saving Time C Death and Taxes Python 3 Death Knight Hero C Deathstar C Deduplicating Files Python 3 Delicious Bubble Tea C Delimiter Soup Python 3 Detailed Differences C,Go Diagonal Cut Python 3 Dice Cup Go Dice Game C Different Distances C Digbuild C Digit Product Python 3 Digit Swap Python Digital display C Digits Python 3 Disastrous Downtime Python 3 Distributing Ballot Boxes C++ Divide by 100... C Divvying Up Python 3 Dog & Gopher Python 3 Dominoes 2 C++ Doorman C Double Password Python 3 Doubleplusgood Python 3 Dreamer Python 3 Drinking Song Python 3 Driver's Dilemma Python 3 Driving Range C DRM Messages C Drunk Vigenère Python 3 Dunglish Python 3 DVDs C Dyslectionary Python 3 Early Winter Python 3 Eating Out Python 3 Eb Alto Saxophone Player Python 3 Echo Echo Echo Python Eeny Meeny Python 3 Egypt C Eight Queens C Election Python 3 Election Paradox Python 3 Election Python 3 Electrical Outlets C Elegant Showroom Python 3 Elevator Trouble Python 3 Eligibility Java Emag Eht Htiw Em Pleh Python 3 Encoded Message C Engineering English Python 3 Enlarging Hash Tables C EpigDanceOff Python 3 Equal Sums (Easy) C++,Python 3 Erase Securely C Esej C Espresso Bucks Python 3 Espresso! Python 3 Estimating the Area of a Circle Go Euclidean TSP Python 3 Euler's Number Python 3 European Trip Python 3 Even Up Solitaire C Event Planning Python 3 Exactly Electrical Python 3 Exam Python 3 Exam Redistribution C Expected Earnings Python 3 Eye of Sauron Python 3 Factstone Benchmark Python 3 Faktor C Falling Apart C Falling Apples Python 3 Falling Mugs Python 3 False Sense of Security Python 3 Fast Food Prizes Python 3 FBI Universal Control Numbers Python 3 Fenwick Tree C Fibonacci Tour Python 3 Fifty Shades of Pink Python 3 Filip C Final Exam Python 3 Financial Planning Python 3 Finding An A Python 3 Fire C++ Fire! Python 3 Firetrucks Are Red Python 3 FizzBuzz Go Flag Quiz Python 3 Flexible Spaces C++ Flip Five C++ Flipping Patties Python 3 Flood-It C Flow Layout C Flow Shop Python 3 Flying Safely C Foosball Dynasty Python 3 Forced Choice Python 3 Forests Python 3 Fractal Area Python 3 Fractional Lotion C Freckles Python 3 Free Food C Friday the 13th C,Python 3 Fridge C Frosh Week Python 3 Frosh Week Python 3 Fruit Baskets Python 3 Fun House C Functional Fun Python 3 FYI Python Galactic Collegiate Programming Contest C++ Game of Throwns C Game Rank C GCD Python 3 GCVWR Python 3 Genetic Search Python 3 George Python 3 Gerrymandering C Get Shorty Python 3 Get to Work C Getting Gold C++ GlitchBot C Goat Rope C Goldbach's Conjecture C Golf Bot C Good Morning! Python 3 Grading Python Graduation Python 3 Grandpa Bernie Python 3 Grass Seed Inc. Go Greedily Increasing Subsequence C Greedy Polygons Python 3 Greeting Card Python 3 Greetings! Python Gregory the Grasshopper C Grid C Growling Gears C Guess the Number C Guessing Game C H to O Python 3 H-Index Python 3 Hailstone Sequences Python 3 Half a Cookie C Hanging Out on the Terrace C Hangman C Happy Happy Prime Prime C++ Happy Telephones Python 3 Hardware Python 3 Hardwood Species Python 3 Harshad Numbers C Hay Points Python 3 Heart Rate C Height Ordering C Heir's Dilemma Python 3 Heliocentric C Hello World! C,C#,C++,Go,Haskell,Java,Python 3 Help a PhD candidate out! C Help Me With The Game Python 3 Herman C Hidden Password C Hiding Places Java Hissing Microphone C Hitting the Targets C Holey N-Queens (Batman) C Homework Python Honeycomb Walk C Honour Thy (Apaxian) Parent C Hopscotch 50 Python 3 Horror Film Night Python 3 Horror List Python 3 Hot Dogs in Manhattan C Hot Hike Python 3 House of Cards C How Many Digits? C Howl Python 3 Human Cannonball Run Python 3 Hydra's Heads C,Python 3 I Can Guess the Data Structure! C++ I Hate The Number Nine C I Repeat Myself I Repeat Myself I Repeat Python 3 I Wanna Be The Very Best Python 3 I'm Thinking of a Number C I've Been Everywhere, Man Python 3 iBoard Python 3 ICPC Awards Python 3 ICPC Team Selection Python 3 ICPC Tutorial C Identifying Map Tiles C Illiteracy Python 3 Image Processing Python 3 Immortal Porpoises Python 3 Imperfect GPS Python 3 Imperial Measurement Python 3 Incognito Python 3 Increasing Subsequence C Inflation Python 3 Ingredients C++ Integer Division Python 3 Integer Lists C Intergalactic Bidding Python 3 Interpreter Python 3 Interval Scheduling Python 3 Inverse Factorial C IsItHalloween.com C,Python 3 Island Hopping C Islands Python 3 Islands in the Data Stream Python 3 Jabuke C Jack-O'-Lantern Juxtaposition Python Janitor Troubles C Jazz it Up! Python 3 Jewelry Box C Job Expenses C Join Strings C Joint Attack Python 3 Joint Jog Jam Python 3 Jolly Jumpers Python 3 Judging Moose C Judging Troubles C++ Jumbled Communication Python 3 Jumbled Compass C Jumbo Javelin C Jurassic Jigsaw Python 3 Jury Jeopardy Python 3 Just a Minute C Kafkaesque Python 3 Karte C Kastenlauf Python 3 Keep it Cool Python 3 Kemija Go Keystrokes C++ Keywords Python 3 Kitchen Measurements Java Kitten on a Tree Java Kleptography C Knapsack C Knight Jump Python 3 Knight Packing Python 3 Knights in Fen Java Knigs of the Forest Python 3 Knot Knowledge Python 3 Kolone Python 3 Kornislav C Križaljka Python 3 Kutevi Python 3 Ladder Go Ladice C Laptop Sticker Python 3 Last Factorial Digit C,Python 3 Lawn Mower C++ Left and Right Python 3 Left Beehind C Lektira C License to Launch C Lifting Walls Python 3 Linden Mayor System Python 3 Line Segment Distance Python 3 Line Segment Intersection Python 3 Line Them Up C Locked Treasure Python 3 Locust Locus Python 3 Log in or sign up for Kattis Python 3 Logic Functions C++ Logo Python 3 Long Swaps Python 3 Longest Increasing Subsequence C Loo Rolls Python 3 Lost Lineup C Lost Map Python 3 ls Python 3 Lucky Numbers Python 3 Luhn's Checksum Algorithm C Magic Trick C Mancala Python 3 Mandelbrot C Manhattan Positioning System Java Marko C Mars Window Python 3 Mastering Mastermind Python 3 Math Homework Python 3 Matrix Inverse C Mega Inversions C Memory Match Python 3 Meow Factor Python 3 Metaprogramming Python 3 Methodic Multiplication Python 3 Mia C Millionaire Madness C++ Minimum Scalar Product C Minimum Spanning Tree Python 3 Mirror Images C Misa C Missing Gnomes Python 3 Missing Numbers Python 3 Mixed Fractions C Mjehuric C Modular Arithmetic Python 3 Modulo Go Money Matters C++ Moscow Dream Python 3 Mosquito Multiplication C Mountain Biking C Movie Collection C,Python 3 Moving Day C,Python 3 Mravi Python 3 Mult! Python 3 Multigram Python 3 Music Your Way Python 3 Musical Notation Python 3 Musical Scales Python 3 Muzicari Python 3 Mårten's Theorem C++ N-Puzzle C N-sum C Name That Permutation Python 3 Narrow Art Gallery Python 3 Nasty Hacks C Natjecanje Python 3 Natrij C Need for Speed C Nikola Python 3 Nimionese Python 3 Nine Knights C Ninety-nine Python 3 No Duplicates Python No Thanks! Python 3 Not Amused C++ Number Fun C Number Sets C Number Trick Python 3 Numbers On a Tree C Ocean's Anti-11 Python 3 Odd Binomial Coefficients C Odd Echo C Odd Gnome C Odd Man Out Java Oddities Go Odds of Mia Python 3 Oktalni C Okvir Python 3 Okviri C,Java Older Brother C One Chicken Per Person! C Ones C Open Source Python 3 Opening Ceremony Python 3 Ornaments Python 3 Overdraft Python 3 Pachyderm Peanut Packing Python 3 Pairing Socks Python 3 Palindrome Substring C++ Palindromic Password Python 3 Paradox With Averages C Paradox With Averages (Hard) C Parket Python 3 Parking C Parking C Parsing Hex Python 3 Pascal C Password Hacking C,Python 3 Path Tracing C Patuljci C Paul Eigon C Pea Soup and Pancakes Python 3 Pear-wise Voting Python 3 Pebble Solitaire C Pebble Solitaire C Peg C Peg Solitaire Python 3 Peragrams C Perfect Pth Powers Python 3 Periodic Strings Python 3 Perket C Permutation Code Python 3 Permutation Descent Counts C Permutation Encryption C++ Permuted Arithmetic Sequence C Pervasive Heart Monitor Java Pet Go Phone List C++ Piece of Cake! C,Python 3 Pig Latin Python 3 Pipe Rotation Python 3 Pivot C++ Pizza Crust C Planetaris Python 3 Planina C Planting Trees C++ Platforme Python 3 Playfair Cipher Python 3 Plotting Polynomials Python 3 Poker Hand C Polish Notation Python 3 Polygon Area C,Python 3 Polynomial Multiplication 1 C Polynomial Multiplication 2 C Popular Vote C++ Popularity Contest Python 3 Pot C,Go Preludes C Prerequisites? Python 3 Primary Arithmetic Python 3 Primary Register C Prime Path Python 3 Prime Reduction Python 3 Prime Sieve C Printing Costs Python 3 Pripreme C,Python 3 Progressive Scramble Python 3 Proofs Python 3 Provinces and Gold C Prozor Python 3 Prsteni C Prva Java Pseudoprime numbers Python 3 Ptice Java Putovanje Python 3 Qanat C,Python 3 Quadrant Selection C Quality-Adjusted Life-Year C,Python 3 Quick Brown Fox C Quick Estimates C Quite a Problem C R2 C Racing Around the Alphabet C Radio Commercials Python 3 Ragged Right C Raid Teams C++ Railroad C Rating Problems C Rational Arithmetic C Reachable Roads Python 3 Reactivity Series Python 3 Recount Python 3 Rectangle Area Python 3 Red Rover Python 3 Reduced ID Numbers Python 3 Relocation C Repeating Decimal C,Python 3 Reseto C Restaurant Orders Python 3 Reverse Python 3 Reverse Rot C Reversed Binary Numbers C,Go Rhyming Slang Python 3 Ricochet Robots Python 3 Riječi C Rings Python 3 Roaming Romans C Robert Hood Python 3 Robot Protection C Robotopia Python 3 Rock, Scissors, Paper C Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament C Roll Call Java Rotate and Cut C Rounded Buttons Python 3 Run-Length Encoding, Run! C Running Steps C Safe Houses Python 3 Sanic C,Python 3 Santa Klas C,Python 3 Saving Daylight C Saving For Retirement C Saving Princess Peach Python 3 Saving the Universe Python 3 Scaling Recipe Python 3 Scaling Recipes C School Spirit Python 3 Secret Chamber at Mount Rushmore C++ Secret Message C Secret Santa Python 3 Secure Doors C++ Semafori C Server C Set! C Settlers of Catan Python 3 Seven Wonders Go SG Coin Python 3 Shattered Cake C Sheba's Amoebas C Shiritori Python 3 Shopaholic C Shopping List (Easy) Python 3 Shuffling Along Python 3 Sibice C Sideways Sorting Python 3 Sierpiński Circumference C Simon Says C Simon Says C Simone Python 3 Simple Addition Python 3 Simple Polygon C Simplicity C Single source shortest path, non-negative weights Python 3 Single source shortest path, time table Python 3 Sjecista C Skener Java Skocimis C Slatkisi Python 3 Small Schedule Python 3 Smallest Multiple Python 3 Smart Phone C SMIL Python Snapper Chain (Easy) Python 3 Snapper Chain (Hard) Python 3 Social running Python 3 Soda Slurper C Soft Passwords Python 3 Sok C Solving for Carrots Go Some Sum Python 3 Sort Python 3 Sort of Sorting Java Sort Two Numbers C Soylent Java Spavanac C,Go Speed Limit Go Speeding Python 3 Spelling Bee Python 3 Spiderman's Workout Python 3 Splat Python 3 Square Peg Python 3 Stacking Cups Go Stand on Zanzibar Java Star Arrangements C Statistics C Sticky Situation Python 3 Stirling's Approximation Python 3 Stock Prices Python 3 Stogovi C Stopwatch Python 3 String Matching C String Stretching C++,Python 3 Stuck In A Time Loop Go Subway Planning Python 3 Sum Kind of Problem C,Go Sum of the Others Python 3 Sum Squared Digits Function C Summer Trip C,Python 3 Sums C,Python 3 Supercomputer Python 3 Svemir C Swap to Sort C Sylvester Construction C Symmetric Order Java Synchronizing Lists Java T9 Spelling Python 3 Tai's formula C Tajna C Take Two Stones Go Tarifa C Tautology Python 3 Teacher Evaluation Python 3 Temperature Confusion Python 3 Teque C Terraces Python 3 Test Drive Python 3 Tetration C Tetris C Text Messaging Outrage Python 3 Texture Analysis Python 3 Thank God it’s Friday Python 3 Thanos Python 3 The Amazing Human Cannonball Go The Backslash Problem Python 3 The Calculus of Ada Python 3 The Deal of the Day Python 3 The Dragon of Loowater C The Easiest Problem Is This One Go The Grand Adventure Python 3 The Key to Cryptography C The Last Problem Python 3 The Magical 3 C,Python 3 The Mailbox Manufacturers Problem C The Maze Makers Python 3 The Owl and the Fox C The Plank Python 3,Shopping List The Trip, 2007 C++,Python 3 The Weight Of Words Python 3 This Ain't Your Grandpa's Checkerboard C Three Powers Python 3 Tic Tac Toe Python 3 Tight words Python 3 Tildes C Time Travelling Temperatures C Timebomb C Tired Terry Python 3 Toilet Seat C ToLower C Torn To Pieces Java Touchscreen Keyboard Python 3 Tour de France Python 3 Tower Construction Python 3 Track Smoothing C Train Passengers C Tram C,Python 3 Transit Woes Python 3 Travel the Skies Python 3 Travelling Salesperson 2D C,Python 3 Treasure Hunt C++ Tree Insertion Python 3 Trending Topic Python 3 Tri C,Go Tri Tiling C Triangle Area Python 3 Triangle Ornaments C,Python 3 Trik C,Go Triple Texting Python 3 Trojke C Troll Hunt C,Python 3 Turbo C Turn It Up! Python 3 Turtle Master Python 3 Two-Class Binary Neural Network for Handwritten Digits Python 3 Two-sum C Töflur Python 3 Ultimate Binary Watch Python 3 Un-bear-able Zoo Java Union-Find C Unique Snowflakes Python 3 Unlock Pattern C Vacuumba C Variable Arithmetic Python 3 Vauvau C Veci C Verify This, Your Majesty C++ Video Speedup Python 3 Virtual Friends C++ Virus Replication Python 3 Volim C Vuk Python 3 Walrus Weights C,Python 3 Warehouse Python 3 Watch Out For Those Hailstones! Python 3 Watchdog Python 3 Watering Grass Python 3 Weak Vertices Python 3 Welcome to Code Jam (Easy) Python 3 Welcome to Code Jam (Hard) Python 3 WERTYU Python 3 Wet Tiles C What Does It Mean? Python 3 What does the fox say? Python 3 What's on the Grille? C Where's My Internet?? C++ Which Base is it Anyway? Python 3 Which is Greater? Python 3 Wizard of Odds Python 3 Wood Cutting Python 3 Wooden Signs C Word Cloud Python 3 Words for Numbers Python 3 Working at the Restaurant Python 3 Yin and Yang Stones C,Python 3 Yoda C Zagrade Python 3 Zamka Go Zebras and Ocelots C,Python 3 Zipf's Song Python 3 Zipline Python 3 Zoom Python 3 Zyxab Python 3 Östgötska Python 3