Recommender system for events for software developers. Helping to find your own groups to migle.
- Install node
- Install all depenties
cd web && npm install
- Start app:
- on osx and linux:
DEBUG=web:* npm start
- on windows:
set DEBUG=web:* & npm start
- on osx and linux:
For running in docker-compose (no need to install local database)
For reasons docker-compose doesn't seem to work probelly here is version: Huom! salasanan voi vaihtaa ja $pwd pitää korvata windows toolboxissa koko polulla.
- First create cassandra container:
$ docker run --name db -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -v $pwd/data:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:5.7.20
- Request params to include locale (en)
- Tags need only be saved once (and if they change)
- Potentially interesting tags:
- Category id: 2 Culture
- Tag:
- id: 66 Education
- Tag:
- Category id: 4 Fairs
- Tag:
- id: 17 Business
- id: 69 Conventions
- id: 20 Courses
- id: 13 Expos
- id: 117 Start Up
- id: 105 Technology
- id: 70 Workshop
- Tag:
- Category id: 2 Culture
Event queries can be done up to 30 days to future
Event query fields that can be included in the results (Only a subset listed here):
- Name of the event
- Name of the event, normalized if it's full caps
- Brief event description
- Description of the event
- Start date (datetime)
- End date (datetime)
- If the event is the whole day (boolean)
- Event's location
- Id of an Evensi category
- Name of the Evensi category
- Event tags. (array of integer)
- Event tags. (array of string)
- link of event's page
Queries use longitude and latitude and a distance measure from the specified point.
E.g. Tampere (61.498049, 23.761952) and Helsinki (60.168435, 24.935919)
Tampere hasn't got a lot of events, hence including events from Helsinki might be necessary
Problem is to separate "IT events" from other events just by tags and/or name.
- Request params fields to include and a list of tags
- Not many events include tags?
- If included, are integer coded
- Request params fields to include and a list of tags
- Not all events have a lot of info
- Fetch events with map or ranked query
- Fetch details and save relevant events to local or cloud database
- When to recommend an event? What event to recommend?
- Fake users
- Save favourite categories and tags
- Save events, the user has "been to", use ID
- Save user's location
- City?
- Longitude and latitude?
- Combination of the two?
- The evensi api returns JSON with location info having both the city and the coordinates
- Handling might be more straightforward with just the name?
- Events should be checked from evensi api daily (?), every few days (?)
- Saved to database in JSON
- Updated events?
Possibly use for example moment.js for easier handling of dates?
Use map query (
date: 2017-11-14
lat: 61.498195
lng: 23.761781
distance: (5 / 10 / 15 / ?)
tag: 66,17,69,20,13,117,105,70
token: []
fields: name,normalized_name,short_description,description,start_date,end_date,full_day,location,category,category_name,tag,tag_name,updated_time,url
These coordinates are for Keskustori in Tampere
If user has been to an event with tag T, recommend future events with same tag T.
If user has not been to any events, recommend popular events among fake users (??). Or recommend the next upcoming IT event?
Should recommended events be close to the current date? If, for example, there are multiple events with suitable tags? Or recommend multiple events?
Should fake users also have some ratings for events??? Conversation continues
- it_events
- users (PK: userid)
- events (PK: eventid)
- user_event (PK: userid, eventid)
- no table column has default values!
- userid (int(11)) not null, primary key, auto_increment
- keywords (longtext) null allowed
- eventid (unsigned int(10)), not null, primary key
- location (text), not null
- start_date (datetime), null allowed
- end_date (datetime), null allowed
- description (text), null allowed
- category_name (text), null allowed
- category (int(11)), null allowed
- tag_name (text), null allowed
- tag (text), null allowed
- url (text), null allowed
- keywords (text), null allowed
- name (text), not null
- userid (int(11)), not null, primary key
- eventid (int(10)), not null, primary key