This project integrates key functionalities for employee and task management, introducing functions such as meeting organization and task difficulty analysis. The inclusion of average point per task statistics enables understanding of the complexity of tasks, empowering managers to make informed decisions.
- The application was created using Node.js v18.12.1 and React 18.2.0.
- React Select component was implemented by installing the "react-select" dependency.
- React Font Awesome Icons were integrated by installing the "react-icons" dependency.
- To run the application in the terminal, use
npm start
Users can perform the following operations:
- Create, read, update and delete an employee
- Create, read, update and delete a task
- View the 5 employees who completed the largest number of tasks in the past month
- Create, read, update and delete a meeting
- View the average point per task
New Entity - Meeting:
- Implemented a new entity - meeting.
- Reason for implementing this entity: Organization of meetings in every company is one of the daily tasks and is more manageable if managers can manipulate using the app.
Statistic - Average Point per Task:
- Implemented a statistic - average point per task.
- Reason for implementing this statistic: This provides managers with insight into the difficulty of the tasks.
- Live Site URL: Live
- Linkedin - @JelenaTakac
- GitHub - @JelenaTakac