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Azure Route Server and BIG-IP using BGP and eCMP for traffic distribution

To Do

  • Community support only. Template is not F5 supported.
  • Finish BIG-IP setup with test app
  • Remove test network virtuals (10.100, 10.101, 10.102)...testing only


  • Find an issue? Fork, clone, create branch, fix and PR. I'll review and merge into the main branch. Or submit a GitHub issue with all necessary details and logs.


Azure Route Server and BIG-IP


  • Azure CLI
  • Terraform
  • Azure Subscription
  • Azure User with 'Owner' role

Login to Azure Environment

# Login
az login

# Show subscriptions
az account show

# Set default
az account set -s <subscriptionId>

Usage example

  • Clone the repo and open the solution's directory
git clone
cd f5_terraform/Azure/Route_Server/
  • Create the tfvars file and update it with your settings
  • Run the setup script to deploy all of the components into your Azure account (remember that you are responsible for the cost of those components)

Test your setup

  • View the created objects in Azure Portal. Choose a VM instance or NIC from a spoke VNet and view "Effective Routes". You will see BIG-IP advertised routes via BGP across the VNet peering. This deployment will launch a single BIG-IP instance, but if you modified 'instanceCountBigIp' then you will see identical network prefixes advertised from multiple BIG-IP devices (aka BGP peers) like the screenshot below. The is BIG-IP #1 and is BIG-IP #2.

Azure Effective Routes

Azure BGP Peering

  • Validate BGP peering on BIG-IP using tmsh
(tmos)# show net routing bgp
Net::BGP Instance (route-domain: 0)
  Name                               myBGP
  Local AS                           65530

  | Net::BGP Neighbor - via
  | Remote AS                   0
  | State                       established   0:06:24
  | Notification                Cease/Administratively Shutdown.
  | Address Family              IPv4 Unicast  IPv6 Unicast
  |  Prefix
  |   Accepted                  3
  |   Announced                 6
  |  Table Version
  |   Local                     6
  |   Neighbor                  6
  | Message/Notification/Queue  Sent          Received
  |  Message                    27            26
  |  Notification               0             2
  |  Queued                     0             0
  | Route Refresh               0             0
  • View running config on BIG-IP using imish
(tmos)# imish[0]#show running-config
service password-encryption
bgp extended-asn-cap
router bgp 65530
 bgp graceful-restart restart-time 120
 aggregate-address summary-only
 aggregate-address summary-only
 aggregate-address summary-only
 redistribute kernel
 neighbor Neighbor peer-group
 neighbor Neighbor remote-as 65515
 neighbor Neighbor ebgp-multihop 2
 no neighbor Neighbor capability route-refresh
 neighbor Neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
 neighbor Neighbor prefix-list /Common/myPrefixList1 out
 neighbor peer-group Neighbor
 neighbor peer-group Neighbor
 address-family ipv6
 neighbor Neighbor activate
 no neighbor activate
 no neighbor capability graceful-restart
 no neighbor activate
 no neighbor capability graceful-restart
ip route
ip prefix-list /Common/myPrefixList1 seq 10 permit ge 16
line con 0
line vty 0 39
  • Validate BGP on BIG-IP using imish[0]>show ip bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65530
BGP table version is 6
2 BGP AS-PATH entries
0 BGP community entries

Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd    4 65515      20      17        6    0    0 00:02:38        3    4 65515      19      20        6    0    0 00:02:38        3

Total number of neighbors 2

##[0]>show ip bgp
BGP table version is 6, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal, l - labeled
              S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

   Network          Next Hop            Metric     LocPrf     Weight Path
*             0                     0 65515 i
*>                     0                     0 65515 i
*             0                     0 65515 i
*>                     0                     0 65515 i
*>                                    32768 ?
*>                                    32768 ?
*>                                    32768 ?
*             0                     0 65515 i
*>                     0                     0 65515 i

Total number of prefixes 6


If you don't see routes in the spoke VNets, then try deleting the VNet peering and re-run Terraform to have it create the peer again. If you happen to run into this issue, open an issue directly with Azure support to provide feedback.

You can view BIG-IP onboard logs in /var/log/cloud. Review logs for failure message.

You can view BIG-IP onboard config files in /config/cloud. Review the declarative onboarding JSON file as well as the runtime init YAML file for accuracy. Did the variables render correctly?

If BIG-IP imish commands do not provide results to "show ip bgp" or "show run" but you do see "tmsh list net routing", then something happen in the preview tmsh BGP/routing feature. You should simply delete and recreate the device.

# taint BIG-IP resource
terraform taint module.bigip[0].azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.f5vm01
terraform taint module.bigip[0].azurerm_virtual_machine_extension.vmext
# re-run terraform

You can manually re-run BIG-IP Runtime init and force declarations to re-run. SSH to the BIG-IP, enter 'bash' mode and run this command.

f5-bigip-runtime-init --config-file /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml

Serial Logs

Review the serial logs for the Azure virtual machine. Login to the Azure portal, open "Virtual Machines", then locate your it. Hit Serial Console. Then review the serial logs for errors.

Onboard Logs

Depending on where onboard fails, you can attempt SSH login and try to troubleshoot further. Inspect the /config/cloud directory for correct runtime init YAML files. Inspect the /var/log/cloud location for error logs.

F5 Automation Toolchain Components

F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init uses the F5 Automation Toolchain for configuration of BIG-IP instances. Any errors thrown from these components will be surfaced in the bigIpRuntimeInit.log (or a custom log location as specified below).

Help with troubleshooting individual Automation Toolchain components can be found at F5's Public Cloud Docs:


Use the following command to destroy all of the resources



Name Version
terraform >= 1.2.0
azurerm >= 3.48.0


Name Version
azurerm >= 3.48.0
local n/a
random n/a


Name Source Version
app Azure/compute/azurerm 4.0
bigip F5Networks/bigip-module/azure 1.2.8
client Azure/compute/azurerm 4.0
network Azure/vnet/azurerm n/a
nsg-external Azure/network-security-group/azurerm n/a
nsg-internal Azure/network-security-group/azurerm n/a
nsg-mgmt Azure/network-security-group/azurerm n/a


Name Type
azurerm_key_vault_access_policy.main resource
azurerm_public_ip.routeServerPip resource
azurerm_resource_group.rg resource
azurerm_route_table.rt resource
azurerm_virtual_hub.routeServer resource
azurerm_virtual_hub_bgp_connection.bigip resource
azurerm_virtual_hub_ip.routeServerIp resource
azurerm_virtual_network_peering.hubToSpoke resource
azurerm_virtual_network_peering.spokeToHub resource
random_id.buildSuffix resource
azurerm_key_vault.main data source
azurerm_subnet.externalSubnetHub data source
azurerm_subnet.internalSubnetHub data source
azurerm_subnet.mgmtSubnetHub data source
azurerm_subnet.routeServerSubnetHub data source
azurerm_subscription.main data source
azurerm_user_assigned_identity.main data source
local_file.appOnboard data source


Name Description Type Default Required
ssh_key public key used for authentication in /path/file format (e.g. /.ssh/ string n/a yes
AS3_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Application Service Extension 3 (AS3) module string "" no
DO_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding module string "" no
FAST_URL URL to download the BIG-IP FAST module string "" no
INIT_URL URL to download the BIG-IP runtime init string "" no
TS_URL URL to download the BIG-IP Telemetry Streaming module string "" no
adminSrcAddr Allowed Admin source IP prefix string "" no
availability_zone Azure Availability Zone for BIG-IP 1 number 1 no
az_keyvault_authentication Whether to use key vault to pass authentication bool false no
bigIqHost This is the BIG-IQ License Manager host name or IP address string "" no
bigIqHypervisor BIG-IQ hypervisor string "azure" no
bigIqLicensePool BIG-IQ license pool name string "" no
bigIqLicenseType BIG-IQ license type string "licensePool" no
bigIqPassword Admin Password for BIG-IQ string "Default12345!" no
bigIqSkuKeyword1 BIG-IQ license SKU keyword 1 string "key1" no
bigIqSkuKeyword2 BIG-IQ license SKU keyword 2 string "key2" no
bigIqUnitOfMeasure BIG-IQ license unit of measure string "hourly" no
bigIqUsername Admin name for BIG-IQ string "azureuser" no
bigip_version BIG-IP Version string "16.1.303000" no
dns_server Leave the default DNS server the BIG-IP uses, or replace the default DNS server with the one you want to use string "" no
dns_suffix DNS suffix for your domain in the GCP project string "" no
f5_password BIG-IP Password or Key Vault secret name (value should be Key Vault secret name when az_key_vault_authentication = true, ex. my-bigip-secret) string "Default12345!" no
f5_username User name for the BIG-IP string "azureuser" no
image_name F5 SKU (image) to deploy. Note: The disk size of the VM will be determined based on the option you select. Important: If intending to provision multiple modules, ensure the appropriate value is selected, such as AllTwoBootLocations or AllOneBootLocation. string "f5-big-best-plus-hourly-25mbps" no
instanceCountBigIp Number of BIG-IP instances to deploy number 1 no
instance_type Azure instance type to be used for the BIG-IP VE string "Standard_DS4_v2" no
keyvault_name Name of Key Vault string null no
keyvault_rg The name of the resource group in which the Azure Key Vault exists string "" no
keyvault_secret Name of Key Vault secret with BIG-IP password string null no
libs_dir Directory on the BIG-IP to download the A&O Toolchain into string "/config/cloud/azure/node_modules" no
location Azure Location of the deployment string "westus2" no
ntp_server Leave the default NTP server the BIG-IP uses, or replace the default NTP server with the one you want to use string "" no
product Azure BIG-IP VE Offer string "f5-big-ip-best" no
projectPrefix This value is inserted at the beginning of each Azure object (alpha-numeric, no special character) string "demo" no
resourceOwner This is a tag used for object creation. Example is last name. string null no
timezone If you would like to change the time zone the BIG-IP uses, enter the time zone you want to use. This is based on the tz database found in /usr/share/zoneinfo (see the full list here). Example values: UTC, US/Pacific, US/Eastern, Europe/London or Asia/Singapore. string "UTC" no
user_identity The ID of the managed user identity to assign to the BIG-IP instance string null no
vm_name Prefix for BIG-IP instance name. If empty, default is 'bigip' string + prefix + random_id string "" no


Name Description
appPrivateIP The private ip address allocated for the webapp in Spoke 2
appPublicIP The public ip address allocated for the app in Spoke 2
bigip-private-ips The private ip address for BIG-IP
bigipPassword The password for the BIG-IP (if dynamic_password is choosen it will be random generated password or if azure_keyvault is choosen it will be key vault secret name )
bigipPublicIP The public ip address allocated for the BIG-IP
bigipUserName The user name for the BIG-IP
clientPrivateIP The private ip address allocated for the client/jumphost in Spoke 1
clientPublicIP The public ip address allocated for the client/jumphost in Spoke 1
vnetIdHub Hub VNet ID
vnetIdSpoke1 Spoke1 VNet ID
vnetIdSpoke2 Spoke2 VNet ID

How to Contribute

Submit a pull request


Jeff Giroux