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Format(Count(Distinct Tweeter_Id),'N0') As Tweeters,
dbo.Significant_Digits_String(100*Avg(MSFT_Sentiment),2)+'%' As [Avg % Chance Pos (MSFT)],
dbo.Significant_Digits_String(Avg(TextBlob_Sentiment),2) As [Avg Sentiment (Textblob)],
dbo.Significant_Digits_String(100.*Sum(Case When MSFT_Sentiment Between 1./3 And .4 Then 1. Else 0. End)/Count(*),2)+'%' As [% Low Chance Pos (MSFT)],
dbo.Significant_Digits_String(100.*Sum(Case When MSFT_Sentiment < 1./3 Then 1. Else 0. End)/Count(*),2)+'%' As [% Very Low Chance Pos (MSFT)],
dbo.Significant_Digits_String(100.*Sum(Case When TextBlob_Sentiment Between -.75 And -.5 Then 1. Else 0. End)/Count(*),2)+'%' As [% Negative (TextBlob)],
dbo.Significant_Digits_String(100.*Sum(Case When TextBlob_Sentiment < -.75 Then 1. Else 0. End)/Count(*),2)+'%' As [% Very Negative (TextBlob)]
From dbo.Tweet_Score with (nolock)
Inner Join
(Select Follower,Min(Candidate) As Candidate
From dbo.Candidate_Follower with (nolock)
Group By Follower
Having Count(*)=1) One_Cand
On Tweeter_Id=Follower
Group By Candidate
Order By Sum(Case When MSFT_Sentiment < 1./3 Then 1. Else 0. End)/Count(*) Descs