- Author(s): [Author Name, Co-Author Name ...]
- Approver: a11r
- Status: {Draft, In Review, Ready for Implementation, Implemented}
- Implemented in: <language, ...>
- Last updated: [Date]
- Discussion at: (filled after thread exists)
[A short summary of the proposal.]
[An introduction of the necessary background and the problem being solved by the proposed change.]
- A list of proposals this proposal builds on or supersedes.
[A precise statement of the proposed change.]
[A discussion of alternate approaches and the trade offs, advantages, and disadvantages of the specified approach.]
[A description of the steps in the implementation, who will do them, and when. If a particular language is going to get the implementation first, this section should list the proposed order.]
[A discussion of issues relating to this proposal for which the author does not know the solution. This section may be omitted if there are none.]