Set of helper classes for Doctrine DBAL. It has been made maily to ease creating bulk imports. It provides a method to execute INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
query on MySQL-compatible databases, which is what I miss in Doctrine's MySQL driver.
To use this class in Symfony 2/3, please look at DBALManagerBundle.
In Symfony 4, thanks to autowiring you are not forced to use a bundle, just add these lines in your services.yaml
autowire: true
JarJak\DBALManager: ~
composer require jarjak/dbal-manager
The class is PSR-0/PSR-4 compatible, so it can be integrated easily with any modern framework. Here is an example for Silex:
$app['dbal_manager'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
$manager = new JarJak\DBALManager($app['db']);
return $manager;
You want to insert data or update them if row already exists.
$sqlArray = [
'id' => 1,
'username' => 'JohnKennedy',
'email' => '[email protected]'
/* @var $manager JarJak\DBALManager */
$manager->insertOrUpdate('user', $sqlArray);
Or you want to just skip this row if it exists:
$manager->insertIgnore('user', $sqlArray);
Lets say we have user table with:
- unique usernames and emails
- column active can contain only 0 or 1 (not nullable)
- column address can be null
$sqlArray = [
'username' => 'JohnKennedy',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'password' => $password,
'address' => '',
'active' => 0,
/* @var $manager JarJak\DBALManager */
$manager->insertOrUpdate('user', $sqlArray, 2, ['active']);
DBALManager can use VarDumper to dump SQL queries from QueryBuilder ready to be copypasted into database server (with parameters already included).
/* @var QueryBuilder $queryBuilder */
If you don't use QueryBuilder you can still dump parametrized SQL with:
\JarJak\SqlDumper::dumpSql($sql, $params);
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