Initializes disks on Windows Server
- The :ref:` <>` module initializes disks
- One of three parameters (disk_number, uniqueid, and path) are mandatory to identify the target disk, but more than one cannot be specified at the same time.
- A minimum Operating System Version of Server 2012 or Windows 8 is required to use this module.
- This module is idempotent if force is not specified.
.. seealso:: :ref:`` The official documentation on the **** module. :ref:`` The official documentation on the **** module. :ref:`` The official documentation on the **** module.
- name: Initialize a disk
disk_number: 1
- name: Initialize a disk with an MBR partition style
disk_number: 1
style: mbr
- name: Forcefully initiallize a disk
disk_number: 2
force: yes
- Brant Evans (@branic)