175 BILLION parameters (nlayers = 96, nheads = 96, dheads = 128)
Same architecture as GPT-2 with the exception of locally banded sparse attention patterns
GPT-3 is currently released only via an inference API. Since it’s release, there have been many interesting applications that demonstrate its flexible few-shot learning abilities
- Seems to do poorly on more structured problems that involve decomposing into atomic / primitive skills:
- RTE / arithmetic / word problems / analogy making
- Performing permanent knowledge updates interactively is not well studied.
- Doesn’t seem to exhibit human like generalization (systematicity).
- Language is situated and GPT-3 is merely learning from text without being exposed to other modalities.
Systematicity: The ability to produce/understand some sentences is intrinsically connected to the ability to produce / understand certain others. This means there is a “definite and predictable pattern among the sentences we understand”
- Instead of testing models on static benchmarks, evaluate on an ever changing dynamic benchmark.
- Recent Examples:
- Adversarial NLI by Nie et al. 2020
- DynaSent by Potts et al. 2020
- other related examples: “Build It, Break It” Workshop at EMNLP 17
- Many have articulated the need for using modalities other than text
- Bender and Koller [2020]: Impossible to acquire “meaning” (communicative intent of the speaker) from form (text / speech signal) alone
- Bisk et al [2020]: Training on only web-scale data limits the world scope of models.
Open questions in this space:
- Given that we might need to move beyond just text, what is the best way to do this at scale?
- Babies cannot learn language from watching TV alone [Snow et al 1976] but how far can models (especially when combined with scale)?
- If interactions with the environment is necessary, how do we collect data and design systems that interact minimally or in a cost effective way?
- Could pre-training on text still be useful by making any of the above more sample-efficient?
Master your software tools:
- Scripting tools: awk, grep, bash
- version control: git
- data wrangling: pandas
- Jupyter notebooks for quick visualizations
- experiment management tools like Weights and Biases (https://wandb.ai/site)
- If your approach doesn’t seem to be working: Don’t panic!
- Put assert statements everywhere to check if computations are correct.
- Use breakpoints (import pdb; pdb.set_trace();) extensively
- Check if the loss computation is correct: For a k-way classification problem, initial loss should be ln(k)
- Start by creating a small training dataset (10 examples) and see if your model can overfit to this.
- check for saturating activations, dead ReLUs
- Check if gradient values are too small (perhaps use residual connections / LSTMs instead of RNNs/ better initialization) or too large (use gradient clipping)
- Overall, be methodical. If your approach doesn’t work, come up with hypothesis for why this might be the case, and design oracle experiments to debug it!
- Like gdb, but for python
- To create a breakpoint, simple add the line import pdb; pdb.set_trace() before the line you want to inspect.
Serious progress in the last decade thanks to data + hardware + neural networks.
We now have amazing technologies such as GPT-3 that can do truly exciting things.
In the short term:
- Scaling helps, so perhaps even larger models?
- Scaling requires very non-trivial engineering efforts so a lot of interesting systems
- work to be done here!
In the long term:
- Making progress towards systematicity, fast adaptation, generalization
- Improved evaluation so we can trust benchmarks
- Figuring out how to move beyond text in a tractable way