- Detect the mentions (easy)
- Cluster the mentions (hard)
Mention: A span of text referring to some entity
Three kinds of mentions:
- Pronouns: I, your, it, she, him, etc.
- Use a part-of-speech tagger
- Named entities: People, places, etc.: Paris, Joe Biden, Nike
- Use a Named Entity Recognition system
- Noun phrases: “a dog,” “the big fluffy cat stuck in the tree”
- Use a parser (especially a constituency parser – next week!)
- Pronouns: I, your, it, she, him, etc.
For detection: traditionally, use a pipeline of other NLP systems
We could instead train a classifier specifically for mention detection instead of using a POS tagger, NER system, and parser.
Coreference is when two mentions refer to the same entity in the world
A different-but-related linguistic concept is anaphora: when a term (anaphor[隐喻]) refers to another term (antecedent[先行词])
- the interpretation of the anaphor is in some way determined by the interpretation of the antecedent
Not all anaphoric relations are coreferential
- We went to see a concert last night. The tickets were really expensive.
This is referred to as bridging anaphora.
Usually the antecedent comes before the anaphor (e.g., a pronoun), but not always
- Rule-based (pronominal anaphora resolution)
- Mention Pair
- Mention Ranking
- Clustering [skipping this year; see Clark and Manning (2016)]
A. Non-neural statistical classifier
B. Simple neural network
C. More advanced model using LSTMs, attention, transformers
- Standard feed-forward neural network
- Input layer: word embeddings and a few categorical features
- Previous two words, first word, last word, head word, … of each mention
Still need some other features to get a strongly performing model:
- Distance
- Document genre
- Speaker information
- Current state-of-the-art models for coreference resolution
- Kenton Lee et al. from UW (EMNLP 2017) et seq.
- Mention ranking model
- Improvements over simple feed-forward NN
- Use an LSTM
- Use attention
- Do mention detection and coreference end-to-end
- No mention detection step!
- Instead consider every span of text (up to a certain length) as a candidate mention :a span is just a contiguous sequence of words
- Pretrained transformers can learn long-distance semantic dependencies in text.
- Idea 1, SpanBERT: Pretrains BERT models to be better at span-based prediction tasks like coref and QA
- Idea 2, BERT-QA for coref: Treat Coreference like a deep QA task
- “Point to” a mention, and ask “what is its antecedent”
- Answer span is a coreference link
- Many different metrics: MUC, CEAF, LEA, B-CUBED, BLANC
- People often report the average over a few different metrics
- Essentially the metrics think of coreference as a clustering task and evaluate the quality of the clustering
- Coreference is a useful, challenging, and linguistically interesting task
- Many different kinds of coreference resolution systems
- Systems are getting better rapidly, largely due to better neural models
- But most models still make many mistakes – OntoNotes coref is easy newswire case
- Try out a coreference system yourself!
- http://corenlp.run/ (ask for coref in Annotations)
- https://huggingface.co/coref/