- Do the default project, which is SQuAD question answering (2 sub-variants)
- Open-ended but an easier start; a good choice for most
- Propose a custom final project, which we must approve
- You will receive feedback from a mentor (TA/prof/postdoc/PhD)
Two variant question answering (QA) tasks
- Building a textual question answering architecture for SQuAD from scratch
- Stanford Question Answering Dataset: https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/
- Providing starter code in PyTorch. J Attempting SQuAD 2.0 (has unanswerable Qs)
- Building a Robust QA system which works on different QA datasets/domains
- You train on SQuAD, NewsQA and Natural Questions; test sets are DuoRC, Race and ZSRE by RC
- Starting point is large pre-trained LM (DistilBERT); you work mainly on robustness methods
- Find a relevant (key) research paper for your topic
- For DFP, we provide some suggestions, but you might look elsewhere for interesting QA/reading comprehension work
- Write a summary of that research paper and what you took away from it as key ideas that you hope to use
- Write what you plan to work on and how you can innovate in your final project work
- Suggest a good milestone to have achieved as a halfway point
- Describe as needed, especially for Custom projects:
- A project plan, relevant existing literature, the kind(s) of models you will use/explore; the data you will use (and how it is obtained), and how you will evaluate success
- 钉子:从一个感兴趣的(领域)问题开始,试图找到比目前已知/使用的好的/更好的方法来解决它。解决这个问题的好的/更好的方法,而不是目前已知/使用的方法
- 锤子:从一个感兴趣的技术方法/途径开始,并找出好的 拓展或改进它的好方法,或应用它的新方法。
- 找到一个感兴趣的应用/任务,探索如何有效地接近/解决它。通常使用一个现有的模型
- 可以是野外的任务或一些现有的Kaggle/bake-off/共享任务
- 实现一个复杂的神经结构,并在一些数据上展示其性能。
- 想出一个新的或变异的神经网络模型,并探索其经验性的成功。
- 分析项目,分析一个模型的行为:它如何代表语言学知识,或它能处理什么样的现象,或它所犯的错误。
- 罕见的理论项目,展示一个模型的一些有趣的、非琐碎的属性类型、数据或数据表示法的一些有趣的、非简单的属性
Look at ACL anthology for NLP papers: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/
Also look at the online proceedings of major ML conferences: NeurIPS https://papers.nips.cc, ICML, ICLR
Look at online preprint servers, especially: https://arxiv.org
Hal Varian: How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time https://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~hal/Papers/how.pdf
- Browse the State-of-the-Art in Machine Learning | Papers With Code
- nlpprogress.com
- GLUE Benchmark
- Previous shared tasks | CoNLL
Turing award winner and Stanford CS emeritus professor Ed Feigenbaum says to follow the advice of his advisor, AI pioneer, and Turing and Nobel prize winner Herb Simon:
- “If you see a research area where many people are working, go somewhere else.”
But where to go? Wayne Gretzky:
- “I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.”
- In the early days of the Deep Learning revival (2010-2018), most of the work was in defining and exploring better deep learning architectures
- Typical paper:
- I can improve a summarization system by not only using attention standardly, but allowing copying attention – where you use additional attention calculations and an additional probabilistic gate to simply copy a word from the input to the output
- That’s what a lot of good CS 224N projects did too
- In 2019–2021, that approach is dead
- Well, that’s too strong, but it’s difficult and much rarer
- By and large, most work downloads a big pre-trained model and works from there
- Action is in fine-tuning, or domain adaptation followed by fine-tuning, etc., etc.
- A lot of what is exciting now is problems that work within or around this world
- Evaluating and improving models for something other than accuracy
- Robustness to domain shift
- Evaluating the robustness of models in general (someone could hack on this new project as their final project!): https://robustnessgym.com
- Doing empirical work looking at what large pre-trained models have learned
- Working out how to get knowledge and good task performance from large models for particular tasks without much data (transfer learning, etc.)
- Looking at the bias, trustworthiness, and explainability of large models
- Working on how to augment the data for models to improve performance
- Low resource languages
- Improving performance on the tail of rare stuff
- Scaling models up and down
- Building big models is BIG: GPT-2 and GPT-3 … but just not possible for a cs224n project
- Building small, performant models is also BIG. This could be a great project
- Model pruning, e.g.: https://papers.nips.cc/paper/2020/file/eae15aabaa768ae4a5993a8a4f4fa6e4-Paper.pdf
- Model quantization, e.g.: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.07320.pdf
- How well can you do QA in 6GB or 500MB? https://efficientqa.github.io
- Looking to achieve more advanced functionalities
- E.g., compositionality, systematic generalization, fast learning (e.g., meta-learning) on smaller problems and amounts of data, and more quickly
- BabyAI: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.12770
- gSCAN: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.05161
- E.g., compositionality, systematic generalization, fast learning (e.g., meta-learning) on smaller problems and amounts of data, and more quickly
- Linguistic Data Consortium - Linguistic Data Consortium (upenn.edu)
- Resources for Corpora | Linguistics (stanford.edu)
- Machine Learning Datasets | Papers With Code
- Look at Kaggle
- Look at research papers to see what data they use
- Look at lists of datasets
- https://machinelearningmastery.com/datasets-natural-language-processing/
- https://github.com/niderhoff/nlp-datasets
- Lots of particular things:
- Use an LSTM (or GRU): it makes your life so much simpler!
- Initialize recurrent matrices to be orthogonal
- Initialize other matrices with a sensible (small!) scale
- Initialize forget gate bias to 1: default to remembering
- Use adaptive learning rate algorithms: Adam, AdaDelta, …
- Clip the norm of the gradient: 1–5 seems to be a reasonable threshold when used together with Adam or AdaDelta.
- Either only dropout vertically or look into using Bayesian Dropout (Gal and Gahramani – not natively in PyTorch)
- Be patient! Optimization takes time
Work incrementally!
Start with a very simple model and get it to work!
- It’s hard to fix a complex but broken model
Add bells and whistles one-by-one and get the model working with each of them (or abandon them)
- Initially run on a tiny amount of data
- You will see bugs much more easily on a tiny dataset
- Something like 4–8 examples is good
- Often synthetic data is useful for this
- Make sure you can get 100% on this data
- Otherwise your model is definitely either not powerful enough or it is broken
Train and run your model on a large dataset
- It should still score close to 100% on the training data after optimization
- Otherwise, you probably want to consider a more powerful model!
- Overfitting to training data is not something to be scared of when doing deep learning
- These models are usually good at generalizing because of the way distributed representations share statistical strength regardless of overfitting to training data
But, still, you now want good generalization performance:
- Regularize your model until it doesn’t overfit on dev data
- Strategies like L2 regularization can be useful
- But normally generous dropout is the secret to succes
- Regularize your model until it doesn’t overfit on dev data
- Look at your data, collect summary statistics
- Look at your model’s outputs, do error analysis
- Tuning hyperparameters is often important to the successes of NNets
Adds unanswerable question