powser is a command line tool for downloading front-end dependencies using the cdnjs reopsitory.
Unlike bower this tool will eventually be meant for production dependency management. It does not attempt to checkout full source trees, it attempts to only fetch what is required for production.
For now, we defer to the cdnjs project to maintain both the list of projects, and the list of files worth downloading. Additionally, their CDN endpoints are used to fetch the files.
The goal is that developers can use powser to install packages quickly during development, but save them in a production quality manner, suitable for tracking the entire powser_components in a git repository.
The project is still in it's infancy, but I think it works quite well.
#How to use#
$ pip install powser
python setup.py install
$ powser search jquery
$ powser show backbone.js
default: 1.2.3
+ 1.2.3
- backbone-min.js
- backbone-min.map
- backbone.js
+ 1.2.2
- backbone-min.js
- backbone-min.map
- backbone.js
$ powser install jquery
Installing jquery version 2.2.0...
Downloading /jquery/2.2.0/jquery.js ... Done.
Downloading /jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js ... Done.
Downloading /jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.map ... Done.
Successfully installed.
$ ls powser_components/jquery/2.2.0/
jquery.js jquery.min.js jquery.min.map
Send ideas through github issues.
Send patches through pull requests. Code should ideally:
- Follow PEP8
- Generate no pyflakes warnings
- Allow specific package versions to be installed
- Implement automated tests
- Implement a manifest file (possibly powser.json) to track what's been installed
- Implement clean, prune, refresh functionality from manifest.
- Investigate automatic dependency management.
- Possibility to use other CDNs for initial download.
- webassets integration - automatically build compressed packs from downloaded files
- Possibility to automatically switch between CDN hosted/local assets
Written by JDeuce Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php