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Julian Benda edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 6 revisions

Build and Installation

The project uses cmake and can therefore be build with

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

After this you can use cpack to create zip-archives for the different components of that project. It is also possible to install a component with cmake --install . --component <component-name e.g. lib>

The components are:

lib: : contains the inkcpp and inkcpp_compiler libraries and header files needed to use it in a C++ project this component supports cmake find_package command, for a example see #cmake-example. cl: : contains inkcpp_cl the inkcpp command line client, for example to compile the ink binaries. unreal: : contains folder structure to include inkcpp in a Unreal project

cmake example

EXTERNAL my_ink_function(a,b)

Hello world!
*	Hello back!
	Nice to hear from you!
* 	Bye
	BTW 3 + 5 = {my_ink_function(3,5)}
-> END

Create with inkclecat -j


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)

find_package(inkcpp CONFIG REQUIRED)

add_executable(main main.cpp)
set_property(TARGET main PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 17)
target_link_libraries(main inkcpp inkcpp_compiler)


#include <inkcpp/system.h>
#include <inkcpp/choice.h>
#include <inkcpp/runner.h>
#include <inkcpp/story.h>
#include <inkcpp/compiler.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace ink::runtime;

MyInkFunction( int a, int b )
	return a + b;

	ink::compiler::run("", "test.bin");
	// Load ink binary story, generated from the inkCPP compiler
	story* myInk = story::from_file( "test.bin" );

	// Create a new thread
	runner thread = myInk->new_runner();

	// Register external functions (glue automatically generated via templates)
	thread->bind( "my_ink_function", &MyInkFunction );

	// Write to cout
	while ( thread->can_continue() )
		std::cout << thread->getline();

	// Iterate choices
	int id = 0;
	for ( const choice& c : *thread )
		std::cout << (id++) << ". " << c.text() << std::endl;
	std::cin >> id;

	// Write to cout
	while ( thread->can_continue() )
		std::cout << thread->getline();
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