Released under the GNU General Public License version 3 by J2897.
Miss those little icons on your taskbar? Put them back!
This has been successfully tested on 64-Bit Windows 7.
The Windows 7 DE (Desktop Environment) doesn't have Quick Launch - a feature widely used in Windows XP - although, when you install a program, many still add shortcuts to the Quick Launch folder.
See the [example.png] 1 image.
This batch script will create a Symbolic Link to your Quick Launch folder. And then, all you have to do is add that Symbolic Link to your taskbar as a new toolbar by following the very simple on-screen instructions. Here they are in case you accidentally close the Command Prompt...
The Quick Launch Symbolic Link has been created.
To add it as a toolbar, right-click on your taskbar and go:
Toolbars > New toolbar...
Browse to, and select, the new Quick Launch Symbolic Link:
C:\Users\<name>\Quick Launch
Right-click on your taskbar and untick 'Lock the taskbar'.
Drag the new toolbar where you like.
Right-click the new toolbar and untick these two options:
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And don't forget to 'Lock the taskbar'.
The reason for using a Symbolic Link rather than the actual Quick Launch folder is this: If you add the actual Quick Launch folder as a toolbar, after a few reboots, you will notice that your Quick Launch toolbar has disappeared. Using a Symbolic Link instead solves this problem.