This is the shared Github code and data repository for members of InvaHealth. Curated by @cjabradshaw, @glatombe, and @chrisdiagne.
If you are affiliated with InvaHealth and have a Github account (click here to subscribe to Github if not), but are not yet a member of this Github organisation, please request membership here.
The objective of InvaHealth is to categorise and quantify the specific impacts of biological invasions on human health
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Biological invasions are a major component of global change. They have important ecological, socio-economic, and health consequences, including the spread of diseases, severe allergies, and impacts on mental and physical well-being. The monetary quantification of these impacts is an effective way to alert policymakers and stakeholders, and contributing to the co-design of sustainable solutions. While the recent, open-access InvaCost database provides a comprehensive overview of monetary costs associated with invasive species, health-related costs remain underrepresented.The InvaHealth database will be based on a framework including an eco-epidemiological component detailing various mechanisms affecting health and an economic component assessing cost distribution among stakeholders. This resource will facilitate future research, inform science-based policies, and contribute to better human health outcomes by preventing and addressing invasion-driven impacts, while promoting biodiversity conservation and ecological integrity.
Guillaume Latombe, University of Edinburgh
Christophe Diagne, Institut de recherche pour le développement
Elena Angulo, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Corey Bradshaw, Flinders University
Franck Courchamp, Université Paris-Saclay
Pierre Courtois, Centre for Environmental Economics
Ross Cuthbert, Queen's University Belfast
Melina Kourantidou, University of Southern Denmark
Paulina Pontifes, Institut de recherche pour le développement
David Renault, Université de Rennes
David Roiz, Institut de recherche pour le développement
Anna Turbelin, Natural Resources Canada
Example content:
- WWF Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World: shapefiles for assessing the ecoregion associated with each database entry
: find the biome in the WWF Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World shapefile for specific lat/lon coordinatescountryCentroids.R
: find the latitude/longitude of the centroid of any countrycountrycodes.R
: translate full country names in various languages to the ISO3 country codecurrencyConvert.R
: translates any currency value into a specified USD-equivalent (set year); also includes code to correct for purchase power parity
- InvaHealthDDdescriptors: column descriptions for the InvaHealth database
- assignDOI: Assign a digital object identifier (DOI) to your Github repository
- FAIR_Workshop_github: A repository for practicing the basic use of Github
- learningRresources: Various online & other resources for learning and improving skills in the R programming language
- learningPythonResources: Various online & other resources for learning and improving skills in the Python programming language
- QGIS: A free, open-source, cross-platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system (GIS)
- FRBCesab: The Fondation pour la recherche sur la biodiversité (FRB) Centre de synthèse et d'analyse sur la biodiversité (CESAB) Github organisation page