diff --git a/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel.hs b/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel.hs
index e60bcbe31a..3cf7f59fa1 100644
--- a/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel.hs
+++ b/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel.hs
@@ -125,10 +125,9 @@ module Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel
     -- $noLockedFunds
     , NoLockedFundsProof(..)
+    , defaultNLFP
     , checkNoLockedFundsProof
     , checkNoLockedFundsProofFast
-    , checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoom
-    , checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoomFast
     -- $checkNoPartiality
     , Whitelist
     , whitelistOk
diff --git a/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Internal.hs b/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Internal.hs
index c7cc13fd5b..6472668817 100644
--- a/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Internal.hs
+++ b/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Internal.hs
@@ -136,10 +136,9 @@ module Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Internal
     -- $noLockedFunds
     , NoLockedFundsProof(..)
+    , defaultNLFP
     , checkNoLockedFundsProof
     , checkNoLockedFundsProofFast
-    , checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoom
-    , checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoomFast
     -- $checkNoPartiality
     , Whitelist
     , whitelistOk
@@ -1563,8 +1562,22 @@ data NoLockedFundsProof model = NoLockedFundsProof
   , nlfpWalletStrategy :: Wallet -> DL model ()
     -- ^ A strategy for each wallet to recover as much (or more) funds as the main strategy would
     --   give them in a given state, without the assistance of any other wallet.
+  , nlfpOverhead       :: ModelState model -> SymValue
+    -- ^ An initial amount of overhead value that may be lost - e.g. setup fees for scripts that
+    -- can't be recovered.
+  , nlfpErrorMargin    :: ModelState model -> SymValue
+    -- ^ The total amount of margin for error in the value collected by the WalletStrategy compared
+    -- to the MainStrategy. This is useful if your contract contains rounding code that makes the order
+    -- of operations have a small but predictable effect on the value collected by different wallets.
+-- | The default skeleton of a NoLockedFundsProof - doesn't permit any overhead or error margin.
+defaultNLFP :: NoLockedFundsProof model
+defaultNLFP = NoLockedFundsProof { nlfpMainStrategy = return ()
+                                 , nlfpWalletStrategy = const (return ())
+                                 , nlfpOverhead = const mempty
+                                 , nlfpErrorMargin = const mempty }
 -- | Check a `NoLockedFundsProof`. Each test will generate an arbitrary sequence of actions
 --   (`anyActions_`) and ask the `nlfpMainStrategy` to recover all funds locked by the contract
 --   after performing those actions. This results in some distribution of the contract funds to the
@@ -1578,63 +1591,56 @@ checkNoLockedFundsProof
   => CheckOptions
   -> NoLockedFundsProof model
   -> Property
-checkNoLockedFundsProof = checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoom 0
-  :: (ContractModel model)
-  => CheckOptions
-  -> NoLockedFundsProof model
-  -> Property
-checkNoLockedFundsProofFast _ = checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoomFast 0
-  :: (ContractModel model)
-  => Integer
-  -> CheckOptions
-  -> NoLockedFundsProof model
-  -> Property
-checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoom wiggle options =
-  checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoom' wiggle prop
+checkNoLockedFundsProof options =
+  checkNoLockedFundsProof' prop
     prop = propRunActionsWithOptions' options defaultCoverageOptions (\ _ -> pure True)
   :: (ContractModel model)
-  => Integer
+  => CheckOptions
   -> NoLockedFundsProof model
   -> Property
-checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoomFast wiggle = checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoom' wiggle (const $ property True)
+checkNoLockedFundsProofFast _ = checkNoLockedFundsProof' (const $ property True)
   :: (ContractModel model)
-  => Integer
-  -> (StateModel.Actions (ModelState model) -> Property)
+  => (StateModel.Actions (ModelState model) -> Property)
   -> NoLockedFundsProof model
   -> Property
-checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoom' wiggle run NoLockedFundsProof{nlfpMainStrategy   = mainStrat,
-                                                                     nlfpWalletStrategy = walletStrat } =
+checkNoLockedFundsProof' run NoLockedFundsProof{nlfpMainStrategy   = mainStrat,
+                                                nlfpWalletStrategy = walletStrat,
+                                                nlfpOverhead       = overhead,
+                                                nlfpErrorMargin    = wiggle } =
     forAllDL anyActions_ $ \ (Actions as) ->
-    forAllUniqueDL (nextVarIdx as) (stateAfter $ Actions as) mainStrat $ \ (Actions as') ->
+    let s0 = (stateAfter $ Actions as) in
+    forAllUniqueDL (nextVarIdx as) s0 mainStrat $ \ (Actions as') ->
           let s = stateAfter $ Actions (as ++ as') in
-            foldl (QC..&&.) (counterexample "Main run prop" (run (toStateModelActions $ Actions $ as ++ as')) QC..&&. (counterexample "Main strategy" . counterexample (show . Actions $ as ++ as') $ prop s))
-                            [ walletProp as w bal | (w, bal) <- Map.toList (s ^. balanceChanges) ]
+            foldl (QC..&&.) (counterexample "Main run prop" (run (toStateModelActions $ Actions $ as ++ as')) QC..&&. (counterexample "Main strategy" . counterexample (show . Actions $ as ++ as') $ prop s0 s))
+                            [ walletProp s0 as w bal | (w, bal) <- Map.toList (s ^. balanceChanges) ]
         nextVarIdx as = 1 + maximum ([0] ++ [ i | Var i <- varOf <$> as ])
-        prop s =
+        prop s0 s =
           let lockedVal = lockedValue s
-          in (counterexample ("Locked funds should be zero, but they are\n  " ++ show lockedVal) $ symIsZero lockedVal)
+          in (counterexample ("Locked funds should be at most " ++ show (overhead s0) ++ ", but they are\n  " ++ show lockedVal)
+            $ symLeq lockedVal (overhead s0))
-        walletProp as w bal = DL.forAllUniqueDL (nextVarIdx as) (stateAfter $ Actions as) (DL.action (Unilateral w) >> walletStrat w) $ \ acts ->
+        walletProp s0 as w bal =
+          let wig = wiggle s0
+          in
+          DL.forAllUniqueDL (nextVarIdx as) s0 (DL.action (Unilateral w) >> walletStrat w) $ \ acts ->
           let Actions as' = fromStateModelActions acts
               err  = "Unilateral strategy for " ++ show w ++ " should have gotten it at least\n" ++
                      "  " ++ show bal ++ "\n" ++
+                     concat [ "with wiggle room\n" ++ "  " ++ show wig ++ "\n"
+                            | wig /= mempty ] ++
                      "but it got\n" ++
                      "  " ++ show bal'
               bal' = stateAfter (Actions $ as ++ as') ^. balanceChange w
               smacts = toStateModelActions (Actions as) <> acts
               err' = "The ContractModel's Unilateral behaviour for " ++ show w ++ " does not match the actual behaviour for actions:\n"
                    ++ show smacts
-          in counterexample err (symLeqWiggle wiggle bal bal')
+          in counterexample err (symLeq bal (bal' <> wig))
           QC..&&. counterexample err' (run smacts)
 -- | A whitelist entry tells you what final log entry prefixes
diff --git a/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Symbolics.hs b/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Symbolics.hs
index 1e3a66a82f..e21da9e4b3 100644
--- a/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Symbolics.hs
+++ b/plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Symbolics.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
 module Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Symbolics where
+import Ledger.Ada qualified as Ada
 import Ledger.Value (AssetClass, Value, assetClassValue, isZero, leq)
 import PlutusTx.Monoid qualified as PlutusTx
@@ -71,5 +72,8 @@ instance SymValueLike Value where
 instance SymValueLike SymValue where
   toSymValue = id
+instance SymValueLike Ada.Ada where
+  toSymValue = toSymValue . Ada.toValue
 inv :: SymValue -> SymValue
 inv (SymValue m v) = SymValue (negate <$> m) (PlutusTx.inv v)
diff --git a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Auction.hs b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Auction.hs
index 3fd50f3b92..c49b4fcde5 100644
--- a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Auction.hs
+++ b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Auction.hs
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ prop_FinishAuction = forAllDL finishAuction prop_Auction
 --   seller walks away the buyer will not get their token (unless going around the off-chain code
 --   and building a Payout transaction manually).
 noLockProof :: NoLockedFundsProof AuctionModel
-noLockProof = NoLockedFundsProof
+noLockProof = defaultNLFP
   { nlfpMainStrategy   = strat
   , nlfpWalletStrategy = const strat }
diff --git a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Escrow.hs b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Escrow.hs
index d8461209c8..d99517b285 100644
--- a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Escrow.hs
+++ b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Escrow.hs
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ prop_FinishEscrow :: Property
 prop_FinishEscrow = forAllDL finishEscrow prop_Escrow
 noLockProof :: NoLockedFundsProof EscrowModel
-noLockProof = NoLockedFundsProof
+noLockProof = defaultNLFP
   { nlfpMainStrategy   = finishingStrategy (const True)
   , nlfpWalletStrategy = finishingStrategy . (==) }
diff --git a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/GameStateMachine.hs b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/GameStateMachine.hs
index 08b1298d60..daa32fdb4b 100644
--- a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/GameStateMachine.hs
+++ b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/GameStateMachine.hs
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ prop_NoLockedFunds :: Property
 prop_NoLockedFunds = forAllDL noLockedFunds prop_Game
 noLockProof :: NoLockedFundsProof GameModel
-noLockProof = NoLockedFundsProof{
+noLockProof = defaultNLFP {
       nlfpMainStrategy   = mainStrat,
       nlfpWalletStrategy = walletStrat }
diff --git a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Prism.hs b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Prism.hs
index ca0fc012cd..1dad5af248 100644
--- a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Prism.hs
+++ b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Prism.hs
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ prop_Prism = propRunActions @PrismModel finalPredicate
 -- | The Prism contract does not lock any funds.
 noLockProof :: NoLockedFundsProof PrismModel
-noLockProof = NoLockedFundsProof
+noLockProof = defaultNLFP
   { nlfpMainStrategy   = return ()
   , nlfpWalletStrategy = \ _ -> return ()
diff --git a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Uniswap.hs b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Uniswap.hs
index 46f0eebb60..6bfd0bf8f9 100644
--- a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Uniswap.hs
+++ b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Uniswap.hs
@@ -475,10 +475,18 @@ prop_liquidityValue = forAllDL liquidityValue (const True)
 -- This doesn't work
 noLockProof :: NoLockedFundsProof UniswapModel
-noLockProof = NoLockedFundsProof{
+noLockProof = defaultNLFP {
       nlfpMainStrategy   = mainStrat,
-      nlfpWalletStrategy = walletStrat }
+      nlfpWalletStrategy = walletStrat,
+      nlfpOverhead       = const $ toSymValue Ledger.minAdaTxOut,
+      nlfpErrorMargin    = wiggle }
+        wiggle s = fold [symAssetClassValue t1 (toInteger m) <>
+                         symAssetClassValue t2 (toInteger m) <>
+                         toSymValue Ledger.minAdaTxOut
+                        | (PoolIndex t1 t2, p) <- Map.toList (s ^. contractState . pools)
+                        , let numLiqs = length $ p ^. liquidities
+                              m = max 0 (numLiqs - 1) ]
         mainStrat = do
             pools <- viewContractState pools
             forM_ (Map.toList pools) $ \ (PoolIndex t1 t2, p) -> do
@@ -497,14 +505,11 @@ noLockProof = NoLockedFundsProof{
                 then action $ ClosePool w t1 t2
                 else action $ RemoveLiquidity w t1 t2 (unAmount . sum $ Map.lookup w liqs)
--- This doesn't hold
 prop_CheckNoLockedFundsProof :: Property
 prop_CheckNoLockedFundsProof = checkNoLockedFundsProof defaultCheckOptionsContractModel noLockProof
--- In principle this property does not hold for any wiggle room! You can chain together the issues
--- you get for normal "No locked funds"
 prop_CheckNoLockedFundsProofFast :: Property
-prop_CheckNoLockedFundsProofFast = checkNoLockedFundsProofWithWiggleRoomFast 3 noLockProof
+prop_CheckNoLockedFundsProofFast = checkNoLockedFundsProofFast defaultCheckOptionsContractModel noLockProof
 check_propUniswapWithCoverage :: IO ()
 check_propUniswapWithCoverage = void $
diff --git a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Vesting.hs b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Vesting.hs
index ebc6aecdfc..8b7f138e0f 100644
--- a/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Vesting.hs
+++ b/plutus-use-cases/test/Spec/Vesting.hs
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ prop_Vesting :: Actions VestingModel -> Property
 prop_Vesting = propRunActions_
 noLockProof :: NoLockedFundsProof VestingModel
-noLockProof = NoLockedFundsProof{
+noLockProof = defaultNLFP {
       nlfpMainStrategy   = mainStrat,
       nlfpWalletStrategy = walletStrat }