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Merge #4234
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4234: Update create-staked with the ability to specify relays for all created stake pools r=deepfire a=Jimbo4350

Resolves: #4123

Co-authored-by: Jordan Millar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Kosyrev Serge <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Aug 12, 2022
2 parents dd3a063 + 3836ff7 commit 2b6a78c
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Showing 5 changed files with 105 additions and 37 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cardano-api/src/Cardano/Api/Shelley.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ import Cardano.Api.Address
import Cardano.Api.Block
import Cardano.Api.Certificate
import Cardano.Api.Eras
import Cardano.Api.IPC
import Cardano.Api.InMode
import Cardano.Api.IPC
import Cardano.Api.KeysByron
import Cardano.Api.KeysPraos
import Cardano.Api.KeysShelley
Expand Down
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Commands.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -429,7 +429,20 @@ renderTextViewCmd (TextViewInfo _ _) = "text-view decode-cbor"
data GenesisCmd
= GenesisCreate GenesisDir Word Word (Maybe SystemStart) (Maybe Lovelace) NetworkId
| GenesisCreateCardano GenesisDir Word Word (Maybe SystemStart) (Maybe Lovelace) BlockCount Word Rational NetworkId FilePath FilePath FilePath (Maybe FilePath)
| GenesisCreateStaked GenesisDir Word Word Word Word (Maybe SystemStart) (Maybe Lovelace) Lovelace NetworkId Word Word Word
| GenesisCreateStaked
(Maybe SystemStart)
(Maybe Lovelace)
(Maybe FilePath) -- ^ Relay specification filepath
| GenesisKeyGenGenesis VerificationKeyFile SigningKeyFile
| GenesisKeyGenDelegate VerificationKeyFile SigningKeyFile OpCertCounterFile
| GenesisKeyGenUTxO VerificationKeyFile SigningKeyFile
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Parsers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1232,6 +1232,7 @@ pGenesisCmd =
<*> pBulkPoolCredFiles
<*> pBulkPoolsPerFile
<*> pStuffedUtxoCount
<*> Opt.optional pRelayJsonFp

pGenesisHash :: Parser GenesisCmd
pGenesisHash =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1304,6 +1305,15 @@ pGenesisCmd =
<> Opt.value 0

pRelayJsonFp :: Parser FilePath
pRelayJsonFp =
( Opt.long "relay-specification-file"
<> Opt.metavar "FILE"
<> "JSON file specified the relays of each stake pool."
<> Opt.completer (Opt.bashCompleter "file")

convertTime :: String -> UTCTime
convertTime =
parseTimeOrError False defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat $ Just "%H:%M:%SZ")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2779,7 +2789,7 @@ eDNSName :: String -> Either String ByteString
eDNSName str =
-- We're using 'Shelley.textToDns' to validate the string.
case Shelley.textToDns (toS str) of
Nothing -> Left "DNS name is more than 64 bytes"
Nothing -> Left $ "DNS name is more than 64 bytes: " <> str
Just dnsName -> Right . Text.encodeUtf8 . Shelley.dnsToText $ dnsName

pSingleHostAddress :: Parser StakePoolRelay
Expand Down
96 changes: 62 additions & 34 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Shelley/Run/Genesis.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Run.Genesis
) where

import Cardano.Prelude hiding (unlines)
import Prelude (error, id, unlines, zip3)
import Prelude (String, error, id, unlines, zip3)

import Data.Aeson hiding (Key)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ import Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Run.StakeAddress (ShelleyStakeAddressCmdErr
renderShelleyStakeAddressCmdError, runStakeAddressKeyGenToFile)
import Cardano.CLI.Types

import Cardano.CLI.Byron.Delegation
import Cardano.CLI.Byron.Genesis as Byron
import qualified Cardano.CLI.Byron.Key as Byron
import qualified Cardano.Chain.Common as Byron (KeyHash, mkKnownLovelace, rationalToLovelacePortion)
import Cardano.Chain.Genesis (FakeAvvmOptions (..), TestnetBalanceOptions (..),
gdProtocolParameters, gsDlgIssuersSecrets, gsPoorSecrets, gsRichSecrets)
import Cardano.CLI.Byron.Delegation
import Cardano.CLI.Byron.Genesis as Byron
import qualified Cardano.CLI.Byron.Key as Byron
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Signing as Byron

import Cardano.Api.SerialiseTextEnvelope (textEnvelopeToJSON)
Expand All @@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ import Data.ListMap (ListMap (..))

import qualified Cardano.CLI.IO.Lazy as Lazy

import System.Random (StdGen)
import qualified System.Random as Random
import System.Random (StdGen)

data ShelleyGenesisCmdError
= ShelleyGenesisCmdAesonDecodeError !FilePath !Text
Expand All @@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ data ShelleyGenesisCmdError
| ShelleyGenesisCmdStakeAddressCmdError !ShelleyStakeAddressCmdError
| ShelleyGenesisCmdCostModelsError !FilePath
| ShelleyGenesisCmdByronError !ByronGenesisError
| ShelleyGenesisStakePoolRelayFileError !FilePath !IOException
| ShelleyGenesisStakePoolRelayJsonDecodeError !FilePath !String
deriving Show

instance Error ShelleyGenesisCmdError where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,6 +178,12 @@ instance Error ShelleyGenesisCmdError where
" Error: " <> Text.unpack e
ShelleyGenesisCmdGenesisFileReadError e -> displayError e
ShelleyGenesisCmdByronError e -> show e
ShelleyGenesisStakePoolRelayFileError fp e ->
"Error occurred while reading the stake pool relay specification file: " <> fp <>
" Error: " <> show e
ShelleyGenesisStakePoolRelayJsonDecodeError fp e ->
"Error occurred while decoding the stake pool relay specification file: " <> fp <>
" Error: " <> e

runGenesisCmd :: GenesisCmd -> ExceptT ShelleyGenesisCmdError IO ()
runGenesisCmd (GenesisKeyGenGenesis vk sk) = runGenesisKeyGenGenesis vk sk
Expand All @@ -187,7 +195,8 @@ runGenesisCmd (GenesisTxIn vk nw mOutFile) = runGenesisTxIn vk nw mOutFile
runGenesisCmd (GenesisAddr vk nw mOutFile) = runGenesisAddr vk nw mOutFile
runGenesisCmd (GenesisCreate gd gn un ms am nw) = runGenesisCreate gd gn un ms am nw
runGenesisCmd (GenesisCreateCardano gd gn un ms am k slotLength sc nw bg sg ag mNodeCfg) = runGenesisCreateCardano gd gn un ms am k slotLength sc nw bg sg ag mNodeCfg
runGenesisCmd (GenesisCreateStaked gd gn gp gl un ms am ds nw bf bp su) = runGenesisCreateStaked gd gn gp gl un ms am ds nw bf bp su
runGenesisCmd (GenesisCreateStaked gd gn gp gl un ms am ds nw bf bp su relayJsonFp) =
runGenesisCreateStaked gd gn gp gl un ms am ds nw bf bp su relayJsonFp
runGenesisCmd (GenesisHashFile gf) = runGenesisHashFile gf

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -661,11 +670,13 @@ runGenesisCreateStaked
-> Word -- ^ bulk credential files to write
-> Word -- ^ pool credentials per bulk file
-> Word -- ^ num stuffed UTxO entries
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Specified stake pool relays
-> ExceptT ShelleyGenesisCmdError IO ()
runGenesisCreateStaked (GenesisDir rootdir)
genNumGenesisKeys genNumUTxOKeys genNumPools genNumStDelegs
mStart mNonDlgAmount stDlgAmount network
bulkPoolCredFiles bulkPoolsPerFile numStuffedUtxo = do
numBulkPoolCredFiles bulkPoolsPerFile numStuffedUtxo
sPoolRelayFp = do
liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing False rootdir
createDirectoryIfMissing False gendir
Expand All @@ -678,31 +689,39 @@ runGenesisCreateStaked (GenesisDir rootdir)
alonzoGenesis <- readAlonzoGenesis (rootdir </> "genesis.alonzo.spec.json")

forM_ [ 1 .. genNumGenesisKeys ] $ \index -> do
createGenesisKeys gendir index
createGenesisKeys gendir index
createDelegateKeys deldir index

forM_ [ 1 .. genNumUTxOKeys ] $ \index ->
createUtxoKeys utxodir index

pools <- forM [ 1 .. genNumPools ] $ \index -> do
<- forM sPoolRelayFp $
\fp -> do
relaySpecJsonBs <-
handleIOExceptT (ShelleyGenesisStakePoolRelayFileError fp) (LBS.readFile fp)
firstExceptT (ShelleyGenesisStakePoolRelayJsonDecodeError fp)
. hoistEither $ Aeson.eitherDecode relaySpecJsonBs

poolParams <- forM [ 1 .. genNumPools ] $ \index -> do
createPoolCredentials pooldir index
buildPool network pooldir index
buildPoolParams network pooldir index (fromMaybe mempty mayStakePoolRelays)

when (bulkPoolCredFiles * bulkPoolsPerFile > genNumPools) $
left $ ShelleyGenesisCmdTooFewPoolsForBulkCreds genNumPools bulkPoolCredFiles bulkPoolsPerFile
when (numBulkPoolCredFiles * bulkPoolsPerFile > genNumPools) $
left $ ShelleyGenesisCmdTooFewPoolsForBulkCreds genNumPools numBulkPoolCredFiles bulkPoolsPerFile
-- We generate the bulk files for the last pool indices,
-- so that all the non-bulk pools have stable indices at beginning:
let bulkOffset = fromIntegral $ genNumPools - bulkPoolCredFiles * bulkPoolsPerFile
let bulkOffset = fromIntegral $ genNumPools - numBulkPoolCredFiles * bulkPoolsPerFile
bulkIndices :: [Word] = [ 1 + bulkOffset .. genNumPools ]
bulkSlices :: [[Word]] = List.chunksOf (fromIntegral bulkPoolsPerFile) bulkIndices
forM_ (zip [ 1 .. bulkPoolCredFiles ] bulkSlices) $
forM_ (zip [ 1 .. numBulkPoolCredFiles ] bulkSlices) $
uncurry (writeBulkPoolCredentials pooldir)

let (delegsPerPool, delegsRemaining) = divMod genNumStDelegs genNumPools
delegsForPool poolIx = if delegsRemaining /= 0 && poolIx == genNumPools
then delegsPerPool
else delegsPerPool + delegsRemaining
distribution = [pool | (pool, poolIx) <- zip pools [1 ..], _ <- [1 .. delegsForPool poolIx]]
distribution = [pool | (pool, poolIx) <- zip poolParams [1 ..], _ <- [1 .. delegsForPool poolIx]]

g <- Random.getStdGen

Expand All @@ -718,7 +737,7 @@ runGenesisCreateStaked (GenesisDir rootdir)
stuffedUtxoAddrs <- liftIO $ Lazy.replicateM (fromIntegral numStuffedUtxo) genStuffedAddress

let stake = second Ledger._poolId . mkDelegationMapEntry <$> delegations
stakePools = [ (Ledger._poolId poolParams, poolParams) | poolParams <- snd . mkDelegationMapEntry <$> delegations ]
stakePools = [ (Ledger._poolId poolParams', poolParams') | poolParams' <- snd . mkDelegationMapEntry <$> delegations ]
delegAddrs = dInitialUtxoAddr <$> delegations
!shelleyGenesis =
Expand All @@ -741,13 +760,13 @@ runGenesisCreateStaked (GenesisDir rootdir)
] ++
[ mconcat
[ ", "
, textShow bulkPoolCredFiles, " bulk pool credential files, "
, textShow numBulkPoolCredFiles, " bulk pool credential files, "
, textShow bulkPoolsPerFile, " pools per bulk credential file, indices starting from "
, textShow bulkOffset, ", "
, textShow $ length bulkIndices, " total pools in bulk nodes, each bulk node having this many entries: "
, textShow $ length <$> bulkSlices
| bulkPoolCredFiles * bulkPoolsPerFile > 0 ]
| numBulkPoolCredFiles * bulkPoolsPerFile > 0 ]

adjustTemplate t = t { sgNetworkMagic = unNetworkMagic (toNetworkMagic network) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -861,19 +880,24 @@ data Delegation = Delegation
deriving (Generic, NFData)

buildPool :: NetworkId -> FilePath -> Word -> ExceptT ShelleyGenesisCmdError IO (Ledger.PoolParams StandardCrypto)
buildPool nw dir index = do
StakePoolVerificationKey poolColdVK <- firstExceptT (ShelleyGenesisCmdPoolCmdError
. ShelleyPoolCmdReadFileError)
. newExceptT
$ readFileTextEnvelope (AsVerificationKey AsStakePoolKey) poolColdVKF
VrfVerificationKey poolVrfVK <- firstExceptT (ShelleyGenesisCmdNodeCmdError
. ShelleyNodeCmdReadFileError)
. newExceptT
$ readFileTextEnvelope (AsVerificationKey AsVrfKey) poolVrfVKF
rewardsSVK <- firstExceptT ShelleyGenesisCmdTextEnvReadFileError
. newExceptT
$ readFileTextEnvelope (AsVerificationKey AsStakeKey) poolRewardVKF
:: NetworkId
-> FilePath -- ^ File directory where the necessary pool credentials were created
-> Word
-> Map Word [Ledger.StakePoolRelay] -- ^ User submitted stake pool relay map
-> ExceptT ShelleyGenesisCmdError IO (Ledger.PoolParams StandardCrypto)
buildPoolParams nw dir index specifiedRelays = do
StakePoolVerificationKey poolColdVK
<- firstExceptT (ShelleyGenesisCmdPoolCmdError . ShelleyPoolCmdReadFileError)
. newExceptT $ readFileTextEnvelope (AsVerificationKey AsStakePoolKey) poolColdVKF

VrfVerificationKey poolVrfVK
<- firstExceptT (ShelleyGenesisCmdNodeCmdError . ShelleyNodeCmdReadFileError)
. newExceptT $ readFileTextEnvelope (AsVerificationKey AsVrfKey) poolVrfVKF
<- firstExceptT ShelleyGenesisCmdTextEnvReadFileError
. newExceptT $ readFileTextEnvelope (AsVerificationKey AsStakeKey) poolRewardVKF

pure Ledger.PoolParams
{ Ledger._poolId = Ledger.hashKey poolColdVK
, Ledger._poolVrf = Ledger.hashVerKeyVRF poolVrfVK
Expand All @@ -883,10 +907,14 @@ buildPool nw dir index = do
, Ledger._poolRAcnt =
toShelleyStakeAddr $ makeStakeAddress nw $ StakeCredentialByKey (verificationKeyHash rewardsSVK)
, Ledger._poolOwners = mempty
, Ledger._poolRelays = Seq.empty
, Ledger._poolRelays = lookupPoolRelay specifiedRelays
, Ledger._poolMD = Ledger.SNothing
:: Map Word [Ledger.StakePoolRelay] -> Seq.StrictSeq Ledger.StakePoolRelay
lookupPoolRelay m = maybe mempty Seq.fromList (Map.lookup index m)

strIndex = show index
poolColdVKF = dir </> "cold" ++ strIndex ++ ".vkey"
poolVrfVKF = dir </> "vrf" ++ strIndex ++ ".vkey"
Expand All @@ -903,12 +931,12 @@ writeBulkPoolCredentials dir bulkIx poolIxs = do
readPoolCreds :: Word -> ExceptT ShelleyGenesisCmdError IO
(TextEnvelope, TextEnvelope, TextEnvelope)
readPoolCreds ix = do
(,,) <$> readEnvelope poolCert
(,,) <$> readEnvelope poolOpCert
<*> readEnvelope poolVrfSKF
<*> readEnvelope poolKesSKF
strIndex = show ix
poolCert = dir </> "opcert" ++ strIndex ++ ".cert"
poolOpCert = dir </> "opcert" ++ strIndex ++ ".cert"
poolVrfSKF = dir </> "vrf" ++ strIndex ++ ".skey"
poolKesSKF = dir </> "kes" ++ strIndex ++ ".skey"
readEnvelope :: FilePath -> ExceptT ShelleyGenesisCmdError IO TextEnvelope
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions nix/workbench/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,7 +190,24 @@ case "$op" in
# }'
# -o "$dir"/cardano-cli-execution-stats.json
# )

jq '
| map
({ key: (.value.i | tostring)
, value:
[{ "single host name":
{ dnsName: .key
, port: .value.port
| from_entries
' "$node_specs" > "$dir"/pool-relays.json

params=(--genesis-dir "$dir"
--relay-specification-file "$dir/pool-relays.json"
$(jq '.cli_args.createFinalBulk | join(" ")' "$profile_json" --raw-output)
time cardano-cli genesis create-staked "${params[@]}"
Expand Down

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