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carbolymer committed Feb 9, 2024
1 parent d68dae3 commit d564658
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Showing 3 changed files with 59 additions and 46 deletions.
67 changes: 36 additions & 31 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/EraBased/Run/CreateTestnetData.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ runGenesisCreateTestNetDataCmd Cmd.GenesisCreateTestNetDataCmdArgs
Nothing ->
-- No template given: a default file is created
pure shelleyGenesisDefaults
-- Read NetworkId either from file or from the flag. Flag overrides template file.

-- Read NetworkId either from file or from the flag. Flag overrides template file.
let actualNetworkId =
case networkId of
case networkId of
Just networkFromFlag -> networkFromFlag
Nothing -> fromNetworkMagic (NetworkMagic $ sgNetworkMagic shelleyGenesisInit)
shelleyGenesis = shelleyGenesisInit { sgNetworkMagic = unNetworkMagic (toNetworkMagic actualNetworkId) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ runGenesisCreateTestNetDataCmd Cmd.GenesisCreateTestNetDataCmdArgs
let stake = second Ledger.ppId . mkDelegationMapEntry <$> delegations
stakePools = [ (Ledger.ppId poolParams', poolParams') | poolParams' <- snd . mkDelegationMapEntry <$> delegations ]
delegAddrs = dInitialUtxoAddr <$> delegations
!shelleyGenesis' =
start genDlgs totalSupply nonDelegAddrs stakePools stake
delegatedSupply (length delegations) delegAddrs stuffedUtxoAddrs shelleyGenesis
!shelleyGenesis' <-
start genDlgs totalSupply nonDelegAddrs stakePools stake delegatedSupply (length delegations)
delegAddrs stuffedUtxoAddrs shelleyGenesis

-- Write genesis.json file to output
liftIO $ LBS.writeFile (outputDir </> "genesis.json") $ Aeson.encode shelleyGenesis'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -572,37 +572,38 @@ computeInsecureDelegation g0 nw pool = do

:: SystemStart -- ^ System start time
-> Map (Hash GenesisKey) (Hash GenesisDelegateKey, Hash VrfKey) -- ^ Genesis delegation (not stake-based)
-> Maybe Lovelace -- ^ Total amount of lovelace
-> [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -- ^ UTxO addresses that are not delegating
-> [(Ledger.KeyHash 'Ledger.StakePool StandardCrypto, Ledger.PoolParams StandardCrypto)] -- ^ Pool map
-> [(Ledger.KeyHash 'Ledger.Staking StandardCrypto, Ledger.KeyHash 'Ledger.StakePool StandardCrypto)] -- ^ Delegaton map
-> Maybe Lovelace -- ^ Amount of lovelace to delegate
-> Int -- ^ Number of UTxO address for delegation
-> [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -- ^ UTxO address for delegation
-> [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -- ^ Stuffed UTxO addresses
-> ShelleyGenesis StandardCrypto -- ^ Template from which to build a genesis
-> ShelleyGenesis StandardCrypto -- ^ Updated genesis
:: forall m. MonadError GenesisCmdError m
=> SystemStart -- ^ System start time
-> Map (Hash GenesisKey) (Hash GenesisDelegateKey, Hash VrfKey) -- ^ Genesis delegation (not stake-based)
-> Maybe Lovelace -- ^ Total amount of lovelace
-> [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -- ^ UTxO addresses that are not delegating
-> [(Ledger.KeyHash 'Ledger.StakePool StandardCrypto, Ledger.PoolParams StandardCrypto)] -- ^ Pool map
-> [(Ledger.KeyHash 'Ledger.Staking StandardCrypto, Ledger.KeyHash 'Ledger.StakePool StandardCrypto)] -- ^ Delegaton map
-> Maybe Lovelace -- ^ Amount of lovelace to delegate
-> Int -- ^ Number of UTxO address for delegation
-> [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -- ^ UTxO address for delegation
-> [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -- ^ Stuffed UTxO addresses
-> ShelleyGenesis StandardCrypto -- ^ Template from which to build a genesis
-> m (ShelleyGenesis StandardCrypto) -- ^ Updated genesis
(SystemStart sgSystemStart)
genDelegMap mTotalSupply utxoAddrsNonDeleg pools stake
nUtxoAddrsDeleg utxoAddrsDeleg stuffedUtxoAddrs
template@ShelleyGenesis{ sgProtocolParams } =
template@ShelleyGenesis{ sgProtocolParams } = do
nonDelegatedFunds <- distribute (nonDelegCoin - subtractForTreasury) nUtxoAddrsNonDeleg utxoAddrsNonDeleg
delegatedFunds <- distribute (delegCoin - subtractForTreasury) nUtxoAddrsDeleg utxoAddrsDeleg
pure template
{ sgSystemStart
, sgMaxLovelaceSupply = totalSupply
, sgGenDelegs = shelleyDelKeys
, sgInitialFunds = ListMap.fromList
[ (toShelleyAddr addr, toShelleyLovelace v)
| (addr, v) <-
distribute (nonDelegCoin - subtractForTreasury) nUtxoAddrsNonDeleg utxoAddrsNonDeleg
distribute (delegCoin - subtractForTreasury) nUtxoAddrsDeleg utxoAddrsDeleg
mkStuffedUtxo stuffedUtxoAddrs
++ delegatedFunds
++ mkStuffedUtxo stuffedUtxoAddrs
, sgStaking =
{ sgsPools = ListMap pools
Expand All @@ -624,10 +625,14 @@ updateOutputTemplate
delegCoin = case mDelegatedSupply of Nothing -> 0; Just amountDeleg -> fromIntegral totalSupply - unLovelace amountDeleg
nonDelegCoin = fromIntegral totalSupply - delegCoin

distribute :: Integer -> Int -> [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -> [(AddressInEra ShelleyEra, Lovelace)]
distribute funds nAddrs addrs = zip addrs $ Lovelace <$> (coinPerAddr + remainder:repeat coinPerAddr)
distribute :: Integer -> Int -> [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -> m [(AddressInEra ShelleyEra, Lovelace)]
distribute funds nAddrs addrs = do
let distributed = zip addrs $ Lovelace <$> (coinPerAddr + remainder:repeat coinPerAddr)
unless (all ((>= 0) . snd) distributed) $
throwError GenesisCmdNegativeInitialFunds
pure distributed
where coinPerAddr, remainder :: Integer
(coinPerAddr, remainder) = max 0 funds `divMod` fromIntegral nAddrs
(coinPerAddr, remainder) = funds `divMod` fromIntegral nAddrs

mkStuffedUtxo :: [AddressInEra ShelleyEra] -> [(AddressInEra ShelleyEra, Lovelace)]
mkStuffedUtxo xs = (, Lovelace minUtxoVal) <$> xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,4 +734,4 @@ readInitialFundAddresses utxoKeys nw = do
, let vkh = verificationKeyHash (castVerificationKey vkey)
addr = makeShelleyAddressInEra ShelleyBasedEraShelley nw (PaymentCredentialByKey vkh)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Types/Errors/GenesisCmdError.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ data GenesisCmdError
| GenesisCmdStakePoolRelayFileError !FilePath !IOException
| GenesisCmdStakePoolRelayJsonDecodeError !FilePath !String
| GenesisCmdFileInputDecodeError !(FileError InputDecodeError)
| GenesisCmdNegativeInitialFunds
deriving Show

instance Error GenesisCmdError where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,3 +98,5 @@ instance Error GenesisCmdError where
" Error: " <> pretty e
GenesisCmdFileInputDecodeError ide ->
"Error occured while decoding a file: " <> pshow ide
GenesisCmdNegativeInitialFunds ->
"Provided delegated supply value results in negative initial funds. Decrease delegated amount."
35 changes: 20 additions & 15 deletions cardano-cli/test/cardano-cli-test/Test/Cli/CreateTestnetData.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,12 +15,13 @@ import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.IO.Exception (ExitCode (..))
import GHC.Stack
import System.FilePath

import Test.Cardano.CLI.Util (execCardanoCLI)
import Test.Cardano.CLI.Util (execCardanoCLI, execDetailCardanoCLI)

import Hedgehog (MonadTest, Property, success)
import Hedgehog (MonadTest, Property, success, (===))
import qualified Hedgehog as H
import Hedgehog.Extras (moduleWorkspace, propertyOnce)
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras as H
Expand All @@ -47,17 +48,17 @@ hprop_create_testnet_data_create_nonegative_supply :: Property
hprop_create_testnet_data_create_nonegative_supply = do
-- FIXME rewrite this as a property test
let supplyValues =
[ -- (total supply, delegated supply)
(2_000_000_000, 1_000_000_000)
, (1_000_000_000, 1_000_000_000)
, (1_000_000_000, 2_000_000_000)
] :: [(Int, Int)]
[ -- (total supply, delegated supply, exit code)
(2_000_000_000, 1_000_000_000, ExitSuccess)
, (1_000_000_000, 1_000_000_000, ExitFailure 1)
, (1_000_000_000, 2_000_000_000, ExitFailure 1)
] :: [(Int, Int, ExitCode)]

propertyOnce $ forM_ supplyValues $ \(totalSupply, delegatedSupply) ->
propertyOnce $ forM_ supplyValues $ \(totalSupply, delegatedSupply, expectedExitCode) ->
moduleWorkspace "tmp" $ \tempDir -> do
let outputDir = tempDir </> "out"

H.noteM_ $ execCardanoCLI
(exitCode, stdout, stderr) <- H.noteShowM $ execDetailCardanoCLI
["conway", "genesis", "create-testnet-data"
, "--testnet-magic", "42"
, "--pools", "3"
Expand All @@ -69,15 +70,19 @@ hprop_create_testnet_data_create_nonegative_supply = do
, "--out-dir", outputDir

testGenesis@TestGenesis{maxLovelaceSupply, initialFunds} <- H.leftFailM . readJsonFile $ outputDir </> "genesis.json"
H.note_ $ show testGenesis
H.note_ $ "Expected exit code: " <> show expectedExitCode <> ", received: " <> show exitCode
H.note_ $ unlines ["stdout:", stdout, "stderr:", stderr]
exitCode === expectedExitCode

H.note_ "check that max lovelace supply is positive"
H.assertWith maxLovelaceSupply (>= 0)
when (exitCode == ExitSuccess) $ do
testGenesis@TestGenesis{maxLovelaceSupply, initialFunds} <- H.leftFailM . readJsonFile $ outputDir </> "genesis.json"
H.note_ $ show testGenesis

H.note_ "check that all initial funds are positive"
H.assertWith initialFunds $ all (>= 0) . M.elems
H.note_ "check that max lovelace supply is set equal to --total-supply flag value"
maxLovelaceSupply === totalSupply

H.note_ "check that all initial funds are positive"
H.assertWith initialFunds $ all (>= 0) . M.elems

data TestGenesis = TestGenesis
{ maxLovelaceSupply :: Int
Expand Down

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