See the for a complete description of the OTA bootloader support library.
- Template linkers updated for XMC7200 and XMC7100.
- Minor Documentation updates.
- Bug fixes.
- Minor Documentation updates.
- Added support for XMC7100(KIT_XMC71_EVK_LITE_V1) kit.
- Added OTA image encryption support for 20829(CYW920829M2EVK-02) platform.
- Minor Documentation updates.
- Added support for CY8CEVAL-062S2-CYW955513SDM2WLIPA kit.
- Support for secure LCS and OTA image encryption has been added to the CYW920829 platform.
- Minor Documentation update.
- Added support for CYW955913EVK-01 kit.
- Added support for CYW89829(CYW989829M2EVB-01) kits.
- IAR support added for 20829 platform.
- New ota-bootloader-abstraction library.
- This ota-bootloader-abstraction has mcubootloader support.
- ota-bootloader-abstraction v1.0.0 works with MTB 3.1
- Legacy support for these devices:
- CY8CKIT-062S2-43012
- CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W
- CY8CPROTO-062-4343W
- CY8CPROTO-062S3-4343W
- CY8CEVAL-062S2-CYW943439M2IPA1
- CY8CEVAL-062S2-LAI-4373M2
- CY8CEVAL-062S2-MUR-43439M2
- CYW920829M2EVK-02
- XMC7200(KIT_XMC72_EVK)
This version of the library was validated for compatibility with the following software and tools:
Software and Tools | Version |
ModusToolbox™ Software Environment | 3.3 |
- ModusToolbox™ Device Configurator | 5.10 |
- ModusToolbox™ Bluetooth Configurator | 3.00 |
- ModusToolbox™ CapSense Configurator / Tuner tools | 6.30.0 |
Peripheral Driver Library (PDL CAT1) | 3.14 |
GCC Compiler | 11.3.1 |
IAR Compiler | 9.50.2 |
Arm Compiler 6 | 6.22 |