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Francisco Cunha edited this page Jul 24, 2017 · 5 revisions

The physics extension is a small wrapper around libGDX' Box2D - thus, it requires having the Box2D dependency in the project. It is currently composed of the following components:


The PhysicsUtility class contains utility conversion methods: from Box2D units to pixels and from pixels to Box2D units. By using a pixels-to-meters conversion metric, we can keep thinking in pixels, which is pretty useful! These conversions are done under the hood, meaning that you most probably won't need to call any of this class' methods.


The PhysicsWorld encapsulates a Box2D World.

With debugMode set to true (which is the default), you can debug your world with an inner PhysicsDebugger instance (explained below). However, you'll want to have this mode toggled off on a released version of your app, as having the debugger running can be a bit CPU-heavy, especially on mobile devices.

To instantiate a PhysicsWorld, you need to supply the world dimensions:

val world: PhysicsWorld = PhysicsWorld(WORLD_WIDTH, WORLD_HEIGHT)

If you don't explicitly pass a third argument, the PhysicsConfig, then the default one will be used. You can always pass a custom one:

val customConfig: PhysicsConfig = PhysicsConfig(...)
val world: PhysicsWorld = PhysicsWorld(WORLD_WIDTH, WORLD_HEIGHT, customConfig)


The PhysicsConfig class holds a bunch of values that will set the physics environment of some PhysicsWorld. The controllable values (which can't be changed in runtime) are the following:

  • Gravity: Defaults to (0f, -9.8f).
  • Timestep: Default to 1 / 60f.
  • Velocity Iterations: Defaults to 6.
  • Position Iterations: Defaults to 2.


The PhysicsDebugger is used to debug a given PhysicsWorld, and is essentially a wrapper around Box2DDebugRenderer.

Besides having an instance of Box2DDebugRenderer and calling its render method, the debugger also contains a dedicated Camera and Viewport, which means that the output will still look good after resize events.

This class only used internally in the PhysicsWorld, meaning that you won't need to interact directly with any of its functions.


The BodyBuilder lets you build a customizable Body, with one BodyDef and one or more FixtureDef.

It depends on two other builders: the BodyDefBuilder, that lets you build a customizable BodyDef and the FixtureDefBuilder, that lets you build one or more customizable FixtureDef.

It's important to note that the BodyBuilder constructor takes in a PhysicsWorld - this means that all bodies created with a given instance of BodyBuilder will be hosted in that world. it is possible to change the current world by calling #changeWorld.

This is how, in Box2D, we'd generally create a dynamic circle-shaped body, given a position, radius and restitution:

Without the body builder it's rather unpractical and doesn't look too friendly:

val bodyDef: BodyDef = BodyDef().apply {
  type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody
  position = Vector2(20f, 30f)
val circleShape: CircleShape = CircleShape().apply {
  radius = 5f
val fixtureDef: FixtureDef = FixtureDef().apply {
  restitution = 0.7f
  shape = circleShape
val body: Body = world.createBody(bodyDef)

With the body builder, it's a lot easier. To start off, all builders are reusable after calling #build.

val builder: BodyBuilder = BodyBuilder(world)
val bodyDefBuilder: BodyDefBuilder = BodyDefBuilder()
val fixtureDefBuilder: FixtureDefBuilder = FixtureDefBuilder()

With that in mind, to reproduce the creation process above, all we have to do is this:

var bodyDef: BodyDef = bodyDefBuilder.position(20f, 30f).type(BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody)
var fixDef: FixtureDef =

This feels a lot more compact, and although not fully-featured, still grants a fair amount of customization options.

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