+### Unique Column Values Strategy
+The list items inside the Excel Style Filtering dialog represent the unique values for the respective column. The @@igComponent generates these values based on its data source by default. In order to provide these unique values manually and load them on demand, we can take advantage of the @@igComponent's [`uniqueColumnValuesStrategy`]({environment:angularApiUrl}/classes/@@igTypeDoc.html#uniquecolumnvaluesstrategy) input. This input is actually a method that provides three arguments:
+- **column** - The respective column instance.
+- **filteringExpressionsTree** - The filtering expressions tree, which is reduced based on the respective column.
+- **done** - Callback that should be called with the newly generated column values when they are retrieved from the server.
+The developer can manually generate the necessary unique column values based on the information, that is provided by the **column** and the **filteringExpressionsTree** arguments and then invoke the **done** callback.
+> [!NOTE]
+> When the [`uniqueColumnValuesStrategy`]({environment:angularApiUrl}/classes/@@igTypeDoc.html#uniquecolumnvaluesstrategy) input is provided, the default unique values generating process in the excel style filtering will not be used.
+@@if (igxName === 'IgxGrid') {
+ ...
+public columnValuesStrategy = (column: IgxColumnComponent,
+ columnExprTree: IFilteringExpressionsTree,
+ done: (uniqueValues: any[]) => void) => {
+ // Get specific column data.
+ this.remoteValuesService.getColumnData(column, columnExprTree, uniqueValues => done(uniqueValues));
+@@if (igxName === 'IgxHierarchicalGrid') {
+ ...
+ ...
+public singersColumnValuesStrategy = (column: IgxColumnComponent,
+ columnExprTree: IFilteringExpressionsTree,
+ done: (uniqueValues: any[]) => void) => {
+// Get specific column data for the singers.
+ null, "Singers", column, columnExprTree, uniqueValues => done(uniqueValues));
+public albumsColumnValuesStrategy = (column: IgxColumnComponent,
+ columnExprTree: IFilteringExpressionsTree,
+ done: (uniqueValues: any[]) => void) => {
+// Get specific column data for the albums of a specific singer.
+const parentRowId = (column.grid as any).foreignKey;
+ parentRowId, "Albums", column, columnExprTree, uniqueValues => done(uniqueValues));
+In order to provide a custom loading template for the excel style filtering, we can use the `igxExcelStyleLoading` directive:
+<@@igSelector [data]="data" [filterMode]="'excelStyleFilter'" [uniqueColumnValuesStrategy]="columnValuesStrategy">
+ ...
+ Loading ...
### API リファレンス