A flask REST proxy for talking to a PKCS11 token wo having access to a native pkcs11 shim layer. Useful for cripled languages.
- build a virtualenv
- install gunicorn
- install this application
- create config for your token
# git clone <this github url>
# apt-get install python-virtualenv
# virtualenv /path/to/venv
# . /path/to/venv/bin/activate
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# pip install gunicorn
# ./setup develop
In the examples directory there is a script (gen-token.sh) that builds a sample config based on softhsm. Install softhsm first, then run gen-token.sh to create token, generate keys and create config.py. Finally start pyeleven in the same directory as the config.py file:
# apt-get install libhsm-bin
# cd examples
# make
# ls
config.py gen-token.sh Makefile openssl.conf softhsm.conf softhsm.db test.crt test.der
# env SOFTHSM_CONF=softhsm.conf gunicorn --log-level debug -b :8080 pyeleven:app
This should start pyeleven on port 8080. Now try to sign something by POSTing a JSON object with 'mech' and 'data' fields. Currently 'mech' is silently ignored and RSASHA1 is used for everything. This will change soon.
POST a JSON object to
with the following pattern:
{'mech': 'RSAPKCS1', 'data': base64(<to be signed>)}
if successful the response will be a JSON object:
{'mech': 'RSAPKCS1', 'slot': <slot>, 'signed': base64(<signed bytes>)}
Slot Info
returns a JSON datastructure representing information.