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Python Wrapper

This is the Cython/Python wrapper around the GTSAM C++ library.


  • if you want to build the gtsam python library for a specific python version (eg 2.7), use the -DGTSAM_PYTHON_VERSION=2.7 option when running cmake otherwise the default interpreter will be used.
    • If the interpreter is inside an environment (such as an anaconda environment or virtualenv environment) then the environment should be active while building gtsam.
  • This wrapper needs Cython(>=0.25.2), backports_abc>=0.5, and numpy. These can be installed as follows:
 pip install -r <gtsam_folder>/cython/requirements.txt
  • For compatibility with gtsam's Eigen version, it contains its own cloned version of Eigency, named gtsam_eigency, to interface between C++'s Eigen and Python's numpy.

  • Build and install gtsam using cmake with GTSAM_INSTALL_CYTHON_TOOLBOX enabled. The wrapped module will be installed to GTSAM_CYTHON_INSTALL_PATH, which is by default: <your CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX>/cython

  • To use the library without installing system-wide: modify your PYTHONPATH to include the GTSAM_CYTHON_INSTALL_PATH:

  • To install system-wide: run make install then navigate to GTSAM_CYTHON_INSTALL_PATH and run python install
    • (the same command can be used to install into a virtual environment if it is active)
    • note: if you don't want gtsam to install to a system directory such as /usr/local, pass -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="./install" to cmake to install gtsam to a subdirectory of the build directory.
    • if you run from the build directory rather than the installation directory, the script will warn you with the message: is being run from an unexpected location. Before make install is run, not all the components of the package have been copied across, so running from the build directory would result in an incomplete package.

Unit Tests

The Cython toolbox also has a small set of unit tests located in the test directory. To run them:

 python -m unittest discover

Writing Your Own Scripts

See the tests for examples.

Some Important Notes:

  • Vector/Matrix:

    • GTSAM expects double-precision floating point vectors and matrices. Hence, you should pass numpy matrices with dtype=float, or 'float64'.
    • Also, GTSAM expects column-major matrices, unlike the default storage scheme in numpy. Hence, you should pass column-major matrices to gtsam using the flag order='F'. And you always get column-major matrices back. For more details, see:
    • Passing row-major matrices of different dtype, e.g. 'int', will also work as the wrapper converts them to column-major and dtype float for you, using numpy.array.astype(float, order='F', copy=False). However, this will result a copy if your matrix is not in the expected type and storage order.
  • Inner namespace: Classes in inner namespace will be prefixed by _ in Python. Examples: noiseModel_Gaussian, noiseModel_mEstimator_Tukey

  • Casting from a base class to a derive class must be done explicitly. Examples:

      noiseBase = factor.noiseModel()
      noiseGaussian = dynamic_cast_noiseModel_Gaussian_noiseModel_Base(noiseBase)

Wrapping Your Own Project That Uses GTSAM


    • so that it can find gtsam Cython header: gtsam/gtsam.pxd
  • In your CMakeList.txt

find_package(GTSAM REQUIRED) # Make sure gtsam's install folder is in your PATH

# Wrap
                                "from gtsam.gtsam cimport *" # extra import of gtsam/gtsam.pxd Cython header
#Optional: install_cython_scripts and install_cython_files. See GtsamCythonWrap.cmake.


  • Doesn't work with python3 installed from homebrew
    • size-related issue: can only wrap up to a certain number of classes: up to mEstimator!
    • Guess: 64 vs 32b? disutils Compiler flags?
  • Bug with Cython 0.24: instantiated factor classes return FastVector<size_t> for keys(), which can't be casted to FastVector
    • Upgrading to 0.25 solves the problem
  • Need default constructor and default copy constructor for almost every classes... :(
    • support these constructors by default and declare "delete" for special classes?


  • allow duplication of parent' functions in child classes. Not allowed for now due to conflicts in Cython.
  • a common header for boost shared_ptr? (Or wait until everything is switched to std::shared_ptr in gtsam?)
  • inner namespaces ==> inner packages?
  • Wrap fixed-size Matrices/Vectors?


  • Fix Python tests: don't use " import * ": Bad style!!! (18-03-17 19:50)

  • Unit tests for cython wrappers @done (18-03-17 18:45) -- simply compare generated files

  • Wrap unstable @done (18-03-17 15:30)

  • Unify cython/gtsam.h and the original gtsam.h @done (18-03-17 15:30)

  • 18-03-17: manage to unify the two versions by removing std container stubs from the matlab version,and keeping KeyList/KeyVector/KeySet as in the matlab version. Probably Cython 0.25 fixes the casting problem.

  • 06-03-17: manage to remove the requirements for default and copy constructors

  • 25-11-16: Try to unify but failed. Main reasons are: Key/size_t, std containers, KeyVector/KeyList/KeySet. Matlab doesn't need to know about Key, but I can't make Cython to ignore Key as it couldn't cast KeyVector, i.e. FastVector, to FastVector<size_t>.

  • Marginal and JointMarginal: revert changes @failed (17-03-17 11:00) -- Cython does need a default constructor! It produces cpp code like this: gtsam::JointMarginal __pyx_t_1; Users don't have to wrap this constructor, however.

  • Convert input numpy Matrix/Vector to float dtype and storage order 'F' automatically, cannot crash! @done (15-03-17 13:00)

  • Remove requirements.txt - Frank: don't bother with only 2 packages and a special case for eigency! @done (08-03-17 10:30)

  • CMake install script @done (25-11-16 02:30)

  • [REFACTOR] better name for uninstantiateClass: very vague!! @cancelled (25-11-16 02:30) -- lazy

  • forward declaration? @cancelled (23-11-16 13:00) - nothing to do, seem to work?

  • wrap VariableIndex: why is it in inference? If need to, shouldn't have constructors to specific FactorGraphs @done (23-11-16 13:00)

  • Global functions @done (22-11-16 21:00)

  • [REFACTOR] typesEqual --> isSameSignature @done (22-11-16 21:00)

  • Proper overloads (constructors, static methods, methods) @done (20-11-16 21:00)

  • Allow overloading methods. The current solution is annoying!!! @done (20-11-16 21:00)

  • Casting from parent and grandparents @done (16-11-16 17:00)

  • Allow overloading constructors. The current solution is annoying!!! @done (16-11-16 17:00)

  • Support "print obj" @done (16-11-16 17:00)

  • methods for FastVector: at, [], ... @done (16-11-16 17:00)

  • Cython: Key and size_t: traits<size_t> doesn't exist @done (16-09-12 18:34)

  • KeyVector, KeyList, KeySet... @done (16-09-13 17:19)

  • [Nice to have] parse typedef @done (16-09-13 17:19)

  • ctypedef at correct places @done (16-09-12 18:34)

  • expand template variable type in constructor/static methods? @done (16-09-12 18:34)

  • NonlinearOptimizer: copy constructor deleted!!! @done (16-09-13 17:20)

  • Value: no default constructor @done (16-09-13 17:20)

  • ctypedef PriorFactor[Vector] PriorFactorVector @done (16-09-19 12:25)

  • Delete duplicate methods in derived class @done (16-09-12 13:38)

  • Fix return properly @done (16-09-11 17:14)

  • handle pair @done (16-09-11 17:14)

  • Eigency: ambiguous call: A(const T&) A(const Vector& v) and Eigency A(Map[Vector]& v) @done (16-09-11 07:59)

  • Eigency: Constructor: ambiguous construct from Vector/Matrix @done (16-09-11 07:59)

  • Eigency: Fix method template of Vector/Matrix: template argument is [Vector] while arugment is Map[Vector] @done (16-09-11 08:22)

  • Robust noise: copy assignment operator is deleted because of shared_ptr of the abstract Base class @done (16-09-10 09:05)

  • Cython: Constructor: generate default constructor? (hack: if it's serializable?) @cancelled (16-09-13 17:20)

  • Eigency: Map[] to Block @created(16-09-10 07:59) @cancelled (16-09-11 08:28)

  • inference before symbolic/linear

  • what's the purpose of "virtual" ??