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Fault injection plugin for Maestro2

This plugin is an extension to the Maestro co-orchestration engine for FMI-based co-simulation, which enables a user to inject faults at the input and outputs of FMUs. It is possible to inject more than one FMU in a given co-simulation, and as many of the inputs and outputs that a user wishes to tamper with. For reals, bools, and ints, it is possible to define formulas with which the injected values can be calculated, which can be based on the state of the other inputs and outputs. The conditions on which faults can be injected can be defined through time, and also the state of the other inputs and outputs. For string types it is only possible to define a new string with which to replace old one, no other operation on strings are supported. Note that the injection of one FMU can only depend on its inputs and outputs, and not on those of other FMUs.

The rest of this README is organised as follows:

  • Dependencies
  • A running example
  • Notes for replicating the experiments for the ICSRS21 paper
  • Configuration details and how to perform injection
  • Development notes


You need Java 11.

Running examples

Go to the release page of the plugin and download the following files FaultInject.mabl and Unzip the jar and place in the fi-example folder.

Follow the instructions to run FI experiments with the watertank and the incubator.

Case-study for the ICSRS21 paper

Water-tank Co-simulation Case-Study

*NOTE: Download the code with tag icsrs21

The co-simulation for the watertank, with and w/o fault injection (FI), can be performed by running the test: The corresponding MaBL file: watertank-casestudy.mabl Events can be changed at faultInjectSpecificationWaterTank.xml

To run with FI leave faultInjectSpecificationWaterTank.xml as is. To run w/o FI remove the events in faultInjectSpecificationWaterTank.xml. The file should look like:



RBMQ Co-simulation Case-Study

*NOTE: Download the code with tag icsrs21

The relevant files are in rbmq_example. Run test rbmqMonitorTest

Configuring the plugin

XML file and definition of faults

The faults are defined in a xml file.

It is possible to define one-time events e.g.

<event id="wrapper_id_#no" when="t=9.0">
    <variable valRef="3" type="real" newVal="50.0" vars=""/>

Note that all variables that should be affected at that time-step can be included within the same one-time event. How the user should set the ìd field, will be covered in the next section of this guide. Nevertheless, the following rule should be kept in mind. There is a fixed part, here wrapper_id, which connects the event to the FMU instance where it should be applied, and the changeable part, here _#no, that can be anything, as long as it uniquely refers to events corresponding to the same FMU instance.

It is also possible to define events with a duration. Different variables might be injected for different periods as such, events with different and overlapping durations can be defined, e.g.

    <event id="wrapper_id_1" when="(t&gt;=0.2) &amp; (t&lt;0.4)">
        <variable valRef="3" type="real" newVal="57.0" vars=""/>
    <event id="wrapper_id_2" when="(t&gt;=0.3) &amp; (t&lt;0.6)">
        <variable valRef="4" type="real" newVal="60.0" vars=""/>

Should there be multiple overlapping events with duration that target the same variable, the latter will be injected with the value in the event defined last in the xml file.

newVal can also be a mathematical expression, e.g.

<event id="wrapper_id_1" when="t=9.0">
    <variable valRef="3" type="real" newVal="50.0 + t" vars=""/>

where t will be resolved to the simulation step the event applies to.

It might also be needed to calculate the injected valued based on the inputs or outputs of the fmu. In this case, these can be added as variables following this naming convention: var_{valueref}. In addition this has to be added in vars, where the separate variable names are separated by comma ,. E.g., assume we want to include an input with value reference 3, and an output with value reference 4, then the event definition would look like:

<event id="wrapper_id_1" when="t=9.0">
    <variable valRef="3" type="real" newVal="50.0 + t + var_3 * var_4" vars="var_3,var_4"/>

This is done such that the plugin is able to recognize var_{valueref} as a variable when parsing newVal, and assign it the proper value based on the {valueref}.

In the same way these expressions can be defined for duration events.

Complex expressions can be defined only for the real, int, and bool types. Note here that the usual precedence rules would apply, that is, multiplication and division have precedence over addition and subtraction, operations in brackets have precedence etc.

Injection for type int functions in the same way as for double, however the following should be kept in mind. Double values will be used in the calculation if given as such in the expression, however as the input/output is defined as int, the final value to which it is set will be rounded to an int.

In case of injection of strings, the value assigned to newVal is going to be copied directly to the input/output. No other operations can be applied to strings.

Expressions for type bool accept the following operators: not -> "~", and -> "&", or -> "|". A boolean expression can be used on all fmu variables, inputs/outputs. Complex expressions can be built up, brackets must be used to define precedence.

Additionally, the when condition can be expanded to include conditions on other inputs/outputs of the fmu. These can be included in other, and the variables need to be specified in vars as well. The expression in other will not be evaluated for time step equal to 0.0.

<event id="1" when="(t&gt;=0.2) &amp; (t&lt;0.4)" other="var_2 &gt; 0" vars="var_2,">
    <variable valRef="2" type="real" newVal="t+36" vars="var_2," />

Configuration at the co-simulation level

It is possible to specify the FI in the json file used to specify a co-simulation, example is given below:

  "fmus": {
    "{alltypes}": "target/test-classes/AllTypes.fmu",

    "{alltypesB}": "target/test-classes/AllTypesB.fmu"
  "connections": {
    "{alltypesB}.alltypesB.boolOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesA.boolInput"],
    "{alltypesB}.alltypesB.integerOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesA.integerInput"],
    "{alltypesB}.alltypesB.doubleOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesA.doubleInput"],
    "{alltypesB}.alltypesB.stringOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesA.stringInput"], 

    "{alltypes}.alltypesA.boolOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesB.boolInput"],
    "{alltypes}.alltypesA.integerOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesB.integerInput"],
    "{alltypes}.alltypesA.doubleOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesB.doubleInput"],
    "{alltypes}.alltypesA.stringOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesB.stringInput"]

  "parameters": {
  "logVariables": {
    "{alltypes}.alltypesA":["doubleOutput", "boolOutput", "integerOutput", "stringOutput"]

  "faultInjectConfigurationPath": "target/test-classes/test_clean/testClean.xml",
  "faultInjectInstances": {
    "alltypesA": "id-A"

Note that, one should specify a path to the xml configuration file where all the events are, as well as the instances that need to be injected. In the above example, instance alltypesA is injected. Note that in general the instance name can be anything and is not bound to this structure alltypes. The value of the field, i.e. id-A is important when specifying the events, and has to be part of the string field id specified for each event, otherwise the event will be ignored. Consider the following as a working example:

    <event id="id-A.1" when="(t&gt;=0.2) &amp; (t&lt;0.4)">
        <variable valRef="3" type="bool" newVal="1" />
    <event id="id-A.2" when="(t&gt;=1.7) | (t&lt;1.6)">
        <variable valRef="4" type="bool" newVal="1" />
    <event id="id-A.3" when="((t&gt;=0.2) &amp; (t&lt;0.4)) | (t&gt;=0.7) | (t&lt;0.6)">
        <variable valRef="5" type="bool" newVal="1" />
    <event id="id-A.4" when="(t=0.2) | (t&lt;0.8)">
        <variable valRef="6" type="bool" newVal="1" />
    <event id="id-A.5" when="(t=0.2) | (t&gt;0.4)">
        <variable valRef="7" type="bool" newVal="1" />

Here, 5 events are defined that will inject the same FMU instance with id-A.

In case one would like to inject multiple instances, the co-simulation json file needs to be adjusted as below:

  "fmus": {
    "{alltypes}": "target/test-classes/AllTypes.fmu",

    "{alltypesB}": "target/test-classes/AllTypesB.fmu"
  "connections": {
    "{alltypesB}.alltypesB.boolOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesA.boolInput"],
    "{alltypesB}.alltypesB.integerOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesA.integerInput"],
    "{alltypesB}.alltypesB.doubleOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesA.doubleInput"],
    "{alltypesB}.alltypesB.stringOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesA.stringInput"], 

    "{alltypes}.alltypesA.boolOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesB.boolInput"],
    "{alltypes}.alltypesA.integerOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesB.integerInput"],
    "{alltypes}.alltypesA.doubleOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesB.doubleInput"],
    "{alltypes}.alltypesA.stringOutput": ["{alltypes}.alltypesB.stringInput"]

  "parameters": {
  "logVariables": {
    "{alltypes}.alltypesA":["doubleOutput", "boolOutput", "integerOutput", "stringOutput"]

  "faultInjectConfigurationPath": "target/test-classes/test_clean/testClean.xml",
  "faultInjectInstances": {
    "alltypesA": "id-A",
    "alltypesB": "id-B"

Events for both can be specified in the same xml file as below:

    <event id="id-A_1" when="(t&gt;=0.2) &amp; (t&lt;0.5)" >
        <variable valRef="3" type="real" newVal="t+2*var_3" vars="var_3," />

    <event id="id-A_2" when="t=8.0" >
        <variable valRef="1" type="bool" newVal="~var_1" vars="var_1," />

    <event id="id-B_1" when="t&gt;=10.0" >
        <variable valRef="5" type="int" newVal="var_5+35" vars="var_5," />

    <event id="id-B_2" when="t=12.0" >
        <variable valRef="7" type="string" newVal="halloj" vars=""/>

The first two listed events will be injected to alltypesA, whereas the last two will be injected to alltypesB

Running from commandline with a maestro jar

If you have defined a co-simulation (with the json files), the maestro and the faultinject jars, you can run the scenario with FI with the command below:

java -cp ./maestro-2.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:./faultinject-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.intocps.maestro.Main import sg1 --interpret --inline-framework-config -output ./out simulation-config.json config.json ./FaultInject.mabl

where the simulation-config.json and config.json are configuration files for the co-simulation.

Development Notes

You need Java 11 and maven 3.6 to build the project. The project can be built from CLI using the maven commands.

mvn clean
mvn compile
mvn test

MaBL file for the SmallFaultInjectTest.mabl

To run only one test: mvn test -Dtest=TestClassName#testMethod -DfailIfNoTests=false, e.g.

$ mvn test -Dtest=injectCorrectnessTest#test -DfailIfNoTests=false

The -DfailIfNoTestsis set to false, to avoid an error due to no tests in the faultinject folder.

Note that, a cleanup function has been added that removes events that will not be executed after a time-point has passed.

To be added

  • Tests need to be added for xml files with multiple variables of the same type in one event (one-shot, or duration)