ARTIC fieldbioinformatics |
Unpublished |
link |
Yes |
Bash |
Nanopore |
No |
Yes |
Guppyplex |
- |
Custom script |
- |
- |
bcftools consensus |
medaka consensus, medaka snp, medaka variant, nanopolish variants, longshot |
- |
Custom script |
- |
State of the Art. Works with any ONT amplicon-based viral sequencing given a bed file and a reference. |
Unpublished |
link |
Illumina |
samtools |
samtools |
iVar |
- |
- |
Yes |
Pangolin |
Genome Detective |
Published |
16.08.21 |
link |
No |
Illumina, Nanopore |
Yes |
No |
Trimmomatic |
Yes |
- |
SPAdes, metaSPAdes |
Yes |
Yes |
- |
Yes |
Webapp |
Published |
03.07.20 |
link |
No |
Python |
Illumina |
Yes |
No |
Trimmomatic |
- |
- |
SPAdes |
Bowtie2 |
- |
- |
- |
Published |
17.07.21 |
link |
Yes |
Shell |
Illumina |
Yes |
No |
fastp, Trimmomatic |
- |
- |
- |
- |
bcftools/samtools |
LoFreq |
Pangolin |
BED-tools |
- |
- |
IDseq |
Published |
15.08.20 |
link |
No |
Illumina |
Yes |
No |
Trimmomatic, PriceSEQ, CD-HIT- DUP |
+ |
- |
SPAdes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Yes |
IPD 2.0 |
Published |
13.05.21 |
link |
No |
Python |
Illumina, Nanopore |
Yes |
No |
fastp, PoreChop, NanoFilt |
+ |
- |
Megahit |
- |
- |
VarScan2, LoFreq, freebayes, Medaka, SnpEff |
Euclidean Distance based with data from GISAID |
- |
- |
Yes |
Published |
19.11.21 |
No |
Trimmomatic |
- |
Megahit |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Yes |
Published |
02.12.20 |
link |
No |
Perl, R |
Illumina |
Yes |
No |
Trimmomatic, fastp |
+ |
- |
Megahit, Velvet, SPAdes |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Yes |
Environmental |
PiGx |
Preprint |
02.12.21 |
link |
Yes |
Snakemake |
Yes |
LoFreq, VEP |
- |
- |
- |
Yes |
Environmental |
Preprint |
05.12.21 |
link |
Yes |
Galaxy |
Illumina, Nanopore |
Trimmomatic |
Bowtie2 |
- |
- |
- |
iVar |
iVar, SnpEff |
- |
- |
- |
- |
SARS2seq |
Unpublished |
link |
Yes |
Python, Snakemake |
Illumina, Nanopore, IonTorrent |
Yes |
Yes |
fastp |
minimap2 |
AmpliGone |
- |
- |
TrueConsense |
TrueConsense |
Pangolin, NextClade |
TrueConsense |
- |
MultiQC, Amplicon Coverage |
Published |
15.08.20 |
link |
Yes |
Snakemake |
Illumina |
No |
Yes |
trim-galore |
BWA-MEM vs composite host and viral reference |
iVar |
- |
- |
freeBayes, iVar |
freeBayes, iVar, breseq |
Pangolin, Nextclade |
Yes (user defined) |
Yes |
Yes |
Integrates with ncov-tools for additional QC |
Snakelines |
Published |
24.09.21 |
link |
No |
Snakemake |
Illumina, (Nanopore) |
Yes |
Yes |
cutadapt |
Bowtie2 |
cutadapt |
- |
- |
bcftools |
BCFtools, GATK |
Pangolin |
Yes, 3 bp |
Yes |
SnakeLines is intended for the wide range of genomic analysis. The cited publication describes only a specific pipeline for SARS-CoV-2 Variant Detection. Overall, the SnakeLines offers much more. |
Published |
04.06.19 |
link |
No |
C++, Python |
Illumina |
No |
Yes |
- |
- |
- |
PEHaplo |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
assembly with partial or not complete reference genomes, full haplotype reconstruction |
V-pipe |
Published |
20.01.21 |
link |
No |
Snakemake |
Illumina |
Yes |
Yes |
- |
- |
Vicuna, SAVAGE |
- |
samtools, bcftools, ConsensusFixer |
ShoRAH 2, LoFreq |
- |
bcftools consensus |
- |
Yes |
for any virus, full haplotype reconstruction |
Published |
06.09.21 |
link |
No |
Snakemake |
fastp |
- |
shiver/SeqKit |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
MultiQC |
VIRify |
Unpublished |
link |
No |
Nextflow, CWL |
No |
No |
TrimGalore |
TrimGalore |
TrimGalore |
rnaSPAdes, MEGAHIT, metaSPAdes |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
ViPR |
Unpublished |
ViReflow |
Unpublished |
link |
No |
AWS, Reflow |
Illumina, Nanopore |
Yes |
Yes |
fastp, PRINSEQ |
- |
iVar, pTrimmer |
coronaSPAdes, metaviralSPAdes, rnaviralSpades, MEGAHIT, minia, and Unicycler |
- |
bcftools consensus |
FreeBayes, iVar Variants, LoFreq |
Pangolin, VirStrain |
bcftools consensus |
- |
Yes |
Usable for any virus. Provides dynamic compute resource allocation (e.g. running ViReflow with 100 vs. 1,000 samples is identical from the user's perspective, but AWS resources will automatically be scaled accordingly) |
nf-core/viralrecon |
Unpublished (nf-core is published) |
link |
No |
Nextflow |
Illumina, Nanopore |
Yes |
Yes |
fastp, artic guppyplex |
Kraken2 |
iVar, Cutadapt |
SPAdes (all relevant modes), Unicycler, minia |
iVar, bcftools, artic minion |
iVar, BCFTools, artic minion, SnpEff, SnpSift |
Pangolin, nextstrain |
samtools, custom script |
Yes |
MultiQC |
Flexible, portable and community driven pipeline tested on various infrastructures including the Cloud |
ViraPipe |
Published |
02.11.17 |
link |
No |
Spark |
- |
- |
- |
Megahit |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
VirusLab |
Published |
06.11.21 |
- |
No |
Illumina, Nanopore |
- |
- |
ARTIC/Galaxy |
SnpEff |
Pangolin |
- |
- |
Webapp |
bjorn |
Unpublished |
link |
Yes |
Snakemake, Bash |
No |
No |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
A pipeline for counting SARS-CoV-2 mutations from a set of sequences. |
nCoV_minipipe, CovPipe |
Referenced |
link |
No |
Snakemake |
Illumina, (Nanopore) |
Yes |
Yes |
fastp |
Kraken2 |
bamClipper |
- |
- |
bcftools consensus |
freebayes, bcftools, SNPeff |
Pangolin |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
ncov2019-artic-nf |
Unpublished |
link |
Yes |
Nextflow |
Illumina, Nanopore |
Yes |
Yes |
Nanopolish |
- |
iVar |
- |
- |
iVar |
iVar |
- |
Yes |
Yes |
- |
poreCov |
Published |
28.07.21 |
link |
Yes |
Nextflow |
Nanopore |
No |
Yes |
NanoPlot, pycoQC |
Yes |
- |
- |
nextstrain |
Pangolin, nextstrain |
ARTIC(< 20) |
Yes |