This homework will aiding you in understand some tools and frameworks dedicated to implement Microservices in practice as a preparation for the final project.
First things first, carefully read the migration for microservices success stories of Soundcloud and Karma. Try to be aware of the anticorruption and StranglerApplication application characteristics.
- Building Products at SoundCloud — Part I: Dealing with the Monolith
- Building Products at SoundCloud—Part II: Breaking the Monolith
- How we build microservices at Karma
Undestand the main issues and the the recommended situations where the application of the following frameworks are indicated to attend architectural attributes related to microservices.
- Spring Boot,Spring Cloud and Netflixx OSS projects
- Versioned and Distributed Configuration ~> Spring Cloud Config & Spring Cloud Bus
- Service Registration/Discovery ~> Spring Cloud Netflix & Eureka
- Routing and Load Balancing ~> Ribbon
- Fault-Tolerance ~> Circuit breakers and Bulkheads design patterns, Hystrix & Turbine
- API Gateways/Edge Services ~> the API Gateways design pattern & RxJava (a JVM implementation of Reactive Extensions born at Netflix)
Read the article Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture by Toby Clemson.
Telegram channel,, a MD file ( containing your answer.
D+7, 17:00.